News Scrapbook 1964-1967

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SA~ DIEGO, CALIFORN!l EVENING TRIBUNE 1· Monday, Jan. 18, 1965 • SPORTS . . . Basketball

College Sets New Courses Spring courses, beginning February 2, in in-service edu• cation were announced by the 'unlversity of San Diego's The classes are designed to aid individuals who are cur- rently teaching or are Inter- ested In qualifying for the C · ornia Standard Teach- ng Credential, according to William A. Salesses, head of the Education Department. Evening and S a t u rd a y morning classes will be of- fered In historical and ~hilo• :sophical foundations of edu- cation, educational psychol- ogy and elementary or sec- ondary methods and curricu- lum. to ful- fill the requirements for a teaching major or minor also courses may be taken for either graduat or undergraduate credit. Inquiries regarding the in- service program may be directed to Salesses, at the College for Men, 296-6108. College for Men. Academic courses may be '81d. All arranged, Salesses



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Aztec Victories Chill T oreros

USO, 96-71 Sittcial to Tho San Ofego Union Pepper• d 1c College last night gained revenge for a previous defcat/ by dumping the University of ~an Diego, 96-71, on the victor's floor. 1 he Toreros, who had scored a double - overtime triumph over San Diego State last night, had beaten the Waves, 83•78, in their first game of the season. Coach Phil Woolpert's San Diego crew, now with a 11-7 record, will oppose Cal Western Fnivcr ity on lhe USD co u r t Wednesday night. The Torrros have defeated the We terncrs I wicc during the current cam-1 pa1g11. I GLEWOOD -


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An audience with a church administrator, lunch at an historic monument and a bur- glary trlal filled the day of students in Operation Amigo yesterday. The trial in the San Diego County Court House captured the imagination of 29 Argenti- neans who are visiting Hilltop High School. is spon- sored jointly by the Sweet- water Union High School Dis- trict and The San Diego Union and Everung Tribune. · o ¥t in on the trial in an afternoon session of Su p e r i o r Court. Judge Verne 0. Warner presided. PROCEDURES EXPLAINEp The defendant was on trial for attempted burgl:ry. Be- fore the trial res=ed, Jesse Osuna, supervising deputy county clerk, explained court procedures In Spanish. Their interests stimulated, the visi- tors asked Osuna many ques• tions about the U.S. judicial system. Operalion Amigo The What legal training is re- ' quired of jurors, how are peo- ple selected to be jurors and do they have to serve, were some of their questions. After Osuna 's introduction, Warner welcomed the Amigos to the court room -in Span- ish The examination and cross- examination of witnesses fas- cinated mo.t of the students and thev talked about the trial during a brief recess. TOUR CANCELED So much interest in the trial was shown that a scheduled tour of the Community Con- , course was cancelled to allow I the students to see the trial until court adjourned at 4:30 p.m. The trial ended an al -day tour. An audience wi h the Most Rev. Francis J. Furey, apostolic administrator of the San Diego Catholic D Jcese, '.I as the first stop. He talked to the Atpigos in ItalJan, a language which most of the student could understand becau e of its similarity to Spanish. ' He gave each a card with a pie e and information about

religious medallions. .:\fother Farraher, president of the University of San Die- go's College for Women, lead a tour of the college wh,ch she supervises. Next the Amigos went to Cabrillo National Monument. They enjoyed a box lunch there and romped over the hilJs surrounding the lighthouse. TAKE BUS RIDE Lionel J. Bienvenu, chief historian at the monument, talked to the Amigos about whales and answered ques- t10ns. Although whale watching is a populilr pastime during this time of the year here. no whales were observed while the Amigos were visiting. After leaving the monument on Point Loma, the Argentine- ans were taken on a bus ride to l\,lissiun Bay and along Shelter Island on their way t~ the afternoon court session.

Umve·s1ty of San Diego's bas-1

ICRD dropped an 89-71 game

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team must ,be h1vering to Chapman College in the con•

today but not bccau e of it

otation contest.

cold mght agdinst Cal Poly of Cal Western held powerful Porn, na aturda>. Los Angeles State to its second The Toreros got the chills lowest point total of the ;season looking at San Diego State' in another Saturday night mp e J\C weekend wins o~er game, but stl11 uffetcd a 79- l'rc no and C,11 Poly of San 64 lo s to the Diablos. r 1 \ a I m et in the Aztec's na College Friday night. P t on Gym Friday night. U D lo t shooting eye in th 75-47 1 to • a I P o I y of Pomona in Cal Poly tour- n •y. L m d ilhams w t only p ayer lo emble pny offen ne threat for l'1e Torero~ v1th 15 point . Lu Ob1 bo. The cro town The We terners host Pasade-

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Vet ran Larry !Itch lltree pace. the Panthers Ith 11 16 9 averag d, followed by ( rward Joe Cucinella, 12 7, n I gu rd Tony RoJQ, 10.7 Te m captain Phil de la Porte, at guard, and c nter ,Joe Knox round out the starling five The ~1arm s, who we: nipp d by Nev dn Southern, 71• 69, · their last outing, have won s ven o( their la t , n ne c tests. ,1cRi;> start rs will _be Pat Ford, Dave Samp ell, J1m lynn, Lou L kc and Dave W lk r forward

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A umni Plan To Honor Bishop Furey




Cleric Plans Lecture at University Msgr. John Tracy Ellis, pro- fessor of church history at the Univer ity of San Francisco, will speak during a public pro- gram at 8:30 tonight in More, Hall on the University of San Diego Campus. His topic will be "American Catholicism in the 1960s: Some Historical Justifications." The program will be spon- sored by the Cardijn Center, headquarters for Roman Catho- ic action groups.


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Aztecs, U , To ·h For City 'Tit


San Diego de Alcala, the pa- l Iron saint of the city, and

The Most Rev. Francis J. Furey, apostolic administrator of San Diego

-Son Dil!go Unron Staff Photo Catholic Diocese, gives med a Is to Cristina Chantada, Pablo Amarante.

B12 E-S; 810 W-M - --- -- The Independent


Thurs., Jan. 21, 1965 ---- -----


Battle Friday ----- Meek, Ashford To Lead Teams in Quest of Title The battle for the local college basketball title comes up for grabs tomorrow night at San Diego State's Peterson Gym where the Aztecs will meet upcoming University of San Diego at 8 p.m. • Ther~ is quite & bit of similarity betwee~ the twq I clubs. Buth have winning aeasona Pasadena tomorrow and tour Each squad has a high scor- Loa Ang-eles State Saturday Ing forward ~d an outstand- S:ll! p.m, eont ti t Gold The Westerner • will a1ao be Ing pla aker m the backcourt. G es & The :rorero~ have the ares'• ym. leading college scorer in 6-3 - ---------- The 8 p.m. prelqnlnary will feature frosh teams from th two • choola. thu far. The Aztec• wW bring an 8·i record lnt.o the match and the Toreto111 an 10-8 th at home th! • week. They meet or e year. .


San Diego State and Universi- ty of San Diego will clash for the city basketball title at Pe- tersort Gym on State's campus tonight al 8. Tipoff for !he intra-city con- test will follow the game be- tween Aztec and USD freshman teams, 1 'h will start at 6. The Aztec yearlings 18-1) and USO freshm"n (11-2) are proba- bly the strongest Frosh outfits ever turned out by the two schools. The varsity scrap could be on the order of their first hoop meeting last season. when State won, 7(H9, on the Torero wood. I In tonight's match. expected to draw more than 2,jOO fans, the Aztecs will go with the same five that went all the way for an upset, 691i7 victory over Fresno State here last Saturday night. J.IEEK DOulJLE LEADER They are rugged 6-5 forward Larry l\leek, leading rebounder Catlin, 6-2; center Bob Mackey, and scorer; quick forward A,, playmaking guard Jack ' Leadin"' Aztec replacements have been c .,fer Larry Willis and guards Graig N :ties and Gary McCoy The Aztecs have won eight games, lost four and lead the CCAA with a 3-0 record. USO) h best team in the school's his- 1 e tory, i 10-6. u The Toreros wiJ: bank heavily f, on the shooting of Clif Ashford, s who has averaged 19 5 points itd also is the team·s leading i1 rebounder despite lus 6-3 • height Other Torero openers will be b fnrward Larry Moyer, 6-5; cen-.n ter Phil Price, 6-6, and guards Ip f:1.mond Williams, 5-9, and Bernie Bicker .taff, 6-2. F IXDMDUAL BAITLES r 6-7; (5-lOJ, and guard , Jim Bowers, 6-0.

1 Colors to Ab·ound For Amigos' Dance Streamers, Balloons to Convey Circus Theme for Argentineans By HERB LAWRENCE EVENING TRIBUNE Stott Writer CHULA VISTA-A splash of color will surroWJd a special dance Hilltop High School will put on for the 29 visiting Argentinean students tonight. Charles Schanke, faculty adviser for the event, said the Hilltop gymnasium will be decorated l\'.ith red, white and blue s1reamers and 500 colored balloons. fi Schanke said the colors will carry out the dance's cir<:us theme.

f.'2'4E~!t'~EZ~!~~!'!,! Friday, Jan. 22, 1965

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_~5an"' m••• Union S'cfl Pholcs

¥hen the two cross-tO\m basketball is the Toreros' third leading scorer. squads battle at Peterson gym. Moyer

"Our ticket sellers and tak- ers will be dressed as clowns," he said. The Argentineans will put on a tango exhibition while Hill- top students will demonstrate the American bunny-hop. 500 Students Expected About 500 studen~ are expect- ed. The dance will be held from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Dan Grindle, student b o d y president, will be master of cer- emonies. The Argentineans got a look at various .university campuses through motion pictures and slides last night. Members of the Erudites, the school's international club, put on a program to show the Ar- gentineans what some of the state university campuses look like. Campus Films Shown Mrs. Margaret Vierhus, fac- ulty adviser to the club, said films on California Western Uni- versity, San Diego Stat.ii College

Junior Cllff AJihford who la H.Veraglng 19.5 points a game while the Aztecs will offer the remarkable Larry Meek, a 6-11 senior, who Is having his be~t sea,son. lUeek is cur- rently averaging 16.S pointa a game. In the backcourt, State Will be ed by one o! the finest guards on tlie Coast in I.Tack Shawcroft. The 5-10 ace, along with :Meek, led th JUtecs to confnence wins over Cal Poly (SLO), 77-76, and fteVenth ranked Fresno, 69-67, last w\!ek. The Toreros• senior guard Lymond Williams i1 another outstanding playmaklng' • pe- clalist and can hit equally wen from out~lcle. Roundin,:- out the • tarting five for both squads are guard BernJe Bickerstaff, 8·2, cen- Larry Moyer, 6-6, and forward Alan ·Fay, 6·5, for the Toreros and guard Jim Bowers, 6-0, c e n t er Bob Mackey, 6·7, and forward AI Catlin, 6-1 ½, for the Aztecs. The similarity doesn't stop With the players. Both teams are piloted iby two of the na- tion's top coaches ln George Zlegenfust of State a n d Phil Woolpert ot USO. Both clubs have defeated Cal WMtern this season. The Aztecs trimmed the We tern- ers, IH-47, whDe the Torcros topped Coach Bob Kloppen- burg•• squad h,.1ce bv 43-U and 68-1!2 counta. •

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•-----, Shawcroft,


Part For University Faculty Capt. Elli tt Mitchel' Brown, USN, ret., v.ho · assistant rore or of mathem tic a Umversity or San Diego, and Mrs. Brown vill give a (OCktail buffet tomorrow in then- Coronado home for Very Rev. John Paul Cadden, p~ ident of the m e 1ty, memb r of the science a~d mathematic faculty, h ds of other departments and their wives. M Brown gave a luncheon recently for Mrs. William B. raun of \lex ndria Va., wife of Capt. Braun, US~, ret., and llUSe guest of Rea; \dm Francis T. William on, USN, a~d Ir . William on. Mrs. Braun and Mrs. Williamson are sis-

• •·

and several campuses of the ~------~--- University of Caliiorma were ment, school 11uthorities have shown. approved a soccer match be- Slides of the University of San twe.:n a team of Amigo boys ,Diego also were flashed on the and a pick-u team from Hill- screen. ' P . A few of the Argentineans top. The two teams will clash have expressed a desire to at- at 3 p.m. Monday on the foot- tend universities in the state. ball field. Soccer Match Okayed Operation Amigo is a friend- Some Hilltop seniors also at- shlp program sponsored by the tended the showing in the school I schools in the county :,yith t_he cafeteria. cooperation of the Evemng Tnb- In another Amigo develop- un~ and The San Diego Un~"-·~ ,


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