News Scrapbook 1956-1959

EVENING TRIBUNE 6 SAN DIEOO, CALIFORNIA 8• Frltlay, Oct. 31, ]9611 St de ts Har Kral t, Fisher Csh in Talks By I.IW HOWLl·,lt VININO TR l8UN • P0IIIICGI Wrlftr S n. l•"red Kraft CR-San Di- e o) anil hl,i Dcmo ratlc OP· poncnt, Hugo r'ishi-r, <'lashed I t night over communism, ! I bigotry, high prlc , 11nd tho conduct ot their respec- tlv c mpalgn~. Kratt charged that Fisher co rtcd with a known Com- m nl t nd m de specche~ for I t Ing groups, _. lsher ~aid that Krall uscd l11 lnflu n e as a 11tate scna• tor to hold ,!rug prkcq up, nn used r clnl and rellglous bl otry In hlq campalgn for 1· r\ecllon. 'I h two canrl[dates met on th 1mm platform at a Uni. , Prs\ty of San Diego Forum c nductcrl by the student ho y E1,ch ;vas allowed 15 minutes to prr C'nt his case, and required to answer qucs, tlons from a student panel and from the audience. Krnft Get Choke Krnlt, as Incumbent, w a s given his choice and elected to speak alter Fisher presrnt- cd Initial arguments, Ft her sale! that Kralt was r •ponslble for a whispering c ,mpa en a a!nst hlm, hascd on an app al to racial and % II lous bigotry. He sald that 11tc campaign was conducted "t noui:h . aloons and back , :,ors;" He nddrd that one ~f s~aunchcst.,supportet l r, fl


tion, Hugo Fisher, grins in the ba ck- ground. Kraft refused to pos e with Fisher. He s aid he pases "only with gentlemen." -Staf! Ph o by Ted La~

Sen. Fred Kraft

(R-Sari Diego), right, speaks at the University or San Diego last night as his Democratic opponent in the elec-

PRESENTATION CERE~IONY-The Most Revettnd Bl~hop and Col. Clarenee E. Koepp(', USA, ret., commander of the La Jolla chapt(' r of the ::'\1illtary Order of World Wa_rfl, rlght, hold one of the RU85la:n Icons presentoo. to the University of San Diego by Adm. \~!lllam ff, 8 t&rull"'Y', USN, n,t., left. Admiral Standley holds a. copy of his b<>ok, "Admiral AmbMsador to Uoecow," which he also pre,ientt'




turned to him and asked him i no public stand on Proposltton legislator and !on~er member ., alleged communist. when or for a leg_1slator to t:i-ke a Activities committee. violent rn- about his association wlth theil8 because a mlsdemean- of the_ sr:ate n-Amerlcan

l ~an D•~~o ls n

I blgo .


r !t, hr said, I

the high Fisher was silent Kra!t re- stand on an issue on winch he

might have to vote later. During the question period, Fisher said that he is a mem-

prle t of high prices" and had pealed the questio~. n te to pass laws keeping Fisher answered. ,hu ed his position In the state

"It's your speech, Senator,"

that Kraft said he was a long' ber of the American Civil Lib- talr \time resident of San Diego and 1 ertles Union and Is "proud ot

1,rlccs up He charged drug price , upheld uncle

tr d sometimes had owned a business "on the it." When asked about his rela- arv to guarantee nn ad-1 He said that the people of tions with the ,alleged COm· qu te prom. San Diego county wouldn't munist named by Kraft, Flsh- 'lamp Question A ski'd have elected him to office in' er acknowledged that he knew I F h r ~sked Kraft how h~ t·ampaigns dating back to 1924\hlm. He s_aid tha the? mel t ot n trading slnmp monopol} "it 1 was a dishonest man at a public m<'etlng m the Ocr n Reach for his drug who couldn't hold his liquor." Mission Hills o regatlon~l sore, why h put a 1 membcr\He called Fisher's campaign Church In 1945 11 . He said of his !amlly on the state pay- tactics "an Insult to the peo- ti' at he (Fish ) was at the roll at $50 a day, why he put ple who have continued to church to spea on the Cali- on the statr payroll a man' elect me." fornia water problem. r ported to be a follower of Kraft charged that Fisher Kraft was asked how he as Artie Sumi h, nu why he campaigned on the price is-\able to reveal a conlidentlal h d his own campolgn work- sue because he was supported !ile, and answered that the in- crs on the state pa} roll. by the owners of a discount formation is open to the public He nccu d Kraft of refus- house. \a!ter a number of ye , and Ing to state his views on Prop- Kraft said that he could take it was available to him as a o. 1tion 18, the right-to-work ·o or three times higher than. same corner" for 38 years. laws, are


ll)easure, before some audi- ces after making th e m , •, ar to others. F1 her sald he had never campalgnec! with references to Ins opponent' personal life>, but that 11 v c county newspapers had aid editorial- )y that Kraft " oes not con- trol his drinking " Jo'lle u~e Told Kraft charged Fisher had a clo e association with "the worst Communi t In San Dl- e6o · · many years." lie said he got he Informa- tion from "conf1dentlal files of the FBI and 1rom Lloyd Hamlin, an un er.cover agent for the FBI who worked ¥.ith Communists to ex se them," Later Kraf modUied his statement to a that his ma- terial came fr conlidentlal f1 ot an Army security roup. " F isher had th ;1t denouncing eche~ h McCar- Joscp a;tivities He said made speec the late S thy, Un-Ame committees, a d the FBl, and had addressed the American Civil Liberties Union. Kruit quoted an ttn-named Johns Hopkins University :pro- fessor as reporting to the Army security group that :Fisher was "very r adical " In thP midst of hl9 de- nounciatlon o! Fisher, Kraft

that Admiral Standley hBB hon- ored us with these treasures of art. And we are especially grateful for the moral uplift that goes with the chapter's rtft to an Infant university that la getting started." CoL Clarence E. Koeppe, USA. ret., chapter commander, presided at the pre.sentatlon eeremony in the library's Don• ohue Memorial Room, a, repos- itory for books. He read an agreement be• tween the chapter and the Uni- versity of San Diego that will g'ive title to the collection to the university after 25 years, Military Order members will h&ve access to the documents. In making the presentation, Admiral Standley told the his• tory at one icon of the Blessed I Virgin which was painted in 1832 and waa handed down in a family from one generation to the next. He cited the Icons \ u an example that the "old Russians are just as religious 1 --~.1.



Dwarfed by this 10-foot, 8-inc h model of t c Bl~ss~d Virgin, S<:ulptor Chris Mu eller Jr. p uts fim hmg touches o~ his work. T he model, mad e up o a ton of clay, w1l1 be cast ne:\.i week. It will top Church of the lmmacula1a on U D campus.

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