WCA July 2010

Double twist stranding of instrumentation cables Maschinenfabrik Niehoff’s DSI series of double twist stranding machines and additional equipment can be combined to manufacture all types of data and special cables, including LAN cables of all existing categories and even future generations. An example application of the versatility of the double twist stranding line is the manufacture of instrumentation cable for the petrochemical industry. In this case, the cable consists of two flexible conductors with polyethylene insulation, two fillers and a drain wire (ground). During the stranding process, the inner part of the cable has to be wrapped with three film layers. All elements of the cable are assembled in one process on a stranding line which is composed of three payoffs type ATP 630, three payoffs type ALB 600, a pre-twister type VVD 180, and a DSI 631 type double twist stranding machine. The ATP 630 tangential payoffs are designed for the uncoiling of cables, insulated single conductors, pairs and quads with a maximum diameter of 4mm. Each payoff is driven by a dancer-controlled spool drive with adjustable wire tension; the maximum haul-off speed is 300m/min. In this case, the units were used to payoff the two flexible insulated wires and the ground wire.

ATP 630 type tangential conductor ❍ ❍ pay-offs

Maschinenfabrik Niehoff GmbH & Co KG – Germany Fax : +49 9122 977 155 Email : info@niehoff.de Website : www.niehoff.de


Wire & Cable ASIA – July/August 2010

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