1st ICAI 2020

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2020

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

circulation range and that activates the steering wheel when an unintentional deviation of the vehicle is detected in relation to this axis, in order to correct the deviation). d. Limited automation (Level 3): vehicles are able autonomously control all their basic functions, under certain circumstances of traffic or the environment. However, at this level, it is still necessary for a qualified driver to be on standby if the vehicle determines that the circumstances that allow its autonomy are no longer present. e. Full automation (Level 4): vehicles are able to control all their basic functions, under any circumstances. Unlike level 3, vehicles do not require the presence of qualified drivers and can even travel empty. In the opinion of some experts on the subject, there will be more and more options for automating vehicle functions in the future, before they can move completely without the assistance of humans, or even without the presence of people in their cabin (level 4). These distinctions are important, as they are reflected in the degree of intervention expected from drivers, a factor that has an impact precisely on the attribution of responsibility in the spheres of traffic (administrative), civil and criminal. In other words: who will be responsible for any infractions, civil damages or crimes that have occurred under the supervision of vehicle automation? 3. From the perspectives of transit and urbanism in the future In this item we will seek to make a prognosis of traffic and urban space in the future, due to the popularization of vehicle autonomy technologies. We will address the following aspects: a. Congestion and public transport. b. Road safety. c. Urban space and land use. 3.1 Congestion and public transport The presence of fully autonomous level 4 vehicles will impact traffic in two ways. The most important of these is that there must be far fewer cars parked on the streets irregularly or in paid parking lots along them. As they can travel alone, it is possible to predict that their owners will send them either to their own homes, or to more remote locations, in order to avoid paying fines or the cost of parking. In addition, fewer owners will circulate unnecessarily, often erratically, in search of vacancies. Ultimately, an improvement in traffic flow conditions is to be expected due to that first impact. The second expected effect of the popularization of autonomous vehicles of levels 3 or 4, is to stimulate the use of the private vehicle in relation to public transport. In fact, as it will not be necessary for one of the passengers to monitor traffic conditions, there will also be no stress caused by the traffic of medium and large cities, that is to say, one of the greatest barriers existing today for the use of the car would cease to exist. The changes will be much more profound in relation to public transport. Today’s basic model, in which a standard-size vehicle stops at predefined points and times, may


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