Alcala Yearbook 2001

Semper Fi ■ ■ ■ Club ■ ■ ■

Below: These office rs o f the Ma ri1--e Corps pose proud ly in fro nt of a fa– mo us ,var memo ri a l. The Ma ri nes have done mu ch to serve a nd protect o ur cou ntry.

On ovember 10, 1775 a few good men got to– ge ther... and they ca ll ed th emse lves Marines . Dedi ca ted to the causes of freedom, hon or, cour– age and commjtment, the United Sta tes Marine Corps was bo rn. Tod ay, our id ea ls a re bes t es– poused by our motto, Se111per Fide/is, which mea ns "Always Fa ithfu l. " From lwo Jima to Kuwa it City, the Ma rin es have neve r fa iled in their co untry's time of need . The Semper Fi Club is d evoted to one purpose in its trainin g; ea rnin g the title of United Sta tes Marine and the privilege of leading Ma– rin es in battle . The club prepa res its members menta lly, mo rall y, and physica lly_for commi s– s ions as 2nd Lie utena nts i11 the Ma rine Corps. This yea r, the USO Sempe r Fi Club, with hu ge contributi ons from the USO G reek community, ra ised ove r 2,000 toys in the annual Toys for Tots toy drive . This yea r the club pres id ents we re Midshipman 1st Class Andy Graham an d Mid– shipma n 1s t Class Dave Caballero.

At Right: Thi s Ma rine respec tfu lly sa lutes his o ffi cer. Ra n k is very im– porta nt in the milita ry.

Above: This group of Ma rin es a re ta kin g a short break afte r go in g o n a hike a t Cam p Pe nd le ton . These hikes we re o ften lo ng a nd ti r ing.

174 Sempe r Fi Clu b

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