The Evangel Dean Basic Training Resource Handbook


S EMINAR 2 Evangel

Evangel is a global movement of networked churches committed to facilitating and resourcing movements to plant healthy, multiplying Christ-centered churches that honor and glorify God and delight in Him, especially from and for the poor. As a global movement of networked churches we commit to:

1) a common theology based on the guardianship and cross- cultural transference of the Great Tradition,

2) a common strategy based upon our missional engagement that is guided by our vision to recruit, empower and release urban leaders who will plant churches and launch indigenous church planting movements and our discipleship, church planting, and church planting movements as expressed in our P.L.A.N.T. acrostic, and 3) a common set of standard practices that are historic church practices to be implemented with cultural sensitivity and flexibility. These common commitments are designed for movements by making it easy to train leaders and export to new churches. Church planters are freed from re-inventing the structures locally by plugging into the existing structures of our common commitments. (See Evangel: That None Should Perish .)

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