The Gazette 1995




A. T h e V i d eo Library was launched with pomp and c e r emo ny on the 21 April 1 9 9 5. (see page 1 4 4)

An o t h er month has passed and the Practice Ma n a g eme nt C omm i t t ee still continues its work unabated and with undiluted enthusiasm in its wish and in its efforts to instill into the Profession the notion that good ma n a g eme nt t e c hn i qu es are just as important to a practice as e x c e l l e n ce in the L aw. We hope we are getting the message across that in running a solicitors' practice one must be conscious o f both the professional and business aspect. It is not just enough to do the j o b well but the client must appreciate that this was in fact the case. Awareness o f good marketing principles is as important as client care which includes, in particular, the speedy handling of telephone calls and complaints. Financial arrangements must be crystal clear and payment for services should be obtained with the minimum of delay. Perhaps this greater awareness is in some small measure due to the efforts o f this Committee. I have been involved in Practice Ma n a g eme nt for three years now (probably doing less than mo s t) and the hard work o f the L aw S o c i e ty S t a ff on the C omm i t t ee never c e a s es to ama ze me. T h ey s e em to be doing ten things at o n ce and on an equal numb er o f C omm i t t e es yet our work is a l wa ys done without a murmur. W c have also been blessed with good Ch a i rmen o f different styles but equally good humoured and e f f e c t i v e. I have also noticed that while the official agenda varies only gradually from month to month as o b j e c t i v es are a c h i e v ed the real melting pot for new ideas can be over a sandwich with Justin McKenna pouring the tea and Brian O'Reilly discussing his latest video. An yway back to reality for a mome nt and what has been done and what you are likely to hear about soon.

that the proposed Contract/ Agreement furnished by the Society to assist with Litigation while helpful, could be revised. Even though the Act is now L aw

B . Another Q Mark S em i n ar was held on 31 Ma y.

for several months many Co l l e a gu es are still finding

C. S o l i c i t or Link still appears to be working well so if you wish to buy. sell or merge your practice you should contact Cillian MacDomhnaill in the L aw S o c i e ty and he will give you all the n e c e s s a ry details. Practice Ma n a g eme nt Note written by Justin M c K e n na so please read it and keep it in its binder. T h e re are plans to have c omp l e te sets o f these notes available at the end o f each year just in c a se you have , missed one. E. We are still working on the O f f i ce Manual but this is hard work and will take plenty o f time. D. Y o u now have your fourth O f f i c e. On L i ne Legal Diary is also available with E Mail facilities. A Registry o f De e ds Link should be available in the Autumn. T h e se services will be useful to e v e r y o ne with particular r e f e r e n ce to our rural c o l l e a g u e s. An yway more about his service can be obtained from Mr Jerry Godsell. Law Link. T e l: 6 61 1 9 5 4. about the Solicitors ( Ame n dme n t) Act 1994 with particular reference to Section 6 8. Th e re is enough material here, from a Practice Ma n a g eme nt point of view, to keep us going for twenty years. T he general consensus both inside and outside the Comm i t t ee seems to be G . Y ou will also be hearing more F. Y o u will also be hearing about L aw L i nk. T h is is a c ompu t e r i s ed On L i ne S e r v i ce to the Land Registry and the C omp a n i es

difficulty in c omi ng to grips with how to charge and how to make their charges clear to clients. Th is is an area where our Comm i t t ee has a vital role for how can any business run effectively if the manner and method of charging is unclear particularly where Disciplinary Action can be taken if charges are "grossly unreasonable".

John Glynn

Selling Your Practice? Why not use the services of the Law Society's Solicitor Link? Information from: Mr. Cillian MacDomhnaill Finance & Administration Executive

The Law Society Blackhall Place Dublin 7. Ph: (01) 671 0711


SOCIETY "DUBLIN'S OLDEST CHARITY" Since 1790 we have been helping Dublin's poor. Please help us to continue with a bequest or donation. 34, Lr. Lesson St. Dublin 2. Telephone: 6769191


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