The Best of Wanderlust (A GeoEx eBook)

The Best of Wanderlust


T he journey ended in a story. Not the kind of story you hear any old day. But a tale conjured from the farthest reaches of fantastic possibility—a kind of sci-fi grimoire . . . . A tale that slipped out slowly from between the lips of Mustapha Benn. In the dozen or so years that I have lived in Morocco, I have heard all manner of stories. Stories of Jinn, afreets, and of princesses locked in enchanted towers. Stories of honor and chivalry, of lost hope, destiny and enlightenment. Stories about stories. Some of them are true or, rather, are presented as a form of truth. Others are clearly fiction. But the ones I hold most dear are those which are a hybrid of the two. A blend of fact and fantasy. A factasy . Through a primitive alchemy of their own, they suck you in. Seep into your bones. Sing to you. Seduce you. Torture you. Enthuse you. Bewitch you.



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