Alcala Yearbook 2001

Association of Chicana


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Ac hi s tas wa lk with one hand fo rwa rd and one hand bac k-pu lling th e o the r a long as we move forwa rd. It seeks to educa te women and men so tha t toge ther we ca n fi ght with the powe r o f tru e freed om on o ur s id e. A.Ch.A. is a training gro und tha t po lis hes wo men 's lea d e rs hip s kill s . Thi s empowe rs Chi ca nas to move w ithin pos iti ons of power. A.Ch .A. is the ring where women beg in to pave their own d es tiny. By ways o f ind epend ent expe– ri ences, organi z ing and ne tworking, A.Ch.A. pro– vides its members w ith too ls enabling Chica na women to genera te change in o ur soc ie ty. A.Ch. A. is an organ iza ti on gea red towa rd ac ti v is ts and Chica nas wh o have an inte res t in le·ad ership a nd commitment to the Chica na and / or La tina com– munities . We be li eve tha t eve ryone has po tentia l. A.Ch. A. beli eves in mentoring, thus bring ing o ur yo ung membe rs to life by ta king them und e r o ur win gs a nd s howin g th em th e road to s uccess .

170 Accociation of Chicana Acti v ists

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