News Scrapbook 1964-1967
Anderson Hails eAt Memori I Rites San Diego County Jaw enforce- ment ofht~ ded National
Colle F r Men Will Graduate 37 . The University of San Diego's College for Men will hold its 1965 commencement exercises at 2 p.m. this Friday, May 28, In the Alcala. Theater on campus'. Bachelor's degrees will be awardec;t to 37 seniors. Seventeen students who wlll com- plete their studiPs this summer also will participate. Honorary doctor of law de- -------
Police Weck y memorial serv• ice in honor of office rs who died ID service. Present were officers from San Diego Po- lice De p a rt- ment, the coun- ty Sherm's De- partment, Cali- fornia Highway Patrol and po-
grees will be bestowed upon three peraons. They are Maj. Gen Bruno A. Hoch,:riuth, commandlng general of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot
In San Diego ; Sister Mary William, IHM, president of Immaculate Heart College in Los Angeles, and E. Robert Anderson, president of the Copley News Service and vice president' or the Union-Trib- une Publ,!Jlting Co., San Diego. Sister .(·,ry- William will be the com ,11encement speaker. ,Mnrk W. Telsmann Is to bo awarded the Charles E. F1·anklin Memorial Award as the outstanding student in the graduating class. Mo t Rev. Francls1J. Furey, Apostolic Administrator, will preBlde during the ceremon- ies and present the diplomas. Vuy Rev. John Paul Cadden, presld nt of thr College for Men, w i 11 confer degrees upon the students who will be pres<·nted by Rev James I , Birklcy, academic dean. DPgree candidates are Sat- tam Al Saud, Philip C. Bolles, Daniel P. Broderit:k, Ronald F. Cady, Max L. Castlllo, Richard L . Cooper, William H. Conry, Nicholas M . De- Turi, David J . Duble, Logan G. Elliott, Thomas Ferrara, Michael R. Flynn, Hubert L. Fontaine, Jr., and ·Edward G. Fratantaro, Jr. Also Dennis M . Gorsich, Ralph Q. Heintz, • John T . Horvatich, Thomas R. Kin• witter, Kenneth N. Kullbcrg, David M . Minor, Laurence D. Moyer, John B. O'Don- nell, Paul W. Preiss, Shawn w. Quinn, Robert J. Ramos, Harry R. Ridge, Jr., and Michael A. Rosiak. Also Tllmer Scott, Joseph ,J. Shults, Jr., Louie R. So- lano. Michael J. Sur, Sauveur D. Tambourin, Mark W. Tels- mann, Stephen E. Waltet·s, Stephen A- Ward, Frederich C. Wellenkamp, and William J . Wilsterman, Jr. Students who are expected to graduate during the sum- mer a re Arnulfo R. Baylon, Patrick B. Barry, Paul M. Cave, Roy J, Corder, Gerald C. DeLuney, Robert S. Fla- havan, Donald P . Kimball, and Anthony A. Lopez. Also R OS S D. McMillan, Jamee V Miller, Michael W. ~urphy, Henry P. Perez, Jo- s~ph W. Picone, James N. Poulsen, Robert R. Rock- well, J. S. Seckel, and Den- nis J. Steik,
Anderson !icemen from cities mthm 'he county. Lt. Gov. Glenn Anderson gave the memoria I address during the ceremony at the organ pavilion in Balboa Park. Officer and families witnes ed the event. "Local Jaw ~nforcemenl is the bulwark of our form of govern- ment," Anderson said. "lt in good measure responsible for the social and economic prog- ress this nation ha experienced. "Any system of sclf-govrrn- ment in which Jaw Is supreme mu. t be safeguarded by an adc quate program of enforcemc:b and adjudication.'' AnderS-On stressed tance of the idea of service rather than force In a peace officer's role. Anderson said police offic s themselves, after a recent stu y, concluded that a pohce agency should do what it can for, rather than to, the people Its members are employed to serve. Rabbi :'\'!elvin Weinman o Tempi Beth rael delivered the mvocation and the Rev. I. Brent Eagon of t l niver ity of San D" ego gav iction. Marine Co e<'ruit Depot band prov i d the music.
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Outstanding ha.,rhall t·art•f'r rml
USD ACE TO GRADUATE Pat Deserves Pat on th Back By EARL KELLER f'w[NINO TRI BUNE 5port1 w r
• • • w Offic r
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In tall d by Alcalc Guild Th Al lllll Guild laat w ek h Id lunch on In th Cuya- m ca Club to In. tall new of• flee . The Guild, comprla d of wlv a of faculty memb re 11,n an earned run average .98, 'anding him a position n the All-Eastern League earn The handso:n voung man was voted MVP ui ba • and ba eba I while playing ror the Sain • o rm not gomg to go into pro ball. ' Pat said .l' erday • I don t v. e1gh enough l6-2 and lfili pound. / and furthennor l \I ant to continue mv studi and get a master's degre " B rrv will be back hard at 111 duties ter he ta es a tnp tl Wic hmgt n ear_ June. l c wa one of 55 graduating semor m the country selected by a national msura e com• pary for a po !e po l!JOn in th Th ummer LOn nue µ1tchm for t 1e La Me a Col ians of l e South- e!"l Ca · ornia In olleglate Conference He w I heir top hurl r last vear \\ith a 5-1 record lead g tr m to the l lie r o ~c a lot to USD and b11 eball " Pat ;_aid "because both gave !lle the opportunity to go to college. I doubt if I 11auld have been able to go to ge without the lup I r ·e11ed I'm very han u' ' Ban; ha be n a top slu- e' n too a e• as an out- andmg a hlete t USD. He wa a low-B student. In addi- tion to liis heavy studies and outs de jobs, Pat found time to cngag in chool activities. Among ot~er things, he was pr ident of the junior class. At St. Aurustme. Pat was sen- ior cla s president e ·t year Pat will be a ·sis- tant baseball coach under John Cunningham while con- tinwng his studies for a Mas- ter•~ degree If be doesn't get the r'ght buSllless offer, Pat - plan, o t ach or coa, h 'Pat' a fine young man tr surer, Mm . R&lph JI lntz, 11.nd ton t were re-ln•tal- l111rol
• • • • • • USD Queen Wins Fraternity Honor The Unlvcr•lty or San Diego's 1004-65 Homecoming Que n has be n na:-ned the national eetheart of Alpha Delta Cl,l.lllm f111l rn1ty h !JI llss largle !asiello, 20, a sophomore Engllsh m jor She Wll8 nominated by the fraternity's chapter at the USD College for Men. Ill! USll's ba eball team ne\Cr has had a harder worker than Barry. This sea on he worked m both end · o two double- headers. He yielded only two eamoo runs in 1:; ,nning, m lo mg t Fullerton State, 2- 1 and 4-3, but against mver- s1ty of San Fran<'i ro he had better luck winn ng tw ce m on afternoon. On antther cx..cas10n Pat pitched a full grure agam Long Beach Stat one after noon lhen came hack the next day in relief and threw 8' innings His top effor , help- mg him win the most valu- able pla)er a11ard, came v,h n he shut out Utah. 16-0, on two hit Pat wa a '· ildr.ian" in his first two years wit~ L 1 Toreros. hiltmg 11 bl.I er in his first C.'.bon and eight a a Mn • ltllo was elected p nel of judges on the USD Coed Wins Sweethea t Title e year sophomore 'flus struck onl) two halters. COLLEGE lilRES-Cdr. Thomas R. Pearson, USN, who will retire from active duty Aug. 1, has been named director of student services at the University of San Diego College for Men, effec- tive Aug. 15. _.::=..c_---- \t I. Augustine, Pat 9-11 in his senior year, bu I s and I'm sure he will be' suc- ce s ul at anyl11ing he does," Cunnmghar.i said m paymg Barry a compliment. ~=----- Teach in Fall Two Athletes Given Awards Lyrnond Williams and Pat Barry, senior athletes from' the University of San Diego r,ollege for Men, were hon- ored as the school's most valuable players at the an- nual awards banquet held recently at the Stardust Country Club. The University of San Di- ego Alumni Association spon- sored the gathering. Mem- bers of the golf team, frosh basketball squad and intra- mural athletes were also honored. Williams, a forward, won the Most Valuable Player award in •basketball for the oecond straight year. He has played on the varsity squad for three years and is from Washington, D. C. Barry, a pitcher, received the Bob . Kerrigan trophy for oub!tanding member of the baseball team. He is a gradu- ate of St. Augustine High School and the son of Mrs. Lula Barry, 3051 Hawthorn St. Contest Won By Slatten The sixth annual Demos- thenian Contest was held last Thursday in the theater at ·the College for Women. The contest permits students or the University of San Diego to demonstrate their abilities in original oratory in compe- tition. Fir.t place winner was Bob Sl3l!tn wit!) an essay on pajrlotlsm. Cheryl N o r r I s clatmrd second place with her ;,arody on modem man, and \ llliam Sink placed third with a. speech on complacency ln American society. The competition was plan- ned and directed by the Rev. John Cloonan, head of tile I SD To Honor 3 At Commencement . Thirty-seven bachelors THE S'AN DIEGO UNION Wed., May 26, 1965 (') SAN DIEG01 CALIFORNIA A19 l Thursday, August 12, 1965 The ln~ependent Irving W. Parker, dean of ad- missions and records, said Sis- ter Mary William will be cited or her contributions to higher education and the contribution of her religiou~ order to the educational structure of the San Diego Catholic diocese. Pan:er said Hochmuth Anderson, a retired ::',lavy Speech Department at the College for Men. Dr. Eugene Bambie, professor at the Col- , le "'tt tor Men, served as mas- for of ceremonies. . e judges were Dr. Joseph ~ne, head of the History r> partment at the College for en, Rev. I. Brent Eagen, director of publicity and pub- lic relations at the College for Men, and Dr. John Wells, La Jolla physician. ALCALA GUILD, Univ ,11,y of Son Diego Co I or Men, ~e d h ,n to lcit,on luncr on Mo'f 19 o, th Cuyarraco C•ub w,tt, the Ve Y R v Jo, n Paul Cc,dden n oderatc; of th Gu anclu ting t~e ceremony eft lo ,,g~t r Mr J l W Ip r new pre dert, fat~er Cadden, president of the Col- lege for Men; and Mmes John O'Donnell l 964 Woman of Vo/or, Dominic De Pietri: new vice pres,dent and co-chairman ol the event with Mr s. Wilber Hildreth, right THE KICK-OFF COFFEE held at the home of Mrs, William H. Murphy, 4028 St, James Place, recently was in preparation for the Alcala Guild's sixth annual luncheon and fashion show of Oct. 9 at the Grant Hotel. Left to right are Mmes. Murphy, general chairman, who introduced her comm11tee chairmen and assistants, Joseph J. Hiel, pro• motion; Paul J. Majkut and Eric R. Woods, awards. Mrs. John L. Wilper is president of the Guild. -Photo by Sam Stone Photo by Som Stone -
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