The Evangel Dean Basic Training Resource Handbook


Core Components P URPOSE S TATEMENT : The UCA’s purpose is to expand and advance God’s Kingdom among the urban poor by evangelizing, the making of disciples, planting reproducing churches, and establishing regional associations that will lead to the facilitating of church plant movements for the glory of God. M ISSION : The UCA is a mission focused network of churches and leaders dedicated to one another’s growth and welfare as we identify, equip, and release called and gifted Christian leaders to plant new church plants and pastor existing churches that will multiply and grow. O BJECTIVES : 1. Fellowship – to encourage, inspire and strengthen one another in vital Christian discipleship through regular gatherings and consistent communication. 2. Resource – to pool our gifts, knowledge, and strengths for kingdom minded work. 3. Mission – to work together as a unified Church towards our mission and vision of transforming our city and region for the glory of God. T HEOLOGICAL C OMMITMENT : As members of The Urban Church Association we commit to defend the “Great Tradition” (the faith “that has been believed, in all places, by all people, at all times”) as expressed in the Nicene Creed. C ORE C OMMITMENTS : Endearment

We are devoted to God and each other because God loved us first and sent His son for our salvation. Apart from Him we can do nothing for His glory in the work of ministry (I John 4:19-21; John 3:16; John 15:1-8).


We sow the seed of the gospel broadly and abundantly (I Corinthians 9:16-23; Acts 1:8; Acts 8:4).


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