News Scrapbook 1964-1967
USO Splits At Riverside S..... 11• Tht Son Dlt10 Unlon RIVER DE - The Univer~i- ty of San Diego split a {louble header her yesterday with the Universit California at Riv, ers1de, w~ the opener 8-3 and then dropping the nightcap, 10-7. Tom Thompson hit a three run homer and Dan Wilhelm a two-run blast in a five-run ninth inning to give Torero Dure! Carpenter, who was combed for 10 hits, the victory in the opener. In the mghlcap, the haTne club Jumped on pitchl'rs John Briskey, Mark Jlcrrenbruck, Raul Martinez and Chuck Rutledge for 10 hlls, including a solo homer by Bob Barrington. 1 USD is now 7-5. 1 First Gome USD 010 011 OOS---1 13 1 UC Rlvtnldt 102 000 000-3 10 5 Corpen~r and Tuomalnrn, Delong, Valdez (8), Pino (9} ind M~Hogh. HR- lD~B'f.$ffl, l~~~), 91 , 2 on; Wllhrlm Second Gome USO OJI 201 !- 7 I 4 UC R1versi(ft SlO 1JO x 10 10 2 &rlskey, tterrtnbruck C2), Mortlnn Ci), R lfldge (71 ond ToumolnM ,Ob,!ls {j); Jorn,, Wolk•• (f) ... McHuoh., HR- rlngton (R), "41 no on THE SAN DIEGO UflfON H9
qu1em Mass or-
Mass of Requiem for the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy. Behind him is the Rev. Msgr. Kenneth G. Stack.
J a"'!e~ Francis Cardinal McIntyre , archb1Shop of Los Angeles, carries aspergi'lum during Solemn Pontifical
Bier is carried down steps of St. Joseph's Cath- edral following Ma · . The body was taken to Holv Cross Mausoleum where it was entombed. Repre-
BO Y WILL LIE IN STATE PUBLICLY ishop's emains Ta To lmmac.ulata C apel
1 noI Respects Set ishop Today ula respects lo the l\Io:;t op Buddy in St. Jo,:cph s Cathe- ev. Charles Francis Bud~y. dral. founding bishop of the Sa~ Die- The cathedral bcl tolled lo'II · ·go: Catholic Diocese. will t~: ly as the body 01 the b1,hup paid today b:,: the peopdle 1 ofders arri,·ed from the lmmaculata four-county diocese an ea t of the Catholic church from Chapel in Alcala Pa_rk. It was o over the nation. lie in• state publicly m .the A cardinal and 20 bishops wi_lI cathedral until the Imai nte · be present in t. Josephs today. Cathedral al 11 a.m. when the The cross beareI and the can- final Solemn Pontifical Mass of die-bearing acolytes yesterd~y Requiem is said. were children. altar boys ol St. The ceremon,cs will end Joseph's. They preceded the . bo t 4-15 p.m. after en- open casket to the mam n_a,·c ~omtmenl in Holy Cro s ~lauso· 11here it ,1as placed on a lilted ;'leum. Bishop Budd> died Sun- catafalque. the body lacmg the day in Banning. congregallon. . : Yesterdav at 2 p.m. 1.000 In his s.,rmon durmg _th~ • arochial school children of an ;1lass . the Rt. .Rev. ?sgi · biego County attended a Sol- Franklin F. Huro. supe11nten- \la .. or Requiem for Bish- dent of :chools for the diocese. emn · -- reminded the children of. ho 11
(Continued from Page a-1) 1memory he will live as a great 1 r churchman. l ·/ Listening with bowed heads ' l vere two Navy caJ>tains and ch'oplains who were honor guards at the lcasket; members of the Knights ; of Columbus and Knights of St. , Gregory in full ceremonial uni- forms, and the well known and the unknown of the area. They heard a minister of the Mass read from the first epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians: "Death is swallowed up victor'. ,t "Where, n dealh, where is o your victory. Where, O death, is your ing." persons came to pay final r pccts to Bishop Buddy while the body lay in state in the Immaculata Chapel and in St. Joseph's Cathedral during three days be fore entombment, officials of ' Benbough Mortuary said. I A mortuary attendant said 200 persons were in line to paos the b er at 1 a.m., Thursday, in the Immaculata in Alcala Park. A church spokesman esti- mated 250,000 persons have at- tended • asses for Bishop Bud- dy in the four county diocese. Following the rites in the cathedral the borly was taken lo Hol:v, Cross Mausoleum where it was tombed. 1 t\\O commander3, I· ' More lhan 12,000
CO«lltY News StrY1( •
The hon-
S \Cit \Ml :\'TO
}C trrday
nn•d the ~lo t I c, Charle· I'. Bud- dy, fir t Cuthulic hi.hop of . an Die o, 111 a re olutior\ hich 'Ila pa Sl'd unani- mou h. The· re,olutwn. introduced by \, rmblyman E. Rieh- . ard Barne , R-San Diego, and co-authored by o the r member nf the San Diego founty delegation, aid "H1 hop Buddy ba left be- hind a rich legacy which w It be a . ource of in pira- ation and guidan<•f' to the people of San Diego for m,in) ear to come." the memorv of
school lum:h
Bishop Buddy playgrounds during hour and sat and talked , isited the
-::>on Uiego Union Phofo by C, R. Uarn Frands Buddy, founding bishop of San Diego Diocese. Solemn Pontifical Mass will b~ ceebrated tod.:w~--~-~
Procession enters St. Joseph's Cathe- dral at childrens' Solemn 1Iass of Requiem for the :.\1ost Rev. Charles
b1~hop·s greatest
cn- le-
tribution the Catholic chil• drw. ~lsgr. Hurd said , was lus Confraternity of Chrisliar Doc- · trine. ll is a program by '>h1cn Catholic children who are un- able to attend paro<:hral .chools may get religiolL~ education in the parishes. Jajor mini,ters of the ;\lass today, to be celebrated by the ;1lost Rev. Franc1 · J . Fure,. no11 bishup of San Diego. in the presence of James Francis . Cardinal .\lclntyre, archbishop of Los Angeles. ,, ill be: , Assi ·tant rrie,I · to Cardi- t nal klmyre. the HI. Rev Msgr. John F. Purcell : chap- \ lains _ to the , cardinal. Rev. , Daniel O"Donognue and the • Rev. J1,seph :-. Stadler mas- . ter of ceremonies to lhe card1- : nal the \"erv Rev :\bgr. Eu- : ge~e Gilb: assistant priest, the · Rt. Rev. l\lsgr. George :\L Rice. I Deacon of the \lass. the Rt. Rev. ;1lsgr Kenneth G. Stack: w~d 00 M~=~me . Re,·. L , t f to
Final Respects Set: For Bishop Today (Continued from a-23) Ms~~ _Dona!d F. Doxie. Rev. Harry A. Clinch, auxiliary V1s1lrng b1_shops to pay finallbishop of Monterey-Fresno; the respects are. Mosl Rev. Merlin J. Guilfolyle. The Most Rev. John Ward, auxiliary bishop of San Fran- auxiliary b1~hop of Los Angeles, cisco. the Most. Hcv. 1:imothy Man- The Most Rev. Richard JI. nmg, auxiliary bishop of Los A<:kerman, l.Jishop of Covmgton, Angeles_; the_ Most Hev. Floyd Ky.; the Most Rev. Leo c. L. Begm, bishop of Oakland; Byrne, apostolic administrator ~e Most Rev. :\larion F. Forst, of Wichita; the Most Rev. Rob- l b1shop of Dodge City, Kan.; the ert J. Dwyer, bishop of Reno; Most_ Rev. Joseph P. Dougher- the Most Rev. Hugh A. Donohoe ly, bishop of Yakima. bishop of Stockton; the Mosi The ;110,t ltev Francis J. Rev. Leo T. Maher. bishop 'lf ; Green. b1~h r of Tucson:_ the Santa Ro,a; the Most Jlcv. Mosl HP, d .J Bdl. bishop -Joseph \f. :\lueller. bishop of : or Sacramenfd· the .\lost Hcv. Sioux City. lo;rn: the Most Rev. J Thomas ji;. 1l auxiliar~ bish- Alfredo Galindo lllendoi;i, bish- op of Scat .c; the J\lost Re,·. op of Tijuana. and the Rt. Hcv.. Aloys1u · J. 1llinger, bishop of Harold L. Bowen, retired ~pis-1· l\lonterey-Fresno; the Most copal bishop ol Colorado. --- -- - -
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