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UPM Annual Report 2014

UPM Annual Report 2014




and discharged the President and CEO, and the

members of the Board of Directors from liabil-

ity for the financial year 2013.

The AGM elected nine members to the

Board of Directors and resolved on their remu-

neration. Matti Alahuhta, Berndt Brunow,

Piia-Noora Kauppi, Wendy E. Lane, Jussi

Pesonen, Veli-Matti Reinikkala, Kim Wahl and

Björn Wahlroos were re-elected to the board for

a one-year term continuing until the end of the

next Annual General Meeting. General Ari

Puheloinen was elected as a new member to the

board. Karl Grotenfelt, member since 2004,

and Ursula Ranin, member since 2006, stepped

down from the board.

As regards board remuneration, the AGM

resolved that the annual fee to the Board Chair

be EUR 175,000, to the Board Deputy Chair

and Chair of the Audit Committee EUR

120,000 and to other members of the board

EUR 95,000. Of the annual fee, 60% was paid

in cash to cover taxes and 40% in company

shares purchased on the board members’

behalf. Since General Ari Puheloinen was able

to participate in the board work only from the

start of August, the AGM decided that he was

entitled to 2/3 of the board member’s annual

fee. No annual fee was paid to the President

and CEO for his role as a member of the board.

The board members’ annual fees, the num-

ber of acquired shares and the number of UPM

shares held by the members at the end of 2014

are presented in the table on the right. The

board members do not receive any other finan-

cial benefits for their board or committee mem-

berships in addition to the annual fees. The

annual fees have remained the same since 2007.

According to the Board Charter, board mem-

bers are encouraged to own company shares on

a long term basis.

The AGM also resolved on the company’s

auditor, and re-elected PricewaterhouseCoopers

Oy, a firm of authorised public accountants, as

the company’s auditor for a one-year term, with

Ms Merja Lindh, Authorised Public Account-

ant, as the auditor in charge. The AGM decided

that the audit fee would be paid against invoices

approved by the Audit Committee. The fees

paid to the auditor, as approved by the Audit

Committee, are shown in the table below.








Audit related


Tax consulting



Other services






Further resolutions taken in the AGM

include authorisations to the Board of Direc-

tors to decide on the repurchase of the com-

pany’s own shares and to decide on donations

for charitable or corresponding purposes. The

maximum number of shares that may be repur-

chased amounts to 50 million shares, and the

total amount of donations may not exceed

EUR 250,000. All decisions were taken without


Board of Directors

The company’s Board of Directors is composed

of nine members as detailed above. Eight of the

directors are non-executive and one is executive.

The directors’ personal details, career histories

and other significant engagements are presented

on pages 65-66 and on the corporate website.

Björn Wahlroos has chaired the board since

2008 and Berndt Brunow has been the Deputy

Chair since 2005.

Directors’ independence

The Board of Directors, assisted by its Nomi-

nation and Governance Committee, evaluates

the independence of its members on a continu-

ous basis. The evaluation is based on an overall

assessment and, specifically, on the independ-

ence criteria of the Finnish Corporate Govern-

ance Code’s Recommendation 15. As the com-

pany has no controlling shareholders and only

two shareholders have disclosed an ownership

of over five per cent of the company’s total

shares and votes, the board has assessed that all

directors are independent of significant share-

holders. The board has also assessed that all

non-executive directors are independent of the

company. As the President and CEO of the

company, Jussi Pesonen is not independent of


Board work

The duties and responsibilities of the Board of

Directors and its committees are defined in the

Board and Committee Charters approved by

the Board of Directors. The Charters are avail-

able on the corporate website in the Investors

section, under Governance.

The Board of Directors convenes according

to a pre-determined meeting schedule. The

meeting schedule is based on the company’s

financial reporting schedule and is complement-

ed by the Board of Directors’ strategy and

budget meetings. In addition, teleconference

and per capsulam meetings are held when

deemed necessary. In 2014, the Board held

eleven meetings. The directors’ average attend-

ance at the meetings was 99.0% (97.8%).

In 2014, the board focused on strategic

considerations and held an extensive strategy

meeting in May that resulted in the approval of

corporate and business area strategies. Part of

the board’s annual strategy work is the review

of group strategic and operational risks. The

board continued its strategy work in September

when it was updated on the strategy implemen-

tation. During the year, the board was also

regularly informed of the progress of the com-

pany’s strategic priorities: the EUR 200 million

profit improvement programme, the EUR 200

million EBITDA target of focused growth

initiatives as well as the business portfolio

development and value creation.

In addition to the board’s annual and quar-

terly duties pertaining to, among others, finan-

cial reporting, budget follow-ups, management

remuneration and proposals to the AGM, the

Board of Directors resolved on a major invest-

ment in the UPM Kymi pulp mill in Finland

and on the revision of the investment plan

regarding construction of the third production

unit and power plant at UPM Changshu mill in

China. Furthermore, the board approved the

start of negotiations on capacity closures in the

European publication paper business. These

decisions were announced in February and

November respectively. In relation to the busi-

ness structure change that was implemented in

November 2013, the board also approved new

financial targets for the group and business

areas, as disclosed in connection with the com-

pany’s Capital Markets Day in March.

Board self-evaluation

The Board of Directors reviews its performance

and working methods annually. In 2014, the

evaluation was conducted as a self-assessment

and its results were reviewed at the board meet-

ing in December. Directors evaluated the

board’s performance of its duties and responsi-

bilities, board composition and structure, board

culture, and the effectiveness of board meet-

ings. Identified areas of improvement are con-

sidered when planning the board’s work. One

area of improvement that came up in the previ-

ous year’s evaluation was a need to focus on

and spend more time discussing the company’s

strategic direction. As a result, strategic consid-

erations were reflected on the board’s agenda

during 2014 as described above.

Committees of the Board of Directors

The committees assist the Board of Directors

by preparing matters within the competence of

the board. The committee chairs report to the

board on committee activities on a regular

basis. In addition, minutes are kept for all

committee meetings and distributed to all


The Board of Directors has established

three committees composed of its members: the

Audit Committee, the Remuneration Commit-

tee and the Nomination and Governance Com-

mittee. The board appoints the members of the

committees and their chairs annually. A com-

mittee always has at least three members. In

2014, all committees fulfilled their respective

independence and desirable qualification

requirements as set out in the Finnish Corpo-

rate Governance Code and Committee Char-

ters. The President and CEO may not be

appointed as a member of these committees.

The table on the right contains information

on the committees’ composition, the number of

meetings and attendance levels in 2014.

Audit Committee

Audit Committee duties and responsibilities are

defined in the Audit Committee Charter. To

perform these duties and responsibilities, the

Audit Committee reviews the company’s quar-

terly financial results and interim financial

statements and recommends their approval to

the board. The committee’s results review

includes a review of potential significant and

unusual transactions, accounting estimates and

policies for the period in question. The commit-

tee also receives quarterly reports on assurance

and legal matters including status reports on

internal control, internal audit, litigations, and

other legal proceedings. The external auditor

attends all committee meetings and provides

the committee with a review of the interim

audit as well as an account of the audit and

non-audit fees incurred during the quarter. The

committee also regularly meets with the inter-

nal and external auditors without members of

the management being present.

As part of the committee’s compliance

review, the committee is provided with a quar-

terly report by the company’s Ethics Advisory

Committee and a report of submissions under

the Report Misconduct channel. With regard to

risk management, the committee annually

reviews the company’s risk management pro-

cess and is informed of the top 20 strategic

risks identified in this process. In 2014, the

committee also reviewed risk management and

compliance procedures in UPM’s energy busi-

ness and UPM IT, where the focus was on IT

security (Cybersecurity) risks.

The Audit Committee is also responsible for

preparing a proposal to the AGM for the elec-

tion of the external auditor. In this respect, the

committee evaluates the qualifications and inde-

pendence of the external auditor. The commit-

tee also arranges a tendering process for audit

services at regular intervals, to ensure the inde-

pendence and cost efficiency of the external

audit. The latest tendering process was carried

out in 2013, and as a result of this, the Audit

Committee proposed the re-election of Pricewa-

terhouseCoopers Oy as the company’s external

auditor at the AGM of 2014. The previous

tendering process took place in 2007.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee’s primary pur-

pose is to assist the Board of Directors in

matters relating to management remuneration

and succession planning.

The company’s management remuneration

consists of base salary and benefits, short-term

incentives and share-based long-term incentives

under the company’s Performance Share Plan

and Deferred Bonus Plan. To perform its duties,

the Remuneration Committee reviews each of

these components of the total remuneration on

a regular basis. The review includes benchmark-

ing the different components to market prac-

tices in corresponding positions in peer compa-

nies. Based on this review, the committee makes

recommendations to the board for the approval

of salaries and benefits for the President and

CEO and other senior executives, for structure,

measures and targets for short-term incentives

and for earning criteria and targets for the plans

starting annually under the Performance Share

Plan and Deferred Bonus Plan. Each year, the

committee also evaluates the achievement of

the set targets and the overall performance of

the President and CEO and other senior execu-

tives, and makes recommendations to the board

for the approval of incentive pay-outs.

In addition, the committee annually reviews

procedures and development strategies for

senior positions and succession plans for the

President and CEO and other senior executives,

and reports to the Board of Directors on such

matters. The committee also reviews the results

of the employee engagement survey which is

conducted every year in the autumn.

Nomination and Governance


The primary purpose of the Nomination and

Governance Committee is to identify individu-

als qualified to serve as directors and prepare a

proposal to the General Meeting of Sharehold-

ers for election or re-election of directors and

for their remuneration. The committee may

engage – and has engaged – executive search

firms to identify potential director candidates.

When preparing its proposal to the AGM

regarding director nominees, the Nomination

and Governance Committee reviews the com-

position of the board and the company’s cur-

rent and evolving needs in terms of director

competencies and initiates a search for potential

new directors early in the autumn.

When reviewing the composition of the

board, the committee considers whether the

board is sufficiently diverse in terms of profes-

sional and educational backgrounds, gender

and age, and whether it represents an appropri-

ate balance of competencies in order to address

the needs of the company’s business operations

and strategic agenda. The committee has deter-

mined that desirable skills and qualifications for

the directors include, among others, relevant

industry experience, expertise in finance and

accounting, senior executive level experience in

global international business, experience in

leadership and strategy formation, and experi-

ence in corporate governance.

Evaluation of director nominees’ independ-

ence is an essential part of the director nomina-

tion process. As part of the committee’s assess-

ment of director nominees’ independence, the

committee reviews the directors’ current

engagements and the company’s verification

procedures concerning potential related party

transactions and commitments that could

jeopardise a director’s independence. Based on

such procedures, no such transactions took

place and no conflicts of interest were identified

in 2014. In addition, the committee is regularly

informed of any changes in directors’ employ-

ment and other engagements so that it can

assess the potential effects of such changes on


Position in the Board

Annual fees


of which shares


Shareholdings as

at 31 Dec. 2014

Björn Wahlroos





Berndt Brunow

Deputy Chair




Matti Alahuhta





Piia-Noora Kauppi

Audit Committee Chair




Wendy E. Lane





Jussi Pesonen

Member, President and CEO


Ari Puheloinen





Veli-Matti Reinikkala Member




Kim Wahl









The shareholdings as at 31 Dec. 2014 include also shares held by the directors’ closely

associated persons and controlled entities. Up-to-date information on the directors’

shareholdings and any changes therein can be found on the corporate website.



Audit Committee



Nomination and

Governance Committee


Piia-Noora Kauppi (Ch.)

Berndt Brunow (Ch.)

Björn Wahlroos (Ch.)

Wendy E. Lane

Matti Alahuhta

Matti Alahuhta

Kim Wahl

Veli-Matti Reinikkala

Ari Puheloinen

Number of meetings



