What Are Embar ras smen t , Shame, and Gu i l t ?

When we worry that we don’t measure up in some way, it’s sometimes easier to blame someone else.

Right before the bell rang, Gabriella walked in. He saw her look around and notice the empty chair next to him, which was the only one left. She frowned a little. Cris suddenly felt angry. Why didn’t anyone want to sit next to him? Why was he stuck with the last person to come in to class? Cris suddenly had an idea as Gabriella set her books down on the table. Right when she went to sit down, Cris whipped the chair out from under her. He pushed it back a few feet. He did it so fast Gabriella didn’t even see it coming. Soon, she was sitting on the floor and everyone in class was laughing. Cris thought bullying Gabriella would make him feel better. He wanted to feel like he was more powerful than other people. On the outside, he laughed with everyone else. Inside, he felt really, really bad. He didn’t even know Gabriella very well. She hadn’t really done anything to him. Why had he been mean to her? When the teacher started talking, Cris couldn’t pay attention. He was still feeling really bad. He felt bad for Gabriella, but he

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