ERP Micro December 2019

No bad feedback is reported. The users have mainly developed an internal library or evaluated the MBT as an identification method. Those works provides as well orientation for the MBT Library updates.  Proficiency testing A pilot study for proficiency testing related to confirmation and identification methods has been organized by LGC in Dec 2018. The name of the proficiency testing scheme is CONF-IDENT 1 . The focus was on Salmonella spp. confirmation. A set of five individual and blind-coded isolates was sent to participants. The five strains were originated from a recognized strain collection, or wild and intensively characterised strains. Freeze dried strains were sent to the participants. They were reconstituted, isolated and confirmed / identified by the involved laboratories. Eight laboratories across Europe and North America were involved. The LGC sample preparation and statistical setup followed ISO 13528 and the IUPAC 2006 PT protocols. Individual results provided by LGC are summarised per sample in Table 2.


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