News Scrapbook 1964-1967

-·" 11,er,u, li3111. Evening TRI}!U.NE FEr 1 1961 Q._ 12-$

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.Homecoming. tivifes Set By USD Men Queen Coronation, Basketba 11, Bonfire Included in Week Coronation of a queen, bas- kctbalI games, dances, a rally and bonfire and a University Ecumemcal Day will highlight homecoming activities at the University of San Diego Col- l e for ?11en this week. Tile queen will be chosen from seven candidates, all coeds at the USD College for :\\omen, The winner will be crowned during half time at the annual homecomin~ ba - ketball game with California W ·tern University Saturday m USD gym. Homecoming activities be- gm today with a "funeral pro- ccs ion.'' A coffin containmg "The Spirit of Cal Western" was carried from Lark Cafe- t ria to the College for Wom- en patio. A "eulogy" over the coffin followed . 3 Failhs Take Part Queen fina l~t will be presented at a t Valen!i11e's Day program at noon tomor- row in the cafeteria. The mvcrsit Ec~menical Day is scheduled from 9 a.m. until noon Wcdnesdal' and will feature r und table dis- cussions by representatives of the Jewish, Lutheran and Catholic faiths . The discussion topic will be "Is God Dead on the College Campu~?" College for Women coeds will compete at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdav in a basketball game in USD gym. A "snow- ball" fight is scheduled at 8:30 p.m. on the gym parking Jot. Film to Be Shown The University Film Forum will show ''Rocco and His Brothers" at 7:30 p.m. Thurs- day in the College for Women "coffin proces- 11m" is scheduled at 7 p,m.. Friday from the College o( Women to a bonfire area · across from the Knights of Columbus Library. A bonfire and rally are scheduled at 7:45. at irh1ch time USD bas• ketball players will be intro- duced. Court Presentation The homecoming queen will be announced anil her court presented at a dance in the s.aj'eteria at 9 p.m Friday. The ·usD Cal Western game will start at 8 p.m. Saturday in USD gym. A freshman game will begin at 6 p.m. The homecoming dance in the Stardust Room of the Stardust Hotel will follow the basketb.all game. 4 theater A second



•-1~~•..,~ . Thaler; Rev. Talinage Glaz1e , Mother Bremner, registrar, College for Women, and :Mrs. Sam Ven- er, Hada. sah president. Day-long meet- ing wa attended b 200 women.- Ev ·ng Tribune Staff Photo


The end of the se for San Diego's colleges and umversitles will be marked by an mtercollegiate mixer tomorrow from 8-12 pm. in the University of San Diego gym. USD's Phi Delta Chap- ter of Phi Kappa Theta fra- ternity will sponsor the event. All proceeds from th dance will be donated to USD's Athletic Fund for th • construction of add itiona seating in the Torrero gym. Eddies and the Showmen, The Dimensions, and t he Six Pack will play for the dance. The Dimensions re c e n t I ) : placed first in a Los Angeles Battle of the Bands with 364 other entries. """ Only college and univers· .: students will be admitted Admission will be the presen- tation of student identifica- tion and a dollar donation . Dress is casual with t .shoes. ter •


11111&.I nt;WS

iven Roa The shutout against the ~la- rines, carved out by pitchers Gary McHatton and Jim Col- burn, was .the first of the sea- the club, which has son for Starter and wvmer McHatton checked the Marines in the first five innings allowing five hits and striking out a par. Colborn yielded only four runs while scoring 24.

The unbjfn;Jh d Whither Col- lege ba eball mark is tested four times on the road this week beginning with today's clash at Cqach Ralph Keegan's nine ra11 ~it mark to 4-0 Saturday afternoon when Bill Coffman both runs with a pair in the Poets' 2-0 con• q~e:iJ of the host San Diego Ma- Following today"s vi. it to Cal dro~ of Ing· r mes Cal State Los Angeles row at 2:30 p.m. and return to • San Diego to meet the Gniv~- si!J of San Ojego in i double. neiilter at noon. ~1cHatton. Colburn The twinbill will be the first of the ·eason for the P ets, who now have twin 2-0 m rh on the road and at home. * * * Whittier Co/legt C2) San Diego Marines ab r h ab r h Beller, jS A O 1 Simpson, cf J I O Heck, If 4 o o Fry s~ , o o Kraemer, rt A 0 0 Norton, lb A 0 2 Guttme, c , O O O'Leary, c , O 1 Gardiner. Jb , 2 3 Cascbttr, Jb • O 1 Albao. cf " o 2 Staats, 2b J o o Coffman. If .4 o 2 Lomax, If 3 O o Seltter. ,b 3 o o Kates, rf 3 O O McHatton,. p 1 O OCathe-r, p j O 2 Colborn p 2 o o Dean. p11 1 o o Martin, ph J O O! Totals 3~ '2 'lo als 31, 6 Scott by lnrnng Wh1tlier Col e<;e 000 OtO 100-2 I O San Olcoo Marines 000 000 6 O tomor- Cal Lutheran. Lutheran, the Poets travel to

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finished up


frames giving up a ?, walk while also fanning two

San Diego, Monday, February 20, 1967


Strong Defense

The Poet defense again t ---~~

college and



junior college into full seal

c on this week

after a sputtering start. San Diego State <;:ollege will play the Umfor sity of San Diego tomorrow at 2: 30 on the Montezuma Mesa field. Both I schools scored victories over alumni squads over the week- end. 4P USD employed four pitchers in taking the graduate crew by a 6-2 score. The SDS Az- tecs with an eight-run fo urth inning swamped its alumni foes, 14'4~ San Diego City College was in action this afternoon again• st the Marines at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot. M a College will play the Marrnes there tomorrow. Palomar Col- lege will play at San Ber- nardino tomorrow The S CC team lo t, 4-2 Saturday '° Mt. San tonio at SaR Marcos in the finals of

Watching a ba ketball game was the thing to do in San Diego last night. , l\Iore tnan 20,000 J)€rsons t watched everything from the high school layoffs to the • lilional .Ba•ketball s- sociation game in Internation- al Sports Arena. The Spo:ts Arena gathering, 12,339, which came to see the Warriors and Laker was the largest. But there v. as a near- capacity turnout of 3,000 at Golden Gym for Cal Western- USD. Top prep crowd was lit San Diego High, where 1,400 saw San Diego-Hilltop. Estimares of 1,000 e~h were made for Mo u n t Miguel - Claremont· ~ladison-Orange Glen and 900 were n hand for Coronado-St. Augustine.

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