USD President's Report 1987
Un;versiiy t San
, .ives
Administration Executive Officers President Author E. Hughes. Ph.D. Vice President and Provost
Trustees The Most Reverend Leo T. Maher (Bishop). San Diego Chairman of the Board Ernest W. Hahn. Rancho Santa Fe Vice Chairman of the Board Rev. Msgr. I. Brent Eagen , San Diego Secretary of the Board Frank D. Alessio, San Diego Manuel Barba , M.D.. San Diego Dee Baugh, San Bernardino Arthur B. Birtcher, San Juan Capistrano Allen J. Blackmore, Rancho Santa Fe C. Terry Brown. San Diego Robert T. Campion, Encino James W. Colachis. La Jolla Richard A. Cramer, La Jolla Daniel W. Derbes, Rancho Santa Fe Margaret R. Duflock, San Ardo Rev. Msgr. Richard F. Duncanson, San Diego Rev. Msgr. William E. Elliott, San Diego Patricia Howe-Ellison. San Francisco Anita V Figueredo, M.D., La Jolla Kim Fletcher, San Diego Steven P. Garvey, San Diego J. Philip Gilligan. San Luis Rey Jackson Wallace Goodall. Jr., Rancho Santa Fe
Financial Statement Statements of current unrestricted fund revenues, expenditures and transfers year ending August 31
198 7
Revenues Tuition Government grants Private gifts, grants and other contracts Athletics, recreation and other
$35 ,045 ,492 526 ,253 651 ,6 13 I 58 ,386 36,38 1,744 9,405 ,343 1,247 ,589 47,034 ,676 32,982,9 18 7,616,860 3,278 ,687 43,878,465 3, I 56 ,2 I I 3,084 ,8 17 71,394 $ 572,887
$38,522 ,72 5
503 ,057 765 ,290 256 ,563
Sister Sally Furay, RSC) , Ph.D., J.D. Vice President for Financial Affairs John D. Boyce, B.E.E. Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Thomas F. Burke, M.A. Vice President for University Relations John G. McNamara, B.A. Deans Acting Dean. College of Arts and Sciences Carol A. Baker. Ph.D. Dean. School of Business Administration James M . Burns, D.B.A. Dean, School of Education Edward F. DeRoche, Ph.D. Dean , Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursing Janet A. Rodgers. Ph.D. Dean. School of Graduate and Continuing Education Raymond S. Brandes. Ph.D.
40 ,047 ,635 11 ,0 11 ,875 865 ,573 51,925,083 36,845 ,266 8,56 1,416 2,543,211 47,949 ,893 3,975 , 190 3,875. 136 I00,054 672,94 1
Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises Other sources Total Revenues Expenditures and Mandatory Transfers Educational and general Auxiliary enterprises Mandatory transfers for debt service and matching grants Total Expenditures for Mandatory Transfers Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures
and Mandatory Transfers Nonmandatory Transfers Net Increase in Fund Balance Current Unrestricted Fund Balance
Dean , School of Law Sheldon Krantz. J.D. Dean , Academic Services Cynthia A. Villis, Ph.D.
Charles M. Grace, Los Angeles Bruce R. Hazard. San Diego Author E. Hughes. San Diego Peter J. Hughes, La Jolla Edmund L. Keeney, M.D.. La Jolla Douglas F. Manchester, La Jolla
Expenditures and Mandatory Transfers
Ronald N. Mannix. Calgary, Alberta . Canada Sr. Anne O'Neil. RSC), St. Louis, Missouri George M. Pardee, Jr., La Jolla Sr. Gertrude Patch. RSC). Kansas City, Missouri
The University of San Diego is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Program accreditations include: Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursing-National League for Nursing. School of Business Administration-American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business. School of Law-American Bar Association and the State of California. School of Education-Authorized by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing of the State of California to recommend candidates for Multiple Subject and Single Subject teaching credentials. the Bilingual Specialist and the Specialist in Special Education credentials, and the Administrative Services and Pupil Personnel Services credentials. For additional information about the University of San Diego, please contact: Public Relations Office, University of San Diego, Alcala Park. San Diego, California 921 IO (619) 260-4681 The 1987 President's Report is published as an information service of the Public Relations Office. Contributors to the Report include: For University Relations: John G. McNamara • Vice President. University Relations Charles ). Reilly • Director of Public Relations John S. Sutherland • Director of Publications Stephen Simpson • Principal Photographer Benedict & Wells Advertising and Public Relations • Graphic Design • 23
..------- 36% Instruction
--- 13% Institutional support 9% Financial aid
74 % Tuition and fees
Leland S. Prussia. Piedmont A. Eugene Trepte. San Diego Joanne Warren , Rancho Santa Fe Walter J., Rancho Santa Fe Trustees Emeriti Rev. Msgr. Robert T. Callahan , Jamul H. John Cashin . Ph.D., Santa Monica Sr. Frances Danz. RSC). Menlo Park Elizabeth A. Parkman , Tucson . Arizona William K. Warren. Tulsa. Oklahoma Richard P. Woltman, San Diego
2 I % Auxiliary enterprises
(Includes room and board fees. Bookstore. Food Service)
5 % Buildings operation and maintenance 5 % Student services 6% Libraries
--- 5 % Debt service L.=4% Othe,
3 % Grants and gifts 2% Other
17% Auxiliary enterprises (excluding debt service)
• 22
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