News Scrapbook 1956-1959
Page 3
October 23, 1958
Some Seniors Aren't, Dean of Arts Explains
dents hoping to be gradua ted nex t spring the new rt>quirements would be applied in "an equitable way." Fat.her Wilson added that he had personally counselled every BC'nior and that it. was his opinion that this year 's graduating class was "in fairly good shape." MOWW Makes Gift to Library Th e Universit y of Sa n DiC'go will today r eceive a co llecl10n of wa r memora bilia from the Mili tary Ord r of th e World Wars, La Jolla chapte r. The ceremony will take place at 10 :30 a .m. in t he U niver sity li brary. Receiving the gi fts on be- half of the University will be: Bishop Charles F . Buddy, Univer- sity presid ent; Msgr. J ohn L. Storm, president of t he College for ~1en; and Fr. Charles J . Doll en, head librarian. Included in the collection will be historical, naval, military and technical books and papers, past yearbooks of th e service acade- mies, a nd various va luable old military documents. Representing th e MOWW chap- ter will be Adm. William H. Standley, Col. Cla r ence E. Koepp e, Capt. William Pitt Kellogg, USN , Brig. Gen. Iva n Miller, USMC, Capt. J oseph Wright, USN, Lt. Col. William W . Ferrier, Maj. LeRoy T. Campbell, USMC, and Lt. Carl Gwalt. "The Reds are after me," cried an old ma n to a "patriotic" store- k eeper in Czechoslova kia. "Please b ide m e." Scowling, the storekeeper point- ed to t he sign a t his back : "Posi- tively no Czechs cach ed here." Too often teachers are merely text books wired for sound.-Bishop Fu lt on J . Sheen WEDDING BELL FLORI ST Linda Vista Plaza BR 7-1476 Special Rates for Students
Some of the members of this year's se nior cl ass techni cally are not seniors, Fr. Russell Wilson, Dean of Arts and Sciences, said in an interview here this week. To be correctly classified as a senior a student must have accum- ulated 96 units, and some of this yt:ar's seniors fall sho,·t of this requi rement, he said. He men- tioned this as one of the reasons why some seniors were being re• quired to carry a heavier worlc load than they had anticipate
QUEEN FOR DAY -Homecoming Queen Mary Rosa, surrounded by her lovely court at Victory Dance, is crowned by ASB president Tony Piaua. From left, Princesses Cecile Merino and Angel Bocchino, pagegirl Sally McCutcheon, Queen Rosa, F1azza, Princesses Noelle Owens and Sandy Castle In b11ckground, Vincent Salerno's band.
Masquers To Stal3e Stalall 17 "\Vhat we wanna know, has Gargantua found a mate yet?" The answer to this and dozens of other zany lines will be given for first-nighters at the Masquers Club fall show, "Stalag 17," on Nov. 6 in Balboa Park's Puppet Theatre. Curtain time for the three-night run will be 8 :30. "Stalag" is the comedy - melo- drama of a band of American sol- diers and airmen interned in a prison camp somewhere in Ger- many during the Second World War. It was written by Donald Bevan and Edmund Trzcinski and first showed on Broadway in 1951. Heading the 16-man cast are John Bowman as Sefton, the cyni- cal misfit; Ron House as Hoffy, the barracks leader; Jim Wargin as Price, the camp security offi- cer; and Jim O'Leary as Stosh ("Animal" in the movie), whose sole mission seems to be finding out about Gargantua, Betty Grable and Hedy Lamarr. Other cast members are Dick Shea, Jim McCracken, Bob Hughes, Steve Lenihan, Frank Welter, Don Giesing, Tim Wilbur, Bob Werden, Bob Gengler, Barry Vinyard, Tom Horner and Pete J ungers. The show will be p roduced a nd directed by F r. Leo F. Lanphier , drama modera tor . Alex Ha rper is student director, a nd Rick Novack stage ma nager. GENTRI Continued fr om P. 1 Fr. J. Walshe Murray, S.J ., ASB modera tor, squirmed plotting ly in a nearby chair, medita ting while smcking. Gentri empha sized tha t life wa s a battle a nd tha t people like him- self could fig ht only a delaying action a t present a ga inst those who were out for the almig hty buck. F rom so lucid a nd captiva ting a sp0aker, the call for reinforce- ments was cla rion. ASB President Tony Piazza summed it up when he called Gentri "a great comic with a great message." P eace, Gent ri, a nd come back soon.
JVA ..tVTED There', a new pu,h-button-age pushbutton. You just push it, and it doesn't do a darn thing except push back at you, but it makes you feel wanted and in the swim of things. like what it used to be is the older generation.-Ken Shively A wolf is a man of single pur- pose and double talk. - Dan Bennett Another thing that isn't
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