News Scrapbook 1964-1967

lcala CJuild Slate Turquoi e and gold will set The seventh aMual benefit the decorative theme for a fash- will include a social hour. at . ion sho and lunchcoi:i to be 11:30 a.m. and luncheon at presented by Alcala Gmld, Um- 12 . 30 versity of San Diego College for · · ----... :\!en, Oct. 8 at Hilton Inn. f M General chairmen Mrs. John A umnae to ect Wilper and Mrs. Dominic De F kl' R' ht 2793 pietri have selected the follow- Mrs.. ran m 1~ er, ng chairmen: Katherine St., El Caion, will be Mmes. Paul Vesco, dccora- hostess to the noon meeting lo- tions; Frank O'Connot, patrons; morrow of Delta Gamma Alum William Murphy, gifts: Eric nae Chapter. Members wlll hear Woods, publ,clty; J~arold Sto- reports on a recent national f t, program ; Elhot Brown, . . . • tes e , and W1lb r Hildreth, convention by Mrs. Ervin Bll- ttcke . lings, president.

USD C asses Will Begin This Friday University Means Many Thin s To Many Per hs The Univer ity r San Diego in its men's college Friday and m its wom- en' college Sept 14. The univer ity, 1 >ng a part of the city's educa i nal picture, means many things to many eople. It 1· a men's <.>olle doubled number of fr hmen, a Jaw dean who expects, an im- portant accreditation ar. a nun who wants student to leviate ocial ills. It is a former e York pub- lic schools superinte dent who want~ to instill p r ·onalized qualitie into new tea ers, and it is a student le d r ho says thi month, USO will ha\C 27 new, full-lime faculty members and 378 more students than a year ago. Its enrollment will be about 1,520, up from none in 1952. ''.\lo t student I know came here to frnd identity in a small campus, lo feel that they are persons,'' said Stephan A. De- alcs, 20, student president at the College for ~1en. In DeSalcs' view, USO, with separate men's and women·~ colleges, a law school and a seminary, is a ' modern-day . ve Jon of the classical tvcrsi- .'" undergo•ng alteratmns. I\ ORY TO ER 'OUT' cross larian Way from where· D ales made his re- marks, th new president of the College for Women, Mother • ·ancy forris, believe the in ular, il'ory-tower approach of lugher ucation no longer ap, pile~. "The idea that stu ents ar h re now, and are preparing t o ·something four years hence s not satisfying them anl (Continued on b- . C will open cla se.1 USO is on the move. 'FIND IDENTITY' When classes start

(Continued) more," she said. "We have to schools. Now, as head of the -allow them more elbow room, college's Education Department even if they make mistakes." he sees opportunities in training !other Morns arrived here teachers. from the Academy at Broad-I "We're small," he ~aid. way, San Franri<<'o, where .he "We're young. It is possible to wa principal. She succeeds give individual attention to stu, rother Anne Farraher, the col- dents' needs." Jege's president since 1963. Dean .Joseph A Sinclitico said In 1966-67 she hopes al lea t USD's School of Law turned 75 per cent of the college·~ away 100 qualified students this more than 6.50 students will fall because of lack o( space 1 "ork in the communitv, largely and rejected 75 other "~ to help tlie cultyrally de- didn't meet entrance require prived. ments. 'MORE GE 'F.ROLS ·ow• Seventy more students will be "So often \le hear young pco- here, however, when c I asses pie condemned," she said ,. 1 re•ume Sept,- 12, than the 300 a they are far more generous.year_ ago. 1he ra(10 o( day to o themselves than we were at cvenmg students 1s tw~-tO-one, thf!Jr age." rthe reverse of proportions m The college is making strides paS! years. to implement recommendations . The school, already accred- of the American Association of 1ted by the American Bar Ass(}' University Profes ors, and crntion has "el'ery i.ndi~at10n" .\!other Morri feels that certain of important accrrditation b} freedoms are important in the Association ot Amrrican student go1·ernnwnt. Law Schools, Sinclitico said. ''To grow intellectually )ou One o( Sinditico's ,goals is to have to have a certain amount expand the ~chool s library of freedom," she said. "It currently 35,000 volumes, to at m ans that we have to keep the least 50.000. As a starter for the lines of communication open." expans10n fund, the school has At the College for .\!en, under received a $25.000 gift. prc•idency o( the Rei·. John TO BEGI.'1/ F. IDAY Paul Cadden, 200 freshmen will 1 • , help PU5h enrollment to 500 ,.Classes at the . men s coHege (last.fall here were 392 ), docto-/wi!l start Fridal, at the 11om- r~tr-hold g full-time faculty en s college, ?t. 1~. 11111 rise to 25 and four science I Anthropolog), archeology and laboratories ha\ c been added oceanography will be introduced St. Francis College for theoio- 1 :1 the me~ 's curriculum. Radia- gy ·tudents, formerlv m El Ca- !Jon chemistry and biology, con- J()n, is being absorb.ed into the temporary Fre:1ch novelist~, rnen·s college and its students. anatom1ca) drawrng and ~men- \.lho used to W"m' cassocks will can social leg1slal!on will be \\ear white shirt and black among new courses at the wom- trou er•. en's college. It' a m9 ·e to bring Catholic . The women's college will ini- prie


I I rl USD Men Plan : '0 en House' ) 1 This Sunday 'lhe Univerbitv ol San Di- ego College for ~len 11 ill IHtld 1 an open house and reception for parents and students on Sunday from :l to -t p.m., ac- cordmg to ne1 1 Brent Eag- en, d!l'ector of ochool rela- tion . Rcircsllments 11JJJ be serv- ed in the foyer ol the Col- lege for lllen by the Alcala Guild. Toul's of the c·ampus will be conducted by the col- lege student . !-'acuity me nb rs of the several depal'tments will be available for counseling. The depa1-tmcnts mtlude account. ing, biology, bu,iness admin- btrahon, ('hemislry, econom- ics, Lngltsh, fol'e1gn Ian guages, lJ1storv, mathematic,. philosoph_1. physics, pol!tkal sc1encr, p I hology, pccch, sot1ology :ind theology Sal urda pril 30, Thom- as TL Pear on, d1rertor of fina11c1al aid, \I ill be avail• able to parents ~nd student& from 10 a.m. to :l p.m at the College for Men. He will pro- vide information on ~cholar- ·ships, loans and work oppor- tunities. Jfospita( Diel Cool\.1S. Crad ualc In Ccr<·1uo.uic5 Thc,e 111ll ,ip l10sp1taJ diel cnol ('OUl',P. rnmplelnin cercrnon. anrl ;i , arding of cC'r(il1catPs in the faculty dming rnom oJ San Diego

Coronado ,Journal Coronado. California

Thun., April 14, 1966

Page 2

Alcala Guild Plans for Style Show

N ,, m

ar M1 Kathleen M. Dawson and Mme . Antony E. Codma, J. Fontenot, Lloyd E. G 1, DaHd W Hanu· n, George T. Ii 1 1ck, A T. Horkhe1mer and G o A Kih as. I Al o Da1bar.:.. Aun Covin.gton and Mmes ,John I..: em, James K. Rocks, Harold W. Tower and I Harold Weinberger. Others are Mmes. OrJSon H. Jeffers, James S. ManJowe, Seymour Monet I William Victor Ross, Robe-rt Sherr, Johnnie I..('c Smelley and Raymond II. Suttles. I Mrs. Maurice P. Turner is ch ·rman; of the 1ecogn,tion tea •md w 1 be isted by co-chair- men Alm·. ,Leo J. D 1rkin and Frane1s C Mui tm- Other commit- tct' membe include Mmes. Rich- ard P. P, ii p~ Joseph E. Ben- nett, John . Waters, Jr,; and James F. Mulvaney. The auxiliary functions to fur- tht'r grow th al'l'd to stimulate in- * t and wide in the Univer- ty of San Diego as an effPctive cultural purt of the community.

Faculty Dinner Set by College .The third annual faculty dinner and reception for the University of San Diego Col- lege for Men will be held Mon- day, September 12, in the Cuy- amaca Club, according to Very Rev. John Paul Cadden president. ' Guest of honor will be Most Rev. Francis J. Furey. Invi- tations also have been sent to those who have received honorary doctrates from the College for Men. Dinner will be served at 8 p.m preceded by a reception for new faculty at 6:30 p.m. New faculty members include Revs. James Rollins, James Rankin. George Fee, John Kanda, and John Baer and Pro- fes _ors Patricia Traylor, Pa- tTJcra Marshall, Marjorie Rose- vear, Gail Cohen, Vera Hru- sofT, James Wheeler, Stephen Shanes, Morris Culotta George Irish, John Bradshaw' Ross Dingman, Terence Dona'. hue, F. Leon Edlefsen, Ger- ald Estberg, Robert Fisher Kilburn MacMurraugh, Joh~ McGeever, Michael Newman Gilbert Oddo, Jack Opdyk~ and Gerald Sperrazzo.

Style Sh.ow . Told Turqi.oise and ;:o,d will set the decoration theme for the fashion show and luncheon to be presented by the Alcala 1 Guild of the University of San Diego College for Men Satur- day, October 8, in the Hilton Inn. The seventh annual benefit event will include a social • hour at 11:30 a.m. and lunch. eon at 12:30 p.m., followed by a showing of fall fashions by Haggerty's. General chairmen are Mrs. John Wilper of Overlook Heights and Mrs. Dominic De Pietri of Point Loma. Assisting them will be Mmes, Paul Vesco, decorations; Frank O'Connor, patrons; William Murphy, PTJzes; Eric w·oods, publicity; Harold Stoflet programs, Elliot Brown, host'. esses, and Wilber Hildreth tickets. '

.Mesa College today at 2 p.111. Louis M. Harper, execu- tive secretary of the Hospital Council of San Diego Coun- ty, will address the group on "The Personnel Needs of the Health Field." Robert Heilbron, president of the college, will recognize the class and make the pres, entation of certificates. Refreshments will be serv- 1ed ;(/'f.erwards in the faculty dm1ng l'oom.

--5, ,Fife of a nPw c1wmi,try pro/essor. =======::=:::;:;::=~

Robert Mitter. Standin11, from left, are Dr. Miller, chairman of the division of economics and business, Father Joho P. Cadden, presi- dent of the Colle11a for Men, and Dr. Donahue, chairman of the teach- er ' education pro11ram. New faculty members were honored at a

FACULTY DINNER - The third annual University of San Die110 Colle11e for Men faculty dinner w I held September 12 at the Cuyamaca Club. Mo t Rev. Francis J, Furey, pre 1d1nt of the University is Joined, tell D rmott, ch lrrY11n of the d1vi1ion of natural sciences, and Mrs. o r12ht, by Mr • John McDermott, M • Terrance Donahue, Dr Mo:

reception before the dinner.

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