News Scrapbook 1972-1973

1_4;.Uf\'\ - 7 2- US D s-W ash in · t n Praised By Co ch A \I k ago. Berme Bicker.• aod Terr~ Kubick bo h 1972 'aff ranked Stan Washington as national juni_or chamm ounh-~st college basket- The regional compe 110h 1 ad gu m the eountry th<> largest of nine su h af!mr e Universitv f San in the countr\' and has pm- ch feels he in have du<:ed such out ·tandmg radu- underr d his star ates as Peggy ~·1emhg and .Jo "I kno a lot of people were Jo Starbuck. surprised when J a1d l ra_ted . * .. *. him 'lo in the nation." Bick- Padre pubhc1ty d1 cto1· In erslaff , itted t, vesterda,··s Grossman ,aid the !lb tom meetmg f the Sportsca ter -. pleted no maJor tra · at_ the Sportsv. ers Association recent maJ ,r league 1ne<'t111gs . because '·no one olfe red a e,111 "Bu a r last Fridays per- ber of ballpla er ho .,,, , formance that may not have better than what .,,, ha(j a l been hig enough." . \ear or what we h l ommg Wha. Washington did to earn up from the mino Gro • recons1derat1on \las score. 27 111011 noted that \like Ivie, thP oints and log se\'en a. stst s rcluctunt rookie will be mar- while leading the Toreros 1o an ried l•riday "Does •he like 84-80 victor} ver Southern catl'lters·1·• sonwone 11ondPred. Llah in their_season opener. • She may bi• marrymg one," • Some of his passes were Just GrJssman ri>plied... Th San oo good." said 81cken;Laff, not- 0ie11o Continentals o<•cer t(•am 111g that thev caugh teammates will host tht' Unit rim:nians una\\ are as well as the oppos1- Sund av at Balboa Stud1uh1 in tion . the first round of the 'a The three es, ud that Bick• tional Cup Open. 1'relim1ruirv er taff rated abo1P Washington contests Will match the South re Ed Ratleff 1 of Long Beach Fla} Toro against tiuadalaJar· . tat Doug 'll Hhnois ol Si' \ I{ ro .i 1:1 and-und1 r s t and Larry Hollyf1eld of game and A cncan Ital A olivians m It bothered Bickerstaff that . outh n Utah occa~mnRll to have all tb.ree i their !in last Fridav I 2.-

Boarcftontrol Keys 84~80 I l. -1.-- n. V.ictory


News from area univers,t,es.

"The) shot about 55 per cent against us and 1,e·re part!) re• spo11s1ble for it." ·aid the oach. ''In many cases. we weren·t around when they We"" shooting" Bickerstaff expects another tough lime tlus week ._ hen Iii TJreros play host to Souther California College and Chai)' man College.




newspapers t participate in college course

c•edtt will be required to con- tact the cooperat ng college or umve1 .'} pnor to pubhca t on of the erie , Enwr on . aid The collc!!e ex•e11 ·ion 1HJ be allowed to charge the nor- mal fee of 15 a unit. Each 2(). lecture newspaper series w1U cost the reader 45 for three umts ot academic credit. Reader se ng college c u be required to meet at lei t\11ce 1vith an

CDA Court Our Lad v ,.r M• c,_,_ •

San Diego. The Gold.ings recently moved here from ff~fti;:~~~t;if:~/~~~: Dr. Hitch presided at rn- I versity of San Diego's" auguration ceremonies on . · A h La Jolla campus the next President and Mrs. ut or day. That evening he and E. Hughes and Dr. and Mrs. Hitch held a. rerep-


Part IV-Fri, Dec:. 8, 1972

cademia Glitters at McElroy Gala

USD center to hold seminar in Japan The Ecumenical Center for World Religions at the University of San Diego is sponsoring its first overseas study seminar to be held in J apa n, Dec. 28-J an. 24. The seminar will explore Shi ntoism, Buddhi m and the "new religions," with s pecia l refer ence to the in troduction of Christianity in Japan in the 16th cen tury . Membership is limited to 20 s tudents from USD a nd other colleges or universities for academ ic credit. Other people may participate on a non-credi t basis.

Court was down for the

Other ch·ilians on the scene were the Hamilton }1ar,tons (he's of the old San Diego merchant fami- ly and now vice president of the Broadway stores); the Anderson Borthwicks; two of the village's mos glamorous I ad i es, :.rrs. Griffing Bancroft and )lrs.


Sptcial to The Times

e, ening.

Maj. Gen. and .Mrs. John N. 11 c Laugh 1 in were among numerous repre- sentatives from the ser- ,·ice crowd. He spoke to the guests. following din• '>laking a ?I-la- rine," or his re•ponsibili- tie· as commanding gener- al of the 1Iarine Corps Re- ner, on

S.A. • DIEGO-Stars of acadern1c-social-civic- s er v t c e world shone bri~hlly the other night 3:t a dressy black-tie cocktatl buffet honoring Dr. and Irs. W111Iam D. :.rcElroy on the e,·e nf his ina tgura- the San Diei;ro. Ranking guests at thf' party, ho·te,l by Dr. and .Mrs. Burt Aginsky, present \1 cl@l':1nrer w h o has he n teJ by the Ital- Ian o17l?rnment, till keeps studios in · ew York.

tion honoring Dr. and Mrs. J 1

'!>lr5. Brage Golding. He is

new pre ident of Cal State McElroy. The 400 gu~sta

tion as chancellor of UC W0rlton Cosell, and oth-

ers. Depot here

Judge Winthrop Tern- pleton Johnson of the Los

Others from the acade- ·were UC President ard Angeles County ,Iunicipal mic world were the Uni- :Mrs. Charles J. Hitch. - ~----~~----- ~ • ·umerous: ,·ice chancel- fors and other high-ran·· ing UCSD people were

easy moralize the losers who could I ou

landing playmaker talents wide receiver in oQ(b,ill.


urprised at



It's three down and three vie- shots they had. I guess It threw manage only 36 per shooting for f

"No way," answered the ju

the Toreros which prompted

to mention his nior guanl a[tPr lhll game. "

Jone observer

lhe,rught (26 of 68).

balance? few tin_ie£."

ories for the University of San tl1em

wa bin ton displayed some quick hands could be used as a couldn't take that l:5eating."

=t~W;-~rcros sttll contnbuted age (41 of 75 attempts) ·rr best effort in the three tmgs. Previous efforts have llC d 45.8 ( against Southern h ) and 43.5 against Southern \

1 go The

;respectable 54.7 shoot- 1-.:.:....:.;;;.;=....;..;_~ ,~ ,..-,:.... ....c..;..__ --------·-



me court advantage hey can, had little troubl ng to a third consecutive virtorl( Tast night, 89-61, Chapman College, They will now take t beaten string on a thre Arizon3: ~ginnin day with the fir. t st?P son agamst the UmverSlt tour


ver p

.1/7 ~." [',. u USD center to hold seminar in Japan The Ecumenical Center for World Religions al th{ Uni versily of San Diego ii sponsoring its first overseai study seminar to be held ir Japan, Dec. 28-Jan. 24. The seminar will explore Shintoism, Buddhism anc the " new religions," wilt special reference to thE introduction of Chrislianit) in Japan in the 16th century Membership is limited t~ 2.0 students from USD a other colleges or universitie for academic credit. Other people may participate on non-credit basis.

• Ca ifornia College

1day night.

•·we made one a justment in


s- o!lr defens!ve pre

after, exp a

. Tue- opening



'1l£ Bickerstaff.



rizona w~ich l_ast week ·nock- coming along now.' ' ed off '!mversity of S lbern . off balance the entire evening, In contrast to tis m t~ al t\


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