News Scrapbook 1964-1967
rince. mong USD cience Graduates The University of San Diego lege for Men ceremonies be- graduated its first prince yes- ~ause of the alphab_etical list- tcrdav. mg of his name. A 0 bachdor of science de- H~ attended Cambridge Uni- . gree wa conferred on Prince 1vers1ty for th;ee years ~efore Sattam J.l n Abdul Aziz Al-Saud enrolling at C SD. He said he of St,udi rabia , the first Mos- ,chose USO be,~ause "I am re• lcm lo sladv al the Calholiclhg1ous myself and_ wanted I? instltuttJn. 1 attend a school with a reh . . g1ous orienta!Ion. Tb{! pnncc smiled and llpped . . . . . h1s liead slightly when his di- The prmce and his wife, . a.1- ploma was awarded by t h e la, leave fo~ New York C:llY Most Rev. Franci J. Furey, by automobile today, gomg chancellor and presid,mt of the from there to England . a n d university. Fran~e before returnmg to Referred to on campus- at Saudi Arabia. . . his rtquc,st as "!\Ir. Al-Saud" The couple . has resided m rather tfan "your highnes ," Pomt Loma with their son and as di :it~d by protocol, t h e two daughters'. who returned !O printe ..$ince September has the OJI-producing k111gdom this been c m,ileting a business ad- week by plane. ministrat,on curriculum. He is 1he 27-year- late King Saud lbn Abdul Aziz. His bro•hcrs mcludc the coun- try·s ruler. King Saud, a n d Crown Prince Faisal. Al-Saud was the first of 17 bachelor of science cand:dates lo receive a degree at the Col- HONOR.\RY OOG.rORS-Three persons who re- ceived honorary doctor of law degrees yesterday at the University of San Diego's College for :Men's commencement talk with the Most Rev. Francis J. :Furey, second from left, apostolic administrator of the San Diego Roman Catholic Diocese, and the Very Rev. John P. Cadden, president of the College for Men, second from right. Gen. Bruno Hochmuth, left, commander of the Marine Corps Recruit De ot, Si ter Mary William, l.IJ.M., p1·esident of Immaculate Heart College in Los Angeles, and E. Robr11. Ander.on, right, ad- ministrative a sistant to ,James S. Copley, chair- man of eorpora1ion publishing Cop ey Newspapers. San Oit'f.lo Union Staff Photo Rev. Francis ,l. Furey, second from left, and the Very Rev. John Paul Cadden at University of San Diego commencement ceremonies. rf'cipients, uth, I ft, Willi m ,,nd E. Robert rl ht, talk with the lo t USD Graduate Urged to Use 1 Skills to Bring About Changes A college education is only is the ruler of eight million sub- Seventeen seniors who will useful if the graduate utilizes jects in the oil-rich desert king- complN their studies this sum- the ski:Is ii provides to help dom. He was the first .\ioslem to mer also took part in the 1 brmg about needed changes in have studied at the university. program. the country, the graduates of the College for Men at the Universi-'_c_A_T_H_O_L_IC_C_O_L_L_EG_E_S_E _T,: ty of San Dieg<> were told yest r- day. ter Mary William, pres- TO ENTER CLAREMONT !dent of Immaculate Heart Col- lege in Los Angeles, said in her commencement address at the graduation ceremony that grad- uates will never grow as people "if they look for a life with a maximum of comfort and a min- imum of disturbance." 300 Attend Ceremony About 300 persons attended the ceremony 1n the Alcala Theater. '.'Don't let anyone tell you that I thmgs are as good now as they can be," she said. •·There are a lot of ·ngs which need to be done II doing them may not be comfo ble." She id the country needs its college graduate~ to tackle prob- lems with whatever creative power they possess. Get Honorary Degrees Sister !>1ary William received one of three honorary doctor PRI GE AL-SACO _, .. lea\Cs for home today Sister Mary William, I.H.M., who was one of three to receive honorary degrees from the College for Men of the University of San Diego yesterday, will move her college into the Claremont College community in the fall of 1969. With the move, Immaculate Heart College will become the first Catholic women's college in this country to be established in a Protestant college complex. Immaculate Heart College 1s now located in Hollywood and has 1,500 students. The college will be located on a 20-acre site next to Claremont College. In announcing the move earlier this year, Sister Mary William said: ''We think it represents a landmark not only in the hi ory of Catholic education but of American education as a whole. We welcome the opportunity to draw from and contribute to the essential wisdom of independent colleges of varying orlgins, working side by side in the search for tr,•th. Dr. Charles S. Benson, president of Claremont, said a( move. "We feel that the American educallon process can be ched by more exchanges between Catholic and Protcstar traditions. We have had good rclatio115 with Immacul e Hea College for many years in other connectio ~-" Ex-S.D. Coed Now Majors in Problems 'I Always Was a Good Listener,' Says Kansas U. Campus Adviser I to . LaDelle Willett, 22, a petite· brunette, feels she's a born ' . WITH THE COLORS Lieutenant to Train As Missile Officer Air Force 2nd Lt. James D. Coast Guard Recruit Training Rodenborn, 23, son of l\!r. and Center, Alameda. He attended Mrs. Francis J. Rodenborn of 53 City College. Montebello St., Chula Vista, h~s Radioman Seaman Edward been assigned to Chan~t_e A1r ,A Snyder is a crewman aboard Force Base, Ill., for tralillng as the amphibious escort McMor- a nussile launch officer. . ris, based at Pearl Harbor. His Rodenborn, a graduate of _Hill- parents ar~ Mr. and Mrs. R. top High Sch~! and the Umv~r- w. Snyder of 1929 Law St. sity of San Diego, was comnus- . . sioned upon completion of offl- Army P"i. Billy D. HIii, son of cer training school at Lackland Mrs. Claire Eisenhardt of 315_ E AFB, Tex. St., is serving in South Viet . . Nam. He entered the Army last The followmg San Diego ~en August and completed basic ar.e serving with 3rd Manne training at Ft. Ord. Regiment al Da Nang, South Viet Nam: SMSgt. Edward C. Houghton Pfc. Mike G. Averill, son of Jr., son of l\frs. Florence Poteet Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Averill of 2771 Commonweal~h Ave., of 4641 :\1t. Laudo Drive; Sgt. was award_e? the Air Force Fetsusiai Lutu, a squad leader, Commendation Medal . at son of Sipusi A. Lutu of 1447 Ben~aters RAF Station, Ebbs St.; Pfc. Lance A. Davis, Ipswich, Englan?. ~e was ~e- son of Mr. and l\frs. C. :'.If. Davis corated for meritorious s~rVJce of 2376 Ron Way, a radio opera- as a data systems supermten- tor, and LCpl. Lawrence Nelson, dent. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Nel- --- son of 3223 38th St., a gunner. to Maj.1~-:--:~--~:::::".'"'.":::"'.::;:::'."""l~~S~:;:'~~=~~ -~~~-.....- ' EVENING TRIBUNE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA A-5 Saturday, July 10, 1965 . . . That s why she signed up to work with the Extension Lay tribution to the community of/Volunteers. a national Catholic service organization, after she · San Diego and their was graduated from the l!niversity of San Diego in 1964. . distinguished military records." Sh~ was promptly assigned as a campus adviser at the Um- Anderson is a retired Navy v~~s1ty of Ka_nsas. captain. Another girl and I became the contact between two priests at The honorary degrees were the campus and the Catholic presented by the Most Rev.istud~nts th_ere," she said her~ in Francis J. Furey, apostolic ad- an mterv1ew after returmng ministrator of the diocese. He home for the summer. was acting in his capacity as Tbere are 1,500 Catholic stu- chancellor of the 'university. dents at the university. Bishop Furey also presented "Much of the time I listened degrees to the 37 graduates. their problems," she said. The degrees were conferred . . , by the Very Rev. John p_ Cad- _ ·Lookmg for Identity den, president of the College for ":Many students are looking Men. for their own identity. They Mark W. Teismann was haven't quite found themselves Seaman Recruit Daniel L. El- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos_ep_h M. Elson of 1127 Opal St., IS taking basic training at the award_ed the Charles E. Frank- in life. I tried to help them. I lin Memorial Award as the out- always was a good listener," s_tanding stu\lent of the gradua- Another problem is lack of tmg class. love. Another graduating student •. h John T. Horvatich, received hi~ .\1any of t college students second lieutenant's commission feel ther, aren t l_ove~. by their in the Marine Corps from Gen. parents. , she said. The ~ar- Hochmuth. e~ts don t spend enougl: time Among the graduates was wi th th em. Prince Sattam Al Saud, 27, a Parents Criticized . .family. His brother, Kmg Saud, don't treat them as individuals ~f Saudi Arab)a's royal "Aiso they feel their parents LADELLE WILLETT Catholic worker . . . ---, with a separate intellect. A few go adverbsmg firm as a secre- were cl011e to suicide." tary durmg the summer. She tries to interpret the She said that three other USD meaning of the Catholic faith in graduates will join the Exten- m?_ LT. JAMES D. RODENBORN Assigned to AF Base
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