1902 Fancy Drinks by the Bishop and Babcock Company



WHISKEY RX. LARGE BAR GLASS.—Dissolve two teaspoons fine sugar in water, three dashes lemon juice, }4 pony pineapple syrup, glass fine ice, one wine glass whiskey. Mix well, trim with fruits, serve with straws. WHISKEY FLIP. MIXING GLASS.—Two teaspoons fine sugar, one egg well beaten,)4 glass fine ice,one wine glass whiskey. Mix well,strain into fancy bar glass, grate nutmeg on top and serve. WHISKEY JULEP. LARGE BAR GLASS.—Two teaspoons fine sugar, wineglass water,four sprigs mint pressed and with stems down. Fill with fine ice, add one wineglass whiskey, one dash Jamaica rum. Mix well,trim with fruits,serve with straws. WHISKEY SLING. SMALL BAR GLASS.—Oneteaspoon finesugar, one wineglass whiskey, glass hot water. Mix, grate nutmeg on top and serve. For a cold sling use six small pieces of ice and half a wineglass of ice water in place of the hot water. WHISKEY SMASH. MIXING GLASS.—Dissolve two teaspoons fine sugar in water,four sprigs mint pressed, /'i glass fine ice, one wineglass whiskey. Mix well,strain into fancy glass, trim with fruits and serve.



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