1st ICAI 2020

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2020

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

at the recommended level of performance. The occurrence of a disruptive event is immediately followed by a sharp decline in system performance, until it reaches a minimum level of performance higher than a critical level of performance ( P Min >P Cri ). With the capacity to absorb the effects of a disruptive event, the system maintains its basic functions and gradually increases its performance. After the time t 4 , it achieves a recovered performance level, which lies above the acceptable level of performance ( P Rec >P Acc ).The final phase of the course is characterized by the ability to adapt to new conditions, and as a result the system performance improves. Generally, there can be distinguished the following five fundamental phases in a typical course of a service delivery process with a continuity disruption (Figure ): A – resistant state – characterized by no reaction to small disturbances, B – robust behavior – with short-term loss of performance after a disturbance and rapid return to the required state, C – absorption phase ( ABS ) – distinguished by ‘coping’ with disruption and continuity retain of operation, D – recovery phase ( REC ) – characterized by ‘bounce back’ to acceptable performance level, E – adaptation phase ( ADA ) – distinguished by ‘learning’ from disruption and transformation to the new work conditions.

Figure 1: Typical course of a product delivery process with a continuity disruption

Source: own elaboration (2018) The vulnerability and resilience properties appear in the C, D, and E phases, so the disruption curve shape will be the basis for a quantitative evaluation of these properties. As shown in Figure 1, the loss of performance is proportional to the area between the line showing the required performance and the actual course of the performance. Therefore, the general metric for vulnerability can be described by two-dimensional variable (duplet): (1)


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