Alcalá 1985


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For som odd re . on, mo l students c· p d h oflk ol ,'t• re– tary of <'ndemic. to be h Id hy II short, groasy hair cl. four-ey d "BH I "who's uni\' mc•ans ut sol'inl onta ·t is with th1• l .'D's library staff And for c•xtra 1·umn1lum e. ite'm nt nttC'nds nil of th1• fa~ta.~lic exhibits al :nn Dil'go's mnny museums. Llnfurtunnte– ly, lht• uni· charac·teri tic I huv held up in kc ping with this trong tradition is thot I'm only S':l" tall (or i: that S':!" short!l. My re,ponsibiht11•s .is your St 1·retarv of cad m1 . h s ht't>n tu h • ,1 re1,r<'s nLat1v ot the studPnl on various ('Ommill s on mpus .·uch as th .\rnd1•mil' C11l1•nclering Committc•c• und the Curri ulum 'ommittc:c. I haH' also hu•n ntt nding th rnd1•m1l' \ssembly meeting in UJ)l)Ort of tht• re-solution pa. ed by th1 H•nr's .'ennte sugge~tini: thut lht• ."e!'r tury of cud •m11·. he th• \'Olmg m mb<'r of thnt bod\ Durinl( the durnl1on of this yc•ar, J h ve stri,C'd to shift m, po. 1tion to b more rl'prl'sl'ntnu,· on campus, ~p ciolly in light ut tlw rnntinual growth of l 'SI), It's important that we, rui stud nt. hnv n \'OiC<' on d • isions 11ffr('tlnl{ ncod •mi s within the LT111\' r.1 l\ llowevC'r, to promnt II more visihl<' . id of ncodcmirs on campus, I have hroul{hl "Cullt'l{l' Bowl" h<>re n: a "sport of the mmd" I hop to s 1l rnntmu and C'xpand to bring fun nnd tud1e. tol(ethcr os they should h . In losing, I would lik • to c•ncourngc stud nl.! to hernm mon• w re of decisions n•i: rdinit t•dun111on, not only hert' on ampu . hut withm th .'tau nd F1•d1•rul Co\'Crnment as well. Sure. orrnl ev nt r n nJoynbl r>ort ol mllc>g lif , but your duc-ation 1, whnl's rMlly voluuhle. c:ET I F H:\.IEI)! (;ET I '\' I.VE() \\ 1TH DE ISIO • TIIA I' i\FFl<:C'T Y LJ 1

on Pnnni r

dir ti. involv d int r . ting. Hop fully B and put th m in ya all in the f II.

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