Alcalá View 1986 3.1

Employee awards (From page 1)

cated in DeSales Hall next to the Human Resources Of- fice. All four of the honorees will be invited to a luncheon with USD President Author E. Hughes later in the year. Dr. Pope has worked at USO since 1972, first as a math professor before mov- ing over to Academic Com- puting. He was described by one of his staffmembers as a "charitable person in his in- teractions with others" and a man who "has shown vision and dedication in strategic planning of computer facili- ties for the University." • New staff, promotions Welcome to the following new staff employees who re- cently joined the USD com- munity: Patricia Davis , secre- tary, Graduate Careers; Be- len Finan, secretary, School of Education; Robin Smith, clerical assistant, Controller; Jaclynn We- ber , unit leade r, Dining Services; Jewell Willis, senior s ec r eta ry, Law School; John Sutton, gar- dener, Physical Plant; Ju- dith Lesser , technica l - assistant;-LawLibrary; Carl Nelson, lab tec hnician. Arts & Sciences; Eduardo Castro, clerical assistant, Controller ; James Boyer, technical assistant, Law Li- brary; Roberta Gierhart, clerk, Admissions ;· Myra Schwartz, c lerk, Book- store; Margaret Ames , clerical assis tan t. Admis- sions; Josephine Kuizin- Mock , secretary, Arts & Sciences; Judy Mersino , secretary, School of Busi- ness; Terrence Lynch , custodian lead, Law School; Shirley Moore , secretary, Graduate Admissions;

mental in building USD's fieldhouse, part ofUSD High School and all of the pews in the Immaculata. James Beck , Physical Plant's manager of building maintenance, and John Ze- terberg, Physical Plant di- rector, described Hernandez on the nomination form as a va lued employee. " His cheerful cooperation, coup- led with superior initiative and reliability have made him a valued employee of Physical Plant," they wrote. "Because of his eagerness to help others Manuel is always in demand by personnel throughout the USD com- munity." Hall says he was surprised to find himself one of the runners-up. 'Tm real flat- tered to be recognized," says the 1973 USD graduate, who has worked at the li- brary since 1974. Hall's boss, University Li- brarian Marian Holle- man, wrote that Hall " is without doubt one of the best public relations advo- cates the library has. He is a lways gracious with stu- dents, faculty and in an- swer'ing the phone." Modugno has worked for Food Service since 1976. His supervisor, Rudy Spano, director of food service. de- scribed Modugno as some- one who reflects USD's caring atmosphere. "In a po- sition that redefines the word pressure Greg is a l- ways even tern pered and has a smile," Spano wrote. "It 's nice to be recog- nized," says Modugno. "I en- joy my job here because of the creativity and freedom I'm allowed. I also know a lot of people around campus." Agerton a nd Hernandez each will receive a gift and a personal plaque in addition to having their names added to the permanent plaque lo-

Greg Modugno and President Author E. Hughes

Shelley Williams , secre- tary, Law School. Congratulations to the fol- lowing staff employees who rece ntly receive d promo- tions: Peggy Agerton , from senior secretary to executive assistant I. Educational De- velopment Center; Carmen Davison, from secretary II to senior secretary. Arts & Sciences; Gary Dobson. from communications tech- nician to communications supervisor. Physical Plant. •

happened in your life? Share the news with the rest of the USD community by phoning ext. 4684. We'll include the news in an up- coming issu e of Alcala View. • New salary schedule The 1986-87 Staff Salary Schedule is included with this issue of Alcala View. As was done last Septembe r. all salaries we re adjusted so that none are below them in- imum of the salary grade. If you have any qu est ions. please call Lou Hassan at ext. 4594. • Alcala Vi ew is publish e d monthly August through May by th e Publications a nd Hu- man Resourc es offic es. The n ewsle tter is distributed to a ll University or San Di ego em- ployees. Edi toria l mate ria l for possi- ble use in Alcala View should be submitted by the rirst or the month of the desired publica- tion. Material should be deliv- ered or sent to DeSales 274.

Passages Drafted

Bobby Bleisch , son of Perla Bleisch, secretary for the Law School's Mexico/ U.S. Law Institute. by the Detroit Tigers during the June major league draft of amateur baseball players. Bleisch , who also received college football scholarship offers, is weighing his op- tions. Death Mrs. Freda Shiels, mother of Sara Finn, director of public relations, on June 12. Has something notable

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