The Evangel Dean Basic Training Resource Handbook



x Monthly – Through monthly UCA attendance x Quarterly – Pastoral fellowship times x Annually – Unity Service and Leadership Retreat

E VERY A SSOCIATION MEMBER ALSO PARTICIPATES IN THE FOLLOWING : A shared membership: The UCA is comprised of churches that value community and are passionate about working alongside likeminded churches for mutual health, leadership training, and church planting. UCA churches work together to accomplish the difficult task of building the Kingdom in the urban context. A shared fellowship: Members will gather monthly to build the unity and strength of the body through, fellowship, worship, prayer, teaching, and encouragement. The UCA members take annual leadership retreats together, hold each other accountable and uphold those who are struggling in our midst. The UCA also intentionally cares not only for pastoral leaders, but for their spouse and families when a need arises. The UCA strives to be a holistic organization that cares not only for church health, but for pastoral, and family health as well. A shared structure of operation: The UCA follows a predetermined framework that will work to ensure healthy communication, unity of the body, and growth of its members. Each decision that the UCA makes will be agreed upon by the whole body, to preserve unity of vision, and purpose within the body. A shared support system for pastors and their churches: The UCA will uphold each other and their families through prayer and community as they minister together. Pastors and their spouses will have the ability to meet on a regular basis with fellow ministers and find support and encouragement in the midst of ministry. The UCA will also strive to come alongside and minister to and with any church within the association. If a particular church in the association is struggling with leadership change, financial difficulties, or is in need of prayer ministry the UCA will gather and find appropriate ways to support that church within the UCA body.


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