ESB Garded Examinations in Speech Teacher Gudiance: Advanced

For further guidance about using visual aids, please watch this video: 

Below are Ɵps in relaƟon to  Literature InterpretaƟon and Analysis (Grade 6):

 Choices should be on a theme or topic that is of real interest to students. They should also provide scope for vocal variety.  Poems and monologues need to meet the following criteria for material length, content and language. The piece should:  Material – (1) be wriƩen by a significant author, past or present;  (2) be part of a recognised genre or style; and (3) be based on a coherent theme/seƫng/character or mood.  Length – be sufficient to enable variety and range to be   demonstrated and sustained.    Content – (1) be based on a topic of substance; (2) express   complex emoƟons or universal themes; and (3) be challenging in  terms of required vocal range.    Language – (1) contain language and syntax which permits one to  make considerable inferences; and (2) contain subtleƟes of   meaning such as irony.


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