EXP Hydroelectricity



100+ energy engineers and experts in Quebec

Hydroelectricity The Energy division of EXP has been recognized for its expertise in hydroelectricity for several decades. From the construction of new plants to the rehabilitation or maintenance of existing facilities, our experts can help you develop, renovate or increase the power of hydroelectricity resources to meet the growing demand for renewable energy. Whether for major government-funded projects, dams or run-of-the-river facilities, EXP specialists off er innovative solutions to clients from both private and public sectors, using an approach based on openness and collaboration. Innovative Solutions In a global context where any source of clean or green energy becomes important to reduce greenhouse gases, one of the solutions is to equip existing infrastructures with power generation units, for example in hydroelectricity:

40+ years of experience in hydroelectric power projects

300+ clean and renewable energy projects since 1970

• Raw or drinking water systems : the energy dissipated by pressure reducers is reused

• Existing control dam : the existing dam infrastructure is used to install a turbine

3D Modelling EXP also provides the industry with virtual 3D design and construction services. The 3D approach includes the virtual design of any structure or building in order to perform the analyses and simulations required to validate the project requirements. Beyond 3D modelling, a global systematic approach allows us to integrate the various management and design processes in order to foster collaboration, whether in a BIM (Building Information Modelling) or PLM (Product Life Management) environment.

1. Rapide-Blanc

Generating Station

2. Mercier Dam 3. Chelsea Generating Station 4. Manic-3 Generating Station 5. Mukungwa Power Plant 6. Rapides-des-Coeurs Generating Station








Full engineering services - preparation of specifications for the design, manufacturing, supply and installation:

• Technical writing (analysis, verification, non-compliance and acceptance reports, technical change requests, etc.) • Preparation of operating manuals • Reception of works • Power plant auxiliary systems: electrical distribution, grounding, lighting and security and mechanical (drainage, lubrication, service water, wastewater, drinking water, compressed air, heating, air conditioning, and ventilation) • Heavy mechanical systems (gates, built-in parts, and lifting systems), water intakes, and spillways • Verification of the compliance of vendors’ technical documents • Work supervision

• Technical diligence study » Feasibility studies and technical-economic analyses (investment and profitability) » Inspection and assessment of the compliance of existing facilities with codes and standards, and recommendations for improvements • Technical assistance (construction and commissioning) • Design and development of hydroelectric power plants and sites • Technical coordination of the various project stakeholders • Control and protection equipment (control panels, instrumentation, relays, and SCADA) • Major electrical equipment (circuit breakers, busbars, and high-voltage wiring and transformers)

Contact an expert

Hervé Rémy, Eng., MBA Executive Vice President, Energy t: 514.927.6759 | herve.remy@exp.com

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