News Scrapbook 1964-1967

San Diego. CaL UNION (Daily)

San Diego-, Calif. E,·eniog THIBU E


FEB " l 1967


LASH oach R


(Continued) have held opponents less than 40 per cent on Iield goals " he said. "But Frenso shot 46 ~r cent on us. • He said again that the 20 Aztec ball turnovers and ,poor shooting (32 per cent) plus Frerno guard Jim Waldon's hot shooting beat the Aztc s a Fresno. Of this week's two opponent her said Ziegenfuss, he iear Los Angeles State Satu a mght re than Sao Fernando Valley on Friday. Bill Gillespie, whose Gro< man~ College team is 7-5 m the Pacific Southwest Conference and 16--12 overall, praised the all-round play of Howe, h l 6-7 pivot. who has bagged abou 20 rebounds and 20 pomts l!r game. La J o!la High coach \\ a n Townsend, whose players are 6-9 in the league and 14-12 overall, said injuries and 11ln s forcecj hlm to start six cliff r~ ent ~ir,eups his season. He said, "I'm proud of the whole team for never givin up , and pr udest of all of Ha - kett, who not only is a fine scorer wffh 20 to 25 poinl5 per game but usually comes up with seven or eight assists." to

few when we n ded them and we didn't. We didn't move the ball enough." The Aztecs beat Whittier, 109-70, in December, but the Poets have won their last four now are !l-12. Big Game Coming State plays Long Beach State in conference game here Friday and travels ro Cal Poly of Pomona Saturday to meet a team which beat the odds last \I eek, topping Fresno State, 59-56, 1n Fresno. Ca Western also has a busy schedule with trree games this week, including a contest with Pa adena Friday in Gol, en Gyni hkh will go a long way tow rd determining the National Associa ·on of In- tercollegiate At ' Dis- trict 3 winner. the est. We were fortunate to beat them, 83-84 up there. They have to beat us." The Western s split two la I week beatmg Westmont, 88-84. and lo$ing to Cal Lutheran 79-77. "We I , but I was proud of the way we came back," said Kloppenl?w. di trict games Vietory f'or n sadena 1s 11-6, s a Kl ppenburg. • T t will lie

Film to Be Sbpw11 The University Film Forum "ill show ' Rocco and His Brother'" al 7:30 p.m. Thurs- da. m the College for Women theater.

lla ic Truth

· "On !lie great thi given ta us by St. Thomas . Aquinas is the concept or an- alogy," the priest said. A false analogy does not chan the basic truth from w/i1cll it was drawn. he added. "We must bury old images and affirm a more ali image of God " The God IS deed theory s related to a situation that has existed throughout church history, "and that is the tw spheres the religio011 sphere and the secular sphere, or the sacred and tlie profane," Father Mort said. "In medieval times thP e was a ifting of the two existed throughout cll u r c h but after the Reformation th shift changed toward t ular sphere," he said. Examine Beliefs "We must stop and re- examine our beliefs and find• new definitions," he said. Rabbi Goor rephrased the priest's. view; "It is time for man to make the 'ideal God' and the real God into cin God." "Contrary to my pwn eat- lier view," a fres· ilid ''this collegll possesses a tre'. mendous a.t,mo ph or in- qu · v, t cam and in the cla. oom. I have found absolutely o strlcti s in questing .ill questioning for and of religious tenets."

in his pock1;t aad came hoir.e in 40.006 bus '·There are lots of attractive distractions there, ancf I'm sure some of my boys are gambler. , because fh y tried to do everything the rd way Friday. "We've played better games and poorer games." he said. "It was a mailer of hitt g a


'·They Jed us by Februa 17 points \lith 10 minutes to ;....-;~~!:;::::::;:;:.:;:=====:-:-H go."

IJ Slate ·by scores of 12-2 and 8-1. The uble win gave Mesa a 6--1 r~ for honors in the double " e lmination event. Gros6mont Col lost to Fullerton riday, 5-2, ill plav at Arizona Western Frida ::.::,,.:...~ _ _.:; ____

Fo r· h·t~, five d a hit batter produced nine runs in the third inning for San Diego State • esterdl\Y, and that was m enough for the Aztecs as th~~ crushed University of n Diego's baseballers. The Aztecs )U111ped P!f, to an lHI lead before qm·s Fred Diana singled home a nm in e ninth inning to give !he oreros their Jone score in tlie 11-1 game.

C:D Plans Open House

An open house will be held Sunday, F.ebru•ry 26, in the Confraternity ofChriatian Doc- trineill diocesan off'ires in the Chancery on the Univer- sity orSan Diego cllmpus. CCD personnel and ofhers · have 8JI opportuaity to the director, su and stcretaries. ill be displays or harta, marps, records, 1 i pe, 1lnd other organi onm terial Refreshments will be served from2to5pm.

All confraternity personnel and other interested adults are invited to attend. Further information may be obtained by contacting the CCD office, the ·· Chancery, Alcala Park, telephone 298- 7711.

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