African Fusion July 2020

Welding and cutting

Kemppi’s new Flexlite torches focus on ease and efficiency

Finnish welding equipment manufacturer Kemppi Oy has launched a brand new family of welding torches called Flexlite. Jani Leikas, Kemppi’s product manager for the af- termarket presents the advantages.

K emppi’s brand new Flexlite family consists of torches for all manual gas metal arc welding (GMAW/MIG/ MAG) and gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW/ TIG) processes. With this product launch, Kemppi’s entire welding torch selection is renewed. Designedwith comfort, reliability and efficient use of consumables in mind, the Flexlite torches have a strong positive effect on welding productivity and savings in inventory costs. Flexlite state-of-the-art welding torch models for professionals include two product series: Flexlite GX for MIG/MAG welding; and Flexlite TX for TIG welding. Both share the same Flexlite key features: excellent ergonomics, great usability and high-quality consumable parts. Flexlite torches are high-performance torches that use the power source capacity efficiently to help welders create smooth and spatter-free welds. They are available in alternative power classes and lengths, including different neck versions, and on-torch remote controls are available as optional accessories. It feels like a natural extension to your hand: Excellent ergonomics is one of the key features of all Flexlite torches. Their flexible cable sets and an innovative ball-

jointed cable protection system reduce wrist loading and allow the welder to concentrate on the challenging task of achieving the perfect weld. There is also an ergonomically designed pistol grip handle available for every Flex‑ liteGX delivery package. These are optional accessories to further ease the stress on the hand, so that it makes the gun feel like a natural extension to the welder’s arm. Quality is more thanmeets the eye: The quality of the consumable inside awelding torch reflects clearly in the quality of the welds. To achieve the best welding re‑ sults, Kemppi recommends using genuine Kemppi consumables in all Flexlitemodels. Shielding gas flow, for example, has a significant effect on weld quality. Nor‑ mally, shielding gas is invisible, but with Schlieren imaging technology it is possible to observe the gas flow and see how the high-quality Kemppi consumables really give best shielding gas coverage. The inner structure of a welding torch alsoplays an important role inweldquality. In Flexlite GX welding guns, the shielding gas channels are separated and the cool‑ ing circulation runs to the very end of the gun neck. This keeps the neck cooler and enables cleaner welds, less spatter and reduced shielding gas consumption. Fewer torch consumables means lower cost: In Flexlite torches, the number of replaceable parts has been reduced by im‑ proving cross-matchingacross correspond‑ ingmodels, andby combining the functions of some of the torch consumables. As a re‑ sult, the total number of consumables has been reduced per individual gun model. This lowers inventory costs and makes Flexlite a better choice for workshop cost management. Support for Flexlite torches could not be easier, because all Flexlitewelding guns and torches are equipped with a Quick Response (QR) code to help users find the right parts and accessories. Scan the code, and it takes welders directly to relevant ordering codes, consumables, product documents and Kemppi contacts.

Kemppi’s new Flexlite family consists of state- of-the-art welding torches for GMAW and GTAW welding professionals.

Optional pistol grip handle and its ergonomically designed shape reduces the load on welder’s hand.

Flexlite TX welding torches for GTAW welding increase user comfort and lower welder fatigue.


July 2020


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