Alcala Yearbook 2001

At Left: D.C. Adv isor,Secreta ry He idi Robe rts, Ad viso r Ad ri e nne Ly les– Choc kl y, PR Mi che lle Ho hensee, V. P. Sa ra Ka te r, ICC Rep . Bob Ho ltz, Trea– s ure r Joenna lco, PFCS R p. La ura Hea ton, CSCha ir Lisa Stevenson, Pres. lbrah_im EI-Mezain , CS Cha ir Ma ry Zanga ri

Below: NSCS membe rs enj oy be ing apart of the commun ity and working a t the Wheel o f Fortune boo th .

Above: Officers Lisa Stevenson a nd Sa ra Ka te r, o therwise known as Head Elf and Sa nta, enjoy be ing goo fy whil e wo rking with kids at this commun ity se rvi ce event.

Above: SCS members enjoy vo lun – teering and working w ith children within the Sa n Diego community.

ati ona l Socie ty of Colleg ia te Sc ho la rs 169

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