The Gazette 1986

APRIL 1986


CROSSWORD No. 2 The prize for the winner of the crossword this issue will be a £50 book token, kindly supplied by Fred Hanna &Co., Nassau St., Dublin 2. The winner of Crossword No. 1, as published in the January/February Gazette is:-

Brendan O'Leary, 37 Belgrave Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6.

Down 2.

Across 1.

Not in accordance with the law. 7.

In like manner. 9.

3. Of unsound mind. 6. 4.

Descend by gravity. 4.

8. 9.

In coin - in its own form. 2,6.

Mental uncertainty or anxiety. 8 12. The degree of care required. 9. 13. Hackneyed and dull. 5. 14. Of supernatural acts. 6. 16. Violinists that theat? 8. 18. Supply a work with explanations. 20. A premiss of an argument. 6. 23. Escape capture. 5. 24. Fixing a goal or objective. 9. 26. Meetings of a court. 8. 27. Lots of heavy weights. 4. 28. A person's skilful involvement in industry. 4,5.

5. 6. 7.

Chosen by ballot. 7. Release on a security. 4.

Those who have great hopes. 8. 10. They plead client's causes. 9. 11. He who is distinguished. 9. 15. Made unclear. 8. 17. Stopping places for trains. 8. 19. Breach of allegiance. 7. 21. Turned outwards, as far as a body part is concerned. 7. 22. Name common to past Prime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand. 6.


Public houses - of Court? 4.




Entries must be returned to: Editor, Law Society Gazette,

Blackhall Place, Dublin 7.

Closing date: 31 May, 1986.



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