News Scrapbook 1985


I Mission Val ev I \San (!iego~~eklV NeWS sai:i 01 ~9 M 2 oooo\ \Cir - 2.-- '

Mexico clarifies ways a /')10 ( /J,11 11 1ht· , ondu.111m o/ a rt'f"'II II lw I, l>t•J111II /mt "e,.J...) ll .Jim l.untiel I>, l'J1il Gan,1er, u11cc1or nl 1hc l11,1,1u1c for Reg1on,il '-,!ud1e, 111 1111: ( alllorn1a, (II{'-,() ol San 1)1~gu S1,1tt: t "" ,. , "1 \. J<:,t.: ~d-the <1h1c-.:11,t:, .111u luncuun, ol 1ht: 111,111u1,. a lrnum t,)1 bu,1nc,,. p11\,1lt: ,c,tn1 . aLa,km11: or !!11, agenuc, lrnm huth ,1uc, ol the h,irdcr. Spcc1f1, "".i' under c,.iluauon induuc -...,,tt:1 ,md land u,c. energy, ,·u111um1c uc,dopment and cduLJllun l>r Norn, Clement. I K '-,( a»OC!ith; UHCCl,>r, said ht! " 111 the prot:e,, of pn:paring a uH11prche11'>1 c 1w1n -plan1 guide 11< '-,{ · ot 11,t:, arc lo ·ah:d at 6505 <\I\J1.1uo Rd. near 1hc SDSU c.i11111t". tckphonc (619) 265- )4.' I I K (,alo I onela, dircc1or ol ,· ,· n n o m I c a n d 11 , i n c , 1k, dopmcnt 111 I he Offict: ol l u11wm1c l)c,dop'Tlcnl of the ~l.itc ol Ba1a Cahlorn1a, wa, the ,olc olfiual n.:pn:,t:ntati,e ot the S1,,1c ol BJ(J Cahlorn,a 10 allcnd I 1e I onela outlined 1hc 1>ll1t:1JI at11tude nl h1, ,late a, 1H1t: ol ,cd.,ng mean, 10 impro, c h1l.i1c1al relation,. ofcnncern tor 1cnprocuy, ol 1ucn11fit:a11011 nt ,pci:d1c problem area,. li e ,1g1t:ed th,11 there mu,t be more 1n·1p1 ,1c1!}. lnr example 111 lrnd,11,g, hut pointed out that th" prohkm wa, no1 JLl'>t gmc111mcnLal 1111ha1 II imolv..:u ., ,er\ p He oh,t:rvcd 1hat then: ,,a, ,rn kgal mcchani'm ,t:1 up 10 pcrnlll bilateral Ul>Ctl"IOm ol p1 uhlc:m, ,ueh a, 1hc rct:ent ho1de1 cr,1S,111g ,10,,-down a, the\ arn,e lie mentioned the pr oblcm, ol II ndocumcn1ed \\1>1kcr,. ol tuna l1>h1ng and other ..,er} delicate quc,11om.~ !h.11 \\ould benel11 b} bc111g d1SL11ncd ,ihjcct1,c!\ in an op~n lorum . 111 a lnendl}. nvil11cd i..:11\ 1runn1cnt \'a1ga, recoun1cd the histo11cal antecedents nl Mn Kan tear, ol Im cign conu ol nl h,is1c 1ndu,1rn:,, transpnr la lion and eommun1ca1ion,. In lhc l.ilc 19th and early 20th ll' llllll lC'I. ll10\1 ot 1cxico\ n.1t11r,tl n:")Urcc,. oil. mine, and 1.ttl111.tth \'- t: tc o\\ned by Hri1i,h. \me,u.:an anu heneh concern, -...ho generally. did nol .idm111is1cr 1hcm to the bcnclit ol 1h~ Mc,1,an nation. cxpa1r1a1- 111g 1110,t t>I the pror11, rcal11eu. I hc,e lnn:1gn-owm:d proper11c, e,..:n1uall 1 -...ere cxprnpria1cu.

horucr rcgll)m. While politin pe1 ,c wc1e 1101 ,chcuulcd as a tllflic of discussion, ,everal references were made by various speakers anu aucndec, of the effect of the f'RI and PAN nvalry,e,pccially in the border area. Bainey ·1 homp,on. a rccogn11ed authority on Mexican pol111cs. and publi,hcr of 1he I espcctcd /111' r i ca II Ne" · 1 S 111 o /J.\' i .1. commcn1ed 1ha1 several state gubernatorial elections being held in July. in addition to some key city elec1ions. may be crucial 111 that they could determine the line oft he PAN party. and, while he did not ,ay 11 in ,o many word,, the 1mphcation was that the outcome ol these elccuons could determine whether Mexico was ready 10 accept a true multi party poh1ical system . I tu: PR I has not los1 a ,late governor,h1p in any slate sine.: it wa, founded in I 929. / -

Home away from home-Tijuana's Americana Tijuirn11 Hotel opens on March 29, providing accommodalion for louri!>b. Recent dcv.:lopments now permit I00 percent foreign owncr,hip III c.:rta1n specific ca">C,. lJ ndcr the guidelines of the National Comm"sion of I oreign Investment, certain are a, of 111\ e \I men t a r c con\lucred to be in !he national 1ntere,t. 111 ... luding the Moon: wcnl on 10 po1111 out that "Mexico 1, an 111dcpcnden1, so,ere1gn nation full)' capable of operaung -... 1thout bcnclt1 nl U S. as\isrnnce or guidJncc . we have to cope w11h language and cultural anu nat1onal,-1ic



.:Allot'• P, c . 8

bainers." Moore added 1ha1. in hi\ opinion. Mexico can "survive fore,er with 1he11 own resource,, completely 111dependcnt of thi: U.S.A." Bob Corbell responded to Moore·, comments with the I' obst:r\ation that "1 he U S prO\ 1dc, an 1nd"pen,1ble e,capc 1 valve tor . excess. unemployed Mc,ican populauon" and left unan,wert:d his question a, to wh,11 would happcn 1f wc had a "lkrhn Wall" along our bordi.:r. Corht:11 ,a,u ~,he ccon,1my of both nations would provide better solutions than any 1dc:ology." He ob,er\cd 1ha1 lhc Mexican populac~ "might have good n:ason 10 doub1 i\mc11ca11 ,inccrity for h"torical rea,on." and referred 10 the still latcn1 frar in Mexico of the "Colo,su, of the North . " Corbclt concum:d w11h 1hi: opinion of other, that vital decist011, rcgijrding problem, in th,; two Baja California ,talcs wen: bcrng made in Mnico Ci1y . hy people 1,:,.,_ a11uned to 1hc l S -0 111.: ntcd

' "' 1888

manufacture of agricultural machinery. ICJ\lile and plastic 111du,1ry machine,. electric generator, and 1urb1ncs. computer and electronic cumponenh, pharmaceu11cal products. chemicals, medical equipment and hotel con;,truc- llon. lach reque,l i, analyzed ind I\ 1d ually on a ca,e-by-ca,c ba,is. A rect:nl di:c1s1on of note lly 1he commi"ion wa, th.: rejection of IBM', re4U1.:,t for a 100 percent operation. reponedlv hc:cau,e Hc\\;lett-Packard and Apple both had '') I 49" Mexican conlrolkd corpora- 11 on, producing similar product,, and I BM would only be: competmg with the,e firm,, in add111on 10 the existingdomeslic producen. and 1tius 1101 contributing to the na1ional intcre,t, . Compctllion and diversity of d101cc b~ the con,umer arc not maJor tact or, in the h,1 of ,octoeconomu: c11tcria consider- ed by the commis,ion 111 11, dcc1sio n-m ak1ng procc". I actors rh:it ·.He considered 111cludc: crca1ion of permanent job,; decentrali1a1ion ot production; 111crease 111 exports; transfer of technology and any 01her fac1ors that would contribute to the goals of the National De1clopmcn1 Plan o f 1981-88. -... hich do not displace domc,tic 111,e,tment. Va1gas concluded with a comment on a wide-reaching ,urvcy of coastal areas and i,lands currcn1ly being undertaken by the Mexican government in order 10 identity area, for de,elopmen1 of mannas. hotel,. and resorts. "-ilh a ,1rung po,,ibil11y of cuncesswm bemg granted 10 foreign investor, for the de, clopmcn1 of certain Mexican island,. In a l1,cly exchange of op111iom. lrom 1hc floor during lhe morning ,~ss1on. one conk1ec rme 10 make the pomt that "thc philosophical b,tckground of the U .S.-Mexico ,itua1ion" mu,t be con,idered 1f "'e arc lo understand "their a111Ludc," and rcac1iom which mhcrwisc might defy conven- tional' logic. ·1urn Moore. a San Diego manulac1urer of ~lectronic componen t,, wcn1 on 10 ,ay: "We have lo learn 10 roll wi1h lhe punches and ,Ln\1vc ... we can ,either be prac1ical or we can be 1dcolo1i"ical." wi1h 1he 1111pl1cation that being "1dcolog1eal" i, not practical from a llusim:s~ vicwpo\n1.

Grant for USD:Zq'?5 The Signal companies. Inc . of S n Diego announced one of the large t corporate gifts ever made to a private organization m San Diego - a $1.2 mtl11on challenge grant to the Uo1vers1ty..of San Diego. under terms of the challenge gr nt, Signal Comp,.in1es will match new or increased contributions from corporations on a two for-one dollar basis up to a total of $1 2 million .,,,


.)ltl.,11'1 P. C. 8

f,r . 1888

/March 29 · Economic Rtfse&rc~ Bureau b Business Symposium C.t> San Diego Business symposium- Issue ·as-The symposium features Kirk west, the state's secretary of Business, Transportation and Housing who will discuss Cahforn1a's issues. Bill Holland, vice president of Kidder, Peabody & Company and KSDO Radio personality who will discuss the local economy Two add1t1onal contemporary topics hav~ been added to the symposium s agenda-higher education and water issues earl Baronkey, general manager of the Metropoht n ~ater D1str will dis ss an Diego s water issues Dr Tom Day president of San Diego State university. Or Arthur Hughe~ president 1vers,ty of san 01 go and Or Richard Atkinson. chancellor of University of Cdhforn1a San Diego, have been invited to speak on higher education issues Business Week's "Panel of Editors" will keynote the luncheon session on the business and economic outlook for 1985 and beyond The symposium starts at 7:30 a m with reg1strat1on at the Sheraton Harbor Island East Hotel in the Champagne Ballroom. To

.ind 1110,1 of I hem na11011alr1cd. ,11th Pre\ldcnt Lan1ru Carden.a, 1.1k111g over the mine, a1{d- 111lt1t·11h 111 191X I a-..., were la1a r11.iunl ,.:quiring at lca,t 51 pe1t:c1ll Mn.1t:a11 owner,h1p of .tll\ torc1gn cn1crp1 ,-cs, wllh k"' c,u:r,uDn, per m1t1cu

register, mail your check to the Greater San Diego Chamber of commerce, 110 West "C" Street, suite 1600. San Diego, CA 92101 Regis ration fees are $50.00 for Chdmber members (table of eight- $380.) for non-members fees are $60.00 (table of eight- $460.) Tickets will be held at the / symposium L_

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