The Gazette 1986



What theydidn't teachyouat LawSchool Ig'ji One of the most successful practice expansion seminars ever held

'The BEST seminar I've ever attended" - R.A.S. " I s a v ed m y s em i n ar f ee in 10 m i n u t e s" -J.C.H. "I c a n n ot a f f o rd NOT to c o me to t h e se s em i n a r s" - R.H.H. " T h e on ly s em i n ar I've s t a y ed a w a k e i n ! " -G.P. . . . This seminar will make YOUR PRACTICE grow


G r e s h am Ho t e l, O ' C o n n e ll S t r e e t, D u b l i n F r i d a y 18 th Ap r i l 1986 Many firms are now concerned about how to face the sudden change of climate which has affected the profession; some are desperately trying to hold on to an ever-decreasing work load while others are seeking to maximize the new opportunities. All are concerned constantly to improve service to clients and to protect and expand their practices. John Loo s emore and Robert Pa r s ons are partners in a large expanding practice and are consultants to many firms of solicitors both large and small. They believe that the profession can face the future with optimism if it takes realistic steps now to meet the challenge of competition. The seminar will be essentially practical in approach. It will provide a host of new ideas and plans which practices can adapt to meet their individual situations. S o m e of t h e t o p i c s t o b e c o v e r e d i n "Wh a t T h e y D i d n ' t T e a c h You a t L a w S c h o o l " : - 1. Common practice ailments and how to cure them. 2. How to win business. 3. Understanding and beating the competition. 4. How to save thousands of pounds by renegotiating your banking. 5. Starting and expanding a commercial department. 6. Making the media work for you (without paying!). FEE: I RC I 75 per de l ega te (exclusive of VAT) inclusive of lunch, coffee, tea and Sem i n ar documentation Arranged by Lawyers Planning Services (in conjunction with Law Data Systems Ltd)

For seminar p r og r amme, booking form and Hotel details please telephone Mr s Julia Vaughan at Lawy e rs Planning Services, 18-20 High S t r ee t, Cardiff (0222) 398161

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