Northwest State Community College 2021 Annual Report


12 Golf Sponsorships • Fulton County Museum Alzheimer’s Walk • Cherry Street Mission Black Swamp Safety Council • 11 Chamber memberships

Community Engagement Northwest State has a strong commitment to community engagement as it represents our Pillar # 5 in our Strategic Plan. It is our way to demonstrate to the communities and students we serve that we value them and want to work with them to advance our common interests. When we succeed so will the community .

In our strategic plan, NSCC pledges to be “YOUR community’s college.” Doing so requires that our administration, faculty, students, and staff spend time participating in the community and finding ways to partner locally. We value our neighbors and want to work with YOU, to make our community the BEST that it can be!

chamber of commerce Paulding


Montpelier Area

Chamber of Commerce


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