Elsevier 2016 Nursing & Midwifery Catalogue

Perioperative Nursing

I n c l u d e s

I n c l u d e s

I n c l u d e s




Alexander’s Care of the Patient in Surgery, 15e Rothrock This edition adds cutting- edge information to reflect new concepts for both invasive and non-invasive surgical procedures, whether the location is in a hospital, outpatient clinic, or doctor’s office.

Berry & Kohn’s Operating Room Technique, 13e Phillips Highly readable, accurate, and comprehensive, it clearly covers the “nuts and bolts” of surgical techniques in a step-by-step format that makes it easy to effectively apply basic principles to clinical practice.

Perioperative Nursing, 4e Hamlin | Davies | Richardson- Tench | Sutherland-Fraser Appropriate for nursing students and graduates entering the perioperative environment, Perioperative Nursing, 2e offers a sound foundational knowledge base to underpin a perioperative nursing career.

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