News Scrapbook 1985
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. O. 7,415)
Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles co.) Lo• Angel•• Dally Journal (Cir. 5xW. 21,287)
DECl 1 M
.....;~=======================::;--i l Law School News Gordon T. Ownby
p C. B. EH 1888
/ I' No1~-~ounty 'Mushrooms' With Attorneys, Legal Secretaries Back in 19~ there weren't a There are 60 active members in Professional Legal Secretary_ two three years. whole lot of attorneys in North the association, a far cry from 22 of whom are in Wood's group and • • • County. Not many legal secretaries years ago when it started. The only more than 260 statewide.
P C B_: 1
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Noteworthy: Craig McClellan, a partner with Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps, has been elected to the Board ofGovernors of the California Trial Lawyers As~ ciation. Reelected to the board in uncontested races were George Andreos and David Casey Jr. Lee Shapiro, a former trial at- torney and judge from Missouri, will speak about "Commitment to Excellence" tomorrow et the mon- thly meeting of the Hotel-Motel Association at Vacation Village. Retired Coast Guard Rear Ad- miral David Lauth is the first administrator for the Law Center at USO, established four years ago with the Bar Association. Lauth
other local chapter is in San Diego. Its primary function is education with courses offered in the fall and spring, and periodic seminars when the law changes. Most of the
For more information about the North County chapter call Wood at
Examiners Build Dialogue With Schools
But that's all changed. "It's mushroomed in the last three to four years," says Sherri Wood, president of the Northern San
law stu nts on bar xam process, the Ls working on a videotape to show how the bar examiners operate. Mo t of th filming has been done for the vi- deo mt the tape Is currently In Its early edll- lng pha , Yusald "It d scribe , a way so far not available lo law tud nts, a better explanation of how the co mlttee operates and It also discusses key pqllcy decisions the committee has m11de.'t sh said. ••• f the first permanent, publlc sculp- ture In; Los Angeles by the Influential pop artl t I Oldenburg next prlng with the In tallatlon of "Toppling Ladder With Spill Ing P t" In th school's courtyard. Th 11-foot, 2-inch sculpture, subtitled commit tud n LAW HOOL will become the horn
• • •
John Seitman has been install- ed as president of the Sen Diego County Bar Association along with five new members of the Board of Directors. The installation was last Friday night at the Bar's annual dinner. Seitman is with Ellsworth, Cor- bett, Seitman & McLeod, and prac- tices commercial litigation. The five new members are Marc Adelman, Marilyn Huff, William McGuigan (South Bay repre- sentative), Christine Pate and Tom Warwick They'll serve for
LawBriefs by Martin Kruming
Diego County Legal Secretaries Association. Lawyers now number more than 400. Unlike downtown and Mission Valley firms, mo t of those in North County are one- to three- person offices, says Wood. The largest is about eight. Wood was an insurance company secretary before switching to law in 1979. She freelanced as a legal secretary for several attorneys, went through the paralegal pro- gram at the University of San Diego and ended for at• torneyPhilip urkhardt in Ran• cho Santa Fe, who handles civil litigation, primarily real estate. There's no mistaking Wood's love for her work. "It's a profession like anything else. It's what I want to do."
secretaries work in civil, probate and family law, with some reel estate and criminal. in Oceanside, Carlsbad and Escon- dido, and one is involved with municipalities, including water districts. The association is all female al- though some men are legal secre- taries. And occasionally you'll find a former legal secretary who went on to law school end is now practic- ing. If you've been in the business for five years, you're eligible to take a two-day exam given twice a year by the National Association of Legal Secretaries in such areas as ac- counting, terminolgy and ethics. Those who pass attain the status of However, three members are employed by city attorneys
(Contin ued on Pake 6A)
"Scales of Justice," was pur- chased for the school with a grant from The Times-Mir- ror Founda- tto n. The 1 adder, con• structed of giant chain links, tips on one leg and holds a pre- c n r Io u sly balanced can with blue paint spilling
\ ~!!f :!!~~ will coordinate projects and Larry Malone of the San Diego Historical Society and Marie Guadalupe Figueroa of the San Diego Youth Involvement Project have been honored by the Sen Diego County Juvenile Delinquen- cy Prevention Commission. Malone received the Howard Bechefsky Award for hie work with Villa Mont.ezuma, the socie- ty's historic house museum located in a neighborhood with high gang activity. The museum sponsors a free weekly program for elemen- tary school children as an alter- native to gang membership. The Napoleon Jones m Me- morial Award went to Figueroa, who has served on the Youth Advi- sory Board and completed the UCSD School of Medicine's Sum- mer Minority Students Research Apprenticeship Program. Both awards were made at the commission's conference last Fri- day. • * * Television Watch: Dean Hadley Batchelder of Western State University College of Law will discuss arbitration and cur- rent trends in legal education this Sunday et 4 p.m. on Channel 51's "At the Bar" program. * * * manage funds~ • ,,,_ 11 L "/ '
--,~-A-t•h-re•e-d-a_y_c•o-nf-erence on
children, divorce and society gets under way tomorrow at Vacation Village. There will be a pre- conference workshop for judges to-
Several local judges, attorneys and counselors will be par-
sen Diego, CA (San Diego co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. O. 7,415)
• * •
with k moc up out. burg, an influential artist since the and one of the leaden of the pop art m v m nl of the '60s, ts known for his lnrg cale Interpretations of common ob- jects "Toppling Ladder" was designed In partn Ip with Oldenbur11's wife, Coosje gg , and Is currently being fab- in North Haven, Conn. Ro Benson, who heads Loyola's t di commltt on the school's art col- l t o and exhibitions, likened the sculpture to mod rn I gal thought. " Old nburg sculpture can be seen as n uni~armlly accurate expression of the domln t 20th century philosophy called le- gal re I m In which ju tlce Is thought to be as much a matter of mundane facts, Irony, d nc ns It Is of ab tract realism," said B n ••• late 1 CIIOOL B IEFS: San Francisco ool dedicated its new Marvin E. Le- t dent Lounge in honor of the school's adu te and former San Francisco su- r . . Theodore Tannenwald Jr., se- nior tr al judge of the U S. Tax Court, will be a vi g prof r at the Unlv~!Y,.OLSap ~School of Law's graduate tax program In the spring ; / Law pe
San Diefo County Bar Assoc· ation Meetinirs Dec.12-18
Thursday, Dec. 12 Business Law Section - noon, Varsity Room, University Club, Speaker: Stephen M. Novak, Sub- ject: "Behind Closed Doors - Rep- resenting the Professional Athlete and Entertainer." The Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Section - 5- 7 p.m., Var- eity Room, University Club. Tuesday, Dec. 17 The Legal Ethics & Unlawful Practice Committee - noon, Conference Room, Bar Association. Wednesday, Dec.18 The Real Property Law Section - noon, Varsity Room, University Club, Speaker: Gerald Kibby, Kib- by & Associates M.A.I. Appraiser, Subject: "Valuation of Dam.ages in Real Property Litigation." .,,
DECl 2 1985
n ll,n • p C e. L t I 88' -Weather And Price ofFish ..-__ tb::::>
..Allen 1 J
P. c. B
If you want to find out what weather has to do with the price of fish you're invited to attend a lec- ture et 7:30 p.m. Dec. 11 at the University ofSan Diego. Spe~ng will be William Evans, executive director of the Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute.
The Los Angeles Chamber o h special, non-subscription concer~~net~ra_ presents a at the Universit.Y_of Sa D" e immaculata featuring Robert Bernh nd iego at 7 p. m Dec. 15 459-3724. ?-i S-5""" ar t,conductor. lnformation:
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)
DECl 2 1985
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. 0. 127,454)
San Diego, Ca lif. Sou them Cross (Ci r. W. 27,500) DEC 1 > 85
P c. B. L,. 1888
DEC 13 1985
P C. B
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. Jl/l,m'J ,as~ ~ounder • Gallery, Alcala Park - Gri?ll"Clfow Waterc~ features Chi- nese art with wf!fftif(/~ noon-5 p.m. weekdays. Information: 260-4600 ext. 4296. P. c. B 1 "
Law chool given grant to study refugee p.roblem ,-,,-,"'
I h, 1r findings could be significant in determining the ou1comt· of a ·vlum and deportat10n cases 1n tht' Un11ed ·tate and Id help shape C pohC) towMd ( tral , merican rdu ,. s CURRENTLY, THE l.J • g,, m'l1rnt grant !,·gal asylum to very fc" C ntral !\menca11s, Drak,- aid. "In den> ng a. ylum, 1h l .S . ;;ove•nment lrt<-JU< ntly maintains that !he Central Ill r! refugees should I.ave sought ,,le h,1\ en or pro1ectic n Irum the \1 x1can government wlit'n thev traveled through ~kx1Co. ·
Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D 50,010) (Cir. S 55,573) DEC 13 1985
P. c. e
(J rt ''I he1c 1s ven little data on 1h extent to "'h11h Ce111ral Americans can obtain legal proteclion in \1ex1w . ' I rtC'dland estimates that there an· 46,000 Guatemalans in southern , 1exi, 0 refug, · ump , bur there are up to lfJ0,000 other Central Amencans 11rirnarily Fl Salvadorans, Jiving 1~ /I.Jcx1co s intcnor In th, United Stat,-s, there are about 'ilX),000 Ct•ntra.l American refugee , ,1nord111g to -~~~~------~
Er1. 1888
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THE STUDY "'111 Ix: ,,clmim tercu by 1he SD In tttutc, wh,,h 1s c-osponwnng 11 w11h the t1011,tl Auwnomou Umve1si1y 1oou,' 11· dang law ,hool.
?s ,?ngeles Chamber Orchestra will m lllJ six of &ell's Brendcnburg Concertos Sunday in University of San Diego' • Immaculata Cathedral. Robert Bernhard, who is conductor of the Louisville Orchestra and associate conductor of the Rochester Phil- harmonic, the Chattanooga Opera and the Johnston Symphony, will direct the 17. concert. - . p
FormsSetFor University CenterAt USD Trepte Construction Co. is setting concrete fol'Dlll for the million University Center under construction at the Upiver lty o! San Diego. The _14,500-square-foot facility will be the non-acad_e~c cenwr tor students. The main level will feature a studPnt dining hall faculty dining room, student government and student affairs offi~es, a deli, a sundries store, a lounge and a multi-purpose pro- gram room. The lower level will house a center for stude~t organizations and publications. Mosher/Drew/Watson/Ferguson 1s .,,,... the architect. Completion is set for next fall. --------~-"''----.....J
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