News Scrapbook 1985

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business News (Cir. 2xM. 3,500) DEC 16 1Q85

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

Chula Vista, CA (San Diego Co.) Star News (Cir. 2xW. 24,418)

DEC 16 7985



Jlllcm 's P. c. B.


l's, 1888

USD QpQP.neration SysfefuMeeting Its Desigl!. Goals Th cogeneration facility on the c~mpus of the U~vcrsity of San Diego has met aod~ceedelf"origi- nat-energy- and financial projec- tions, according to Bob Price, sales manager for Hawthorne Engine Systems, which supphe-i and now helps operate and maintain the system. "Given its present capacity, the facility will save the school about $400,000 over the next 10 vears," Price said. Installed m April, the system, which consists of three, G398, 350-kilowatt Caterpillar natural gas engines, provides cost-effective electricity, heating and air condi- tioning for the university, he add- ed. Located in the Cammo Central plant in the northwest corner of the campus. the cogeneration facility also includes a generator and com- puter-assisted switchgear and con- trol system. USO is on of the first cogenera- tion plants in the country to use a computer to monitor and control energy consumption, according to Roger Mamon, assistant director of the physical plant at the universi- ty. There is also a full-tune, on-site Hawthorne project manager overseeing and maintaming the ~ystem. In its shared-savings agreement, USO purchases its electrical and thermal energy from Hawthorne. Excess energy, which is not needed by USD, is sold by Hawthorne to San Diego Gas and Electric Co. at an established "avoided coat" rate set by the Public Utilities Com- mission. If the university needs more energy than the plant can supply, Hawthorne will purchase energy from SOG&E. This "by-pass" power will be paid at normal con- sumer rates by USO. According to Manion USD which has 5,400 studen~ con'. sumes six million kilowatt-hours of electricity per year in 14 buildings, plus 363,000 therms of natural gas per year, for a total energy bill of $1 milhon. Hawthorne provided all the fi- nancing for the project. After 1O years, USO has the option to ac- quire title to the plant. Assisted by Don Linn, project engineer for Hawthorne, the gen- eral contractor was Intellicon Inc., which provided the com- puter-assisted switchgear and con- trol system.

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Peak performance. After a seven month shakedown review the cogeneration facility on the campus of the Uniu9FGily ot Sa_n Diego has reportedly met and exceeded original energy and financial projections, according to Robert Price of Hawthorne Engine Systems, the company that installed the system. At the site, next to one of the three 350-kilowatt natural gas engines are (left to right) Tom Hawthorne, president of Hawthorne Engine Systems; Price; Roger Manion, assistant director of physical plant at U.S.D.; and James Ring, president of lntellicon, Inc., general contractor for the project, which provided the computer-assisted switchgear and control system. The facility is expected lo save the university about $400,000 over the next ten years in energy costs.

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business Journal (Cir. W. 20,000) DEC 16 185

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Roser pre/ident / board of director of Youth De1·elopmm1 .. BIIJ Mlllu to chairmah of the Commtrcial lndwmal Counci1 A .. ards Program .. Arthur J. 8enYent¥o to president of the ScrippJ Memurial Hosp11als Founda- tion board of director c7I BAK Kennet L. tone to vice president/ . Youns

Coronado, CA (San Diego Co.) Coronado Journal (Cir. W. 5,900)

DEC 191985

regional man ger ,of Trus1 Services of Amtrica Inc. Jeffery J.'Mlnch to assis- t nt vice pre ident/as i tant manager of , eral...Shccyl D Sherrod to chief planning South,.e.1t Banlc. .io luznk al Amalea: and marketing officer at Point Loma Richard . Allanelll, Glenn Marshall and Federal Credit Union .. Stenn R. Hubbs Gerald . Cady a vice presidents ·- to vice' president trust officer at San Uvonne Alber as vice pre ident / Joan Diego Tru.fl & Savings...Donna Good- ervicing department at Centralfed rich Hahn to director of marketing for Mor/gage .. Pally Ducey as sales com- Lenders Cq,:p .. to Peninsula Bank: Bar- muntcauon coordinator at Home Fee!;_, hara Hosaka to senior vice president /

,,,. 1888

..Jllfen 's P. C. B

cashier; Davis Hall to senior vice presi- dent/ manager...Jeffery S . Dearaff to assistant vice president I manager at Bank of Commerce Flower Hill. ED CATION Frank Horner as director of corporate relations for the Uniyn

GENERAL BUSINESS Larry Wood to regional manager ' San Diego with McCune Audio Visual Video .. .Donald S. Wroe to special unit at Safeco Title Insurance Co...Patrick T. Walden as publisher to the Press-Courier Publishing Co...Terrace V. Hermes as operations manager with Multimaterial Mo/ding...Ricbard E. Madock to vice president interim manager at Chicago Ti1le Co.. . David Moffitt to regional vice president for The Roberrson Co... Dave Watson to director of catering_at La Jolla Marriot/ Ho tel . . Alice Chanover to account ni;;;;;- with Founders Title Co.. . Ruth Franklin to design engineer with Pountney & Associares... Linda Thoryk as builder service representative with Shearson Lehman Mortgage Corp ...Kent Lawless a s space planner a t J Howard & Associates /nc... James H . Firmin to director of major advertis'ng accounts at Press-Courier Publications Co...Ronald E. Mires to assista nt general manager at KGTVJO .. . James E. Potter to executive director of Youth Development lnc.. .James R. Williams to president of Kearn y Mesa Torota... Morris W. Barn- hart to chief e~gineer at Cal Omega Inc.. . David Craven to new car sales man- ager at Alan Johnson Porsche-Audi...Ed Diaz to general manager for California Radio Group ... to Mega1ek Corp.. James D. Hunt to vice presidenti operations: Michael J. Bailey to director/ advanced development.. .to Laurie Ann Interiors: Gretchen Vossenkemper to .model home designer; Pauline Moody and Kathy Tay- lor to detail designer assistants; Pamala Espinosa to interior design accessories coordinator; Ty Ray to receiver/ ware- house manager.

Films & Lectures January, UNIVERSITY OF SAN _DIEGO: Featuring art, education and lectures during the month. Information· 260-4600


ext. 4296.








Coronado, CA (San Diego Co.) Coronado Journal (Cir. W. 5,900)

DEC 191985

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

P c. B

/ , 1888

..Jllfen ',


DEC 19 1985


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P C. B

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Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. DeLaurentis Nicolls-Delaurentis marry Two prominent Coronado familie were united this fall when Kelly Patricia Nicolls became the bride of Daniel best man,

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

flanked by ushers William Levihn-Coon, Anthony Delaurentis, Joseph Delauren- tis, Charles Delaurentis, Ke · icolls, Kris Nicolls and Kraig Nicolls. A reception for 175 was held in a turn-of-the-century Victorian mansion. The bride, who is the daughter of Norma Nicolls of Coronado and R. Patrick Nicolls of San Diego, is a graduate of Coronado High School and the University of San Diego with a degree in business administration. Mr. Delaurentis, the son of Dr. and Mrs. Carlo Delaurentis of Coronado, is also a CHS graduate, with a biology degree from the University of San Diego. At present, he is an ensign m the Naval Reserve, stationed aboard the USS O'Brien at the 32nd Street Naval Station. Following a honeymoon in the couple has made their home in Coronado. Palm Springs,

DEC 191985

Jos ph Delaurentis at Sacred Heart Catht>lic Church Oct. 26. On the arm of her father, the bride entered the church wearing a white ~atin gown, covered with imported lace, hand-sewn pearls and sequir ,, and a full cathedral train. She carried "'hite camellias and orchids with prays of tiny ecd pearl . In attendance was her sister Kathryn Nicoll Chapman, wh~ traveled from Switzerland to be her matron of honor. Maid of honor was Laura Shine of Santa Barbara, with bridesmaids Jody Lynn terton of the Bahamas, Apnl Keniry and Cheryl Mun- on. Their gowns were scarlet as wer th ir bouquet of den- drobium orchid and lilie . Standing with the bridegroom wa eorge Paul Delaurentis as

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<--1 ••• Finding students' knowlege of world problems "extremely low,'' USO ·will begin a social justice co--;;:;-se program designed to provide "a basis for reflection and critical judgment on contemporary social and moral issues." The first courses vill focus on war and peace issues beginning Jan. 29. A aeries of faculty forums open to the public will be held during the spring.

Tribune photo by Caro} Woods

Fo9,d fnd gifts Students at the University of San Diego have gathered toys, clothes and food for _needy youngsrers ·tn ruda Vista, where the school is located. Helpmg prepare the presents are from left Father Ron Pachence, Katherine Waller and Dr. Judith Munoz. '

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