News Scrapbook 1964-1967

Diocese's First Ordinary S.D. Mourns Bishop Buddy


studies at the North American College in Rome, he was or- dained to the sacred priest• hood September 19, 1914, in the Basilica of St. John Lat· eran, the cathedral of Rome. After studying there for another year, Bishop Buddy returned to St. Joseph to take up his priestly duties. Pope Pius XI appointed him to head the n,·wly created Diocese of San lhego on Oc tober 28, I. 36. II e was con, secrated a bishop on De<"em• ber 21, 1936, in St. Joseph's Cathedral, St. Joseph, and he was installed as the first Bishop of the San Diego dio- cese on February 3, 1937.

their family of two boys and five girls and the only one surviving. The Rosary was recited Mon- day and Tuesday nights and four Masses were offered Tuesday and Wednesday morn- ings in the chapel. The body was removed lo the Immaculata on the Alcala Park campus at 4 p.m. Wednes- day. Bishop Furey presided. A Solemn High Mass of Requiem coram Pontifice was offered at 11 a.m today (Thurs day) by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Wil- liam A. Bergin for the commu- nities of Sisters in the dio- cese. Bishop Furey presided The body was taken to Sl. Joseph's Cathedral at 2 p.m today (Thursday). Msgr. Rice then offered a Solemn High Mass of Requiem for school children of San Diego County. There will be recitation of the Rosary at 8 tonight. Bishop Buddy was born October 4, 1887, in SL Joseph, Mo, the son of Charles Allen and Ann Farrell Buddy After

op Furey received the follow- ing message: In deep sympathy I join Your Excellency, clergy, religious and laity of the Diocese of San Diego sorrowing over the death of Bishop Buddy. May the Divine Master reward his servant with the joys of heav- en. In union of prayer, The body of Bishop Buddy was taken to his private Chapel of the Holy Spirit on the second floor of the Chan- cery Building on the Uni- versity of San Diego campus. The chapel is next to the liv- ing quarters he occupied for the last 12 years. After the body was placed in the chapel by seminarians, Bishop Furey blessed the body, Present for the blessing were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Red- mond, Sr., of San Diego, and their sons, Daniel Jr., of San Diego and Charles of La Mesa, and Mrs. Charles Redmond. Mrs. Redmond, Sr , is the sister of Bishop Buddy. She is the youngest member of

appear to celebrate Mass al 9 a.m. m Precious Blood church. Banning, a call was made to the Voyager Motel, where he was staying with his chauffer, Jose Cervantes. Cervantes and the motel manager went to the Bishop's room and when they received no response to their knocks, they called police who forced open the door. He was taken to a Banning hospital, where he was pronounced dead. A me sage of condolence from his Holiness Pope Paul VI was cabled to Most Rev. Francis J. Furey by Amelto Cardinal Cigognani, Secretary of State. The message reads: Holy Father has learned in deep sadness the death of Bishop Charles Buddy. Assures pray- ers for the repose of his soul. Lovingly imparts to the Dio- cese of San Diego paternal apostolic blessing. From the Apostolic Delegate in the United States, Arch- bishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Bish-

A Solemn Pontifical Mass of Requiem will be offered at 11 a.m. tomorrow (Friday) in St Joseph's Cathedral for Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, first Bishop of the Diocese of San Diego, Bishop Buddy died at the age of 78 of an apparent heart attack last Sunday morning in Banning, where he was to have conducted a Day of Recol- lection that day. fost Rev. I-'rancis J, Furey will offer the !ass Friday. His Eminence James Francis Cardinal McIntyre, Arch- bishop of Los Angeles, will preside, and Most Rev. Tim- othy lanning, Auxiliary Bish- op of Los Angeles, will preach the sermon. Bishop Buddy arrived in Bannrng Saturday night on a Confirmation tour. He spoke by telephone to Msgr. George 1. Rice, rector of St. Joseph's Cathedral, early Sunday morn ing. 1 ·gr, Rice said the Bishop was in good spirits. When Bishop Buddy dtd not

One of his happiest mo- ments came in August, 1964, when hundreds of Bishops, priests. and fr;t>nds gathered to pay him hil(h tribute on the occa ·ion of the golden jubilee of his ordination Said Bishop Bud

Top Tributes d Paid Bishop By Leaders


f C r o a entur ,


Di Un

cese sGreat Growt Trace er Late Bishop's Guidance curia wa. e tahltshed Dire - tor of dw('e an a em:lcs and o 1et1e were appointed ary schools, nine colleges, three retreat hou cs,

The unexpected death of Mo t Rev Charles Francis Buddy, fir t Bi hop of the Dioce e of San Diego, brought a flood of tributes from San Diego's business, civic, and religious leaders. They praised the "ecumen- ical '

five monasteries, two homes for the aged, a residence for work- ing girls, five hospital· and two clrnics, and m camp. and recreation centers for under privlle ed youth. A San D1egnn may attend any of one of five to nine Sun- day .'llasse in each of 72 churche any one of three or four rn each of 66. The B1~h- op's rnstruct1ons call for con- fes ions before each Sunday , nd dmly Mas abo durrng .\la where at least two priests ,ire stationed Adequate facilities for lay retreatant are provided at Immaculate Heart laJor Sem inary, Alcala Park, St. Charles Benedictine Priory, Ocean- side, and El Carmelo Retreat Hou ·e, Red land.. The Crusade for Souls is an rnltmate part of the ·an Diego (continued on page 5)

ler1cal chanK • extended or gamiatlon to the parishes Ex 1 ting lay as oclation were r v1tahted New ones were or g n1zed A diocesan new puper, Th(• Southern Cross. wa founded In 19:18 uccc fu\ negotia turn with the 8 nk of men ca w re concluded When a loan wa ecured and repaid In four years the credtl of the d1oce e wa s tabli hcd Th n w 1mt1atcd u pro gram ol con trucllon the likes of which has not been seen inc Fath r Jumpero erra and his vah nt band of mt sion n built a chain of 21 011 1011s along El Camino R al Still underway, 11 fruit are l'Cll rn 158 parishes, churches, nd rectorie , rn 30 mi s1ons, 75 elementary and 17 econd-

Hands That Blessed Some hands destroy - but his were raised to bless, To sanctify, and consecrate, and raise On ea bathed shores, beside our sun-drenched bays, In mountain glen, in desert wilderness. Houses ofGod, new Sions, In distress He sottght Christ's poor, and led the sheep down ways Of pasture old and young he knew - his days Were full his work, his people's holiness. Some hands destroy - HIS labored: broke the sod, Ordained, confirmed, laid stones on which the glaze OJ sacred oil will outlast Time's slow mold. Charles Francis Buddy, by the grace of God, Our · Of praise is worthy ofthose hands now cold? p had a dream. It stands! What phrase

St. Joseph's Cathedral by Most Rev, Francis J, Furey at 11 a.m. tomorrow (Friday). His Eminence James Francis Cardinal McIntyre, Archbishop of Los Angeles, will preside. Entombment will be in Holy Cross Mausoleum.

ETERNAL REST - Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, first Bishop of the Diocese of San Diego, is shown lying in state in his private Chapel of the Holy Spirit in the Chancery Building on the Alcala Park campus. Bishop Buddy died unexpectedly in Banning last Sunday. A Solemn Pontifical Mass of Requiem will be offered in

Good Works Bishop Buddy Hailed Are L_auded As A Great Priest By Tnbune Pleased God

Union Hails Legacy Left By Bishop The following is an editor- ial published by the Sap Diego Union on Bishop Buddy's death. The single sentence that most typifies the philosophy and work of the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, Bishop of the San Diego Diocese, was eight words he spoke to Pope John XXIII in 1959. "My greatest joy," he told the Pope, "is the Crusade for Souls." Today, when Bishop Buddy has been taken from his be- loved San Diego for a greater kingdom, the Crusade for Souls remains as one of the great accomplishments he left behind. As the result of the Crusade to return strayed people back to His ways, hundreds of thou- sands of persons also will be able to enjoy eternal happi- ness in the Kingdom of God. San Diego's greatest joy, when our sorrow at the loss of Bishop Buddy becomes less acute, is the fact that His Excellency graced our city for three decades of his more than half-century as a priest. We are morally anti physically a better community because of bis presence. For while his goal always was spiritual, the bishop was keen- ly aware that many of the means were temporal. When a person came to him with a (continued on page 5)

The following is an editor- ial published by the San Diego Evening Tribune on the death of Bishop Buddy. The San Diego Diocese and the community at large have lost to a higher dominion a great spiritual leader, pa- triot, educator and civic build- der in the death of the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy. His Excellency, the first Catholic Bishop of San Diego and the spiritual heir to nearly 200 years of church history here, died Sunday in Banning. He was 78. His life was a rich mosaic of saintliness, scholarship and tireless work in building his diocese. And as the last pie<'e II into place, there was, as always with Bishop Buddy, a fitness about the last mission he was to undertake. He had gone to Banning to preside al a service called A Day of Recollection. The serv- ice was for school students and teachers. Later he was to have con- firmed a class of 79 persons, among them grammar school and high school students. Students and teachers held a particularly warm spot in the heart of this man whose con- cern and compassion ex- tended so wide and so deep into humanity. The whole of his life is his legacy,ofcourse. (continued on page 5)

Mourning the death of the Most. Rev. Charles F. Buddy, Most Rev. Francis J. Furey praised the first Bishop of the Diocese of San Diego as "a great priest who pleased God in his lifetime." Bishop Furey's message: On the sad occaswn of Bishop Buddy's death it is natural for us to think of the words we so often re- peat in the Missal: "Here is a great priest who pleased God in his lifetime." Bishop ~uddy said these words over and over again as he celebrated his daily Mass. In his innate hu- mility he would never dream of applying them to himself, yet today they seem amazingly appropriate. His greatest glory was in his priesthood. Offering Mass, giving Holy Communion, hearing confessions, preaching, confirming, ordaining - these were the most important things in his life. Because of them he will always be remembered as a man who was pleasing to God. Bishop Buddy's deeds speak louder than words. His labors in the early pioneering days of the new Diocese of San Diego, his eonstant care for aU his parishes, his concern for the poor, his thoughtless- ness of self and this thoughtfulness of others, his con- tributions to the field ofCatholic education, especially the University of San Diego, by all these will he be remembered by countless generations yet unborn. He did not seek, and he would not wish, words of praise. Rather would he have me ask that we keep him in our prayers, so that the Eternal High Priest may receive him into the blessedness ofHeaven. May his noble soul rest in peace!

Rev. William H, Sullivan, OSA


ECCE AGNUS DEi - M1rrorin1 in his face the 1ratitude of his then eminently successful, eventful 70 years, Most Rev. Charles F, Buddy held aloft the Sacred Host as he celebrated his Mass of thanksgivjn1 on the High Altar of the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City in October, 1957. Al the dinner feting him on his 70th birthday October 4, 1957, His Excellency said he was going to Mexico City lo "lay at the feet of Our Lady of Guadalupe the burdens, sorrows and joys of the 70 years and pay to her a grellt tribute of lovm1 1ral1lude." Bishop Buddy led the annual diocesan pil1rimage to the world-renowned shrine that year.

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