Alcalá 1985


E - L A E

0 A \nuth,·r 1t·tl\t' tnd pro,p1 ro11, \t•,1r lor S1i: 111.1 1'1 I· rntnn11\ ! Bdnrt I h, nt·\\ \l·ar rt·n,n , 11·, 111111\ 111 till' hr111h,•r i:o• •o·•·•lu·r lur our n 111111ml ('on,ucnt11111 111 . n11t,dal1•, \ ri 1t1n 1 'l'lu l'on,•1<,1111111 prttH·d to ht hti:hh rt·\\ 1rd111i: lur tlw J•:p,alun ('l11 \\"1• \\t·rt hon nrt•cl \\llh II ' lltnn 1) 'l'rt.ul \\\,lrll 111d ti on (:rnnd ('1111111·11 ,\\\ard lur ht-ini: 11111' 111 tlw top

'l'ht• hrnth1•r, ah,o lound 1tm1 lur. tudving ind Comrn,11111 \ ,,,r, i<· . 'l'h1• huur 1<·11, 1· ,p1·nl ,111d\'1nr,: prm1·d to lw hii:hh prtKlu •i\t ,l. ·ir,:m,1 l'i r n•i\'l'ci tlw lntr,1tr •nnil\ 't1un nl '" ird tor 1h1• hir,:lw • n1mm11luth1• grudtt pt1in1 11vrr11 ,,, amunl( ntl lr.1lt•rn1111· Cummu nit\ ,n,in• indudrd our 1rtiH· purtinpatiun 111 tlw St'n1ur Outrpm·h Pro11rnm, aidini: tlw 1•lderh. ntl p11n"1r1 nr,: ii wnn ·ti luotl and dt1th1nl( dr1,1• for thr 111• ·dv '\t Chri,tma 111111'. "'' 111,11)1• uur unnual \'lstl to th1• 'h1I drt•n', hu,plt ii \\'1• orl(,llllll'd numt•rnu. t>lht-r 1.-11v1tw to rni,1 lund, lor uur 1111llonnl ph1I 111thrnp\ \\ 1th H11,h1ni:. plt-di:inl(, 1111•pt111i:,, lun 1lr,11 1-r,. ,111•1,11 1•\l nt . in1rnmurnl.. l11tl<• ,1, t1·r and lht• ('hurt1•r B,1II th1, wn, dt'1111111• h ,\ 'K\ H \l't\ lff'!! \\.'1• louk tor,"1rd to lurtht•r ,, holn,tir ,H hit·n·nwnh, 1:ri·at,•r 111 hl1•t11" ntTompli,h nwnh. 111d cl1·n•lop1n1: st runr,:l'r l1•mlt•rs •'11: ma 1'1 Frnll r111t,. th• I rud111on 1·11nt1nu(·,

ur 1111111< hin,.: 111 11w1•lin,.:,, tlw ,. 1·11,·11wn1 111•, • t·r t•nd 111 'l'lw H,1111 h 11(11111 ro •k1·d 11 ti \ LLO\\ t-:F, Ill,, 1 llw"ha,h"nl •lw \'htr' IOIKl1;h,,-1, and I I i:uhhn, hoord•·tl l11i-i· 111,1111d lnr tlw Bil( Oak Hund, lur I n1i:ht nl p11ro• nld I I hu,n lun. Strt>nl(l'r, l.1 1,•r. uncl ,1hlt• It> 11;1rromh l\t>III runnrnl( uq•r prim· - 1· durini: 111 ill1•r,:11I ,1•1 nnd flil tlw llt-ath :\la.-111111 rnllt'!I ni:ain' Stl(lllll Pi nl,n rnllt·d thr1111i:h intra11111ral • Onct' ill(fllll our footh11II, nlth.111, \\lllt'r polo. llour hm·k1•, nnd h.1 kt•lh,1II h•,1111' w..r1• tlw ll',1111' It> ))(•:JI


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