USD President's Report 1987
O ur students celebrated inTijuana last weekend. so did the family whose house they built. Quite a few students today think college is just a big party or celebration . But at USD we encourage them to think otherwise. Maybe that's why last year 23 of our students went to Tijuana and built a place to live for Virginia Lopez and her 12 children. While other collegians were raising their glasses south of the border. ours were raising their consciousness about life in the Third World . Unusual dedication for college students? Not at USD. The fact is. our students spent more than 88,000 hours last year-IO years' worth-tackling volunteer projects out in the community. What's more. they did it with our help and support. Because USD believes altruism is an important value often overlooked in the quest for high grades and a high-paying job. Does a weekend of work change the world? Maybe not. but it can change the way our students look at life. They saw poverty first hand. But they also saw how having a place to live brings real joy to the life of a child . Our students didn't learn any lessons in the library that weekend . Because they were busy learning an important lesson of life. t Universily of San Die30 We're interested in character. Not just course credits.
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