News Scrapbook 1956-1959

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hlights In Career G>f New Church

-Associated Presa Wlrephoto

elevated to College of Cardinals. At center is Pietro Cardinal Ciriaci and at right is Benjamin·Cardinal De Arriba y Castro.

United Press lnternatlonal Telephoto after the death of Pope Pius XII. Coronation date is not announced.

This was the scene at papal summer palace at Castel Gandolfo, Italy, in 1953, when the then Angelo Cardinal Roncalli, left, was

lntcrnatloool Telephoto

United Press

United Press International Telephoto Roncalli, he went to the shrine to celebrate mass dedicating the new underground Basilica of St. Pius X. He was acting as a papal rep1 sentative.

France. In this picture he is shown l "iving the cardinal's traditional red biretta from then Pres. Vincent Auriol of France. Ceremony was in Paris.

During difficult postwar years from Dec.-ember, 1944, until after elevation to cardinal on Jan. 12, 1953, the new pontiff served as papal nuncio to

In photo made in March, 1958, the new pontiff, center, walks along a street in Lourdes, France, en rout!.' to the famous shrine. Then Angelo Cardinal

\ -Associated Press Wlrepholo

Associated Press v\ ire hoto

dinal was made last We

One of fhe last pictures of Pope John XX1Il as he appeared as a car-

nuncio to Fnmce. He was Bishop Ron• calll at that time.

i11tm1ale l loseup was made in when Popa John XXIII was papal


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