IIW 2018 Thomas Lecture

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )

3 - Terminology work

A huge and time-consuming task:

 about 1000 terms disseminated in all standards under the responsibility of ISO/TC 44 or IIW ;  necessity to request and gather the input of experts on each subject;  networking as a key solution when discussions get stucked. ▪ Example : typical question that would need investigations and discussions: how would you define “braze welding” (or “weld brazing”)?  Very different usages in technical literature; very different positions according to background or education;  Currently, no definition in any ISO document; tackled in the latest revision of AWS A3.0:

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

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