Elsevier 2016 Nursing & Midwifery Catalogue

M idwifery

I n c l u d e s


Skills for Midwifery Practice, 4e Johnson | Taylor

Myles Texbook for Midwives, 16e Jayne | Raynor

Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care, 8e Gardner | Enzman-Hines | Hernandez

The new edition of this highly acclaimed step-by-step guide continues to offer readers with the relevant physiology, evidence-base and rationale for the key midwifery skills.

The sixteenth edition of this seminal textbook has been extensively revised and restructured to ensure that it reflects current midwifery practice, with an increased focus on topics that are fundamental to midwifery practice today.

Co-authored by physicians and nurses, this book offers concise, comprehensive coverage with a unique multidisciplinary approach and real-world perspective that make it an essential guide for both neonatal nurses and physicians.

2016 Nursing & Midwifery Catalogue


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