USD President's Report 1987
I f college was just a matter of what you studied, there'a be no tears at graduation. Life gives us far too few bittersweet moments when joy and tears flow freely into one. But a college graduation captures all those touching contrasts. Maybe that's because it makes us realize that college is more a milestone in life than a milestone of learning. It's about growing up: and growing wiser. Which makes it unfortunate that so few colleges - including some with great reputations-seem interested in their students' lives as well as their lessons. At the University of San Diego, however. we believe a great education has as much to do with learning to live as it does with learning to make a living. So we strive to address our students' social. emotional and spiritual growth along with their educational progress. After all , for all the money college costs students and their families, we think we owe our young people more than just a diploma and a shot at a high-paying job. What we owe them is a chance to grow into the people they really are. And as we look at it if we help them do that they won 't be the only ones to benefit. t {S) Universily of 0an Die8o We're interested in living. Not ;ust learning.
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