News Scrapbook 1972-1973

Toreros_ Win 7th In Row, Roi I Past Tri ons, 77-61 Aggl"'$S1v,, ball-hawking collapsing zone defense, alter- lay up off a Unh·ersity of San Diego led all I matmg Pinky Smith, Ben pass, Wa~htngtctn and P,tt> Co~Pnza, from far out, Joe Smith tallying incing 77-61 victory over UC al1 6-6. to daub!~ team him m again on a stl'al and Co,enza an Diego in a ba tie of winmng the proce ~- getting two points on a driving streaks on the Tritons' floor on the few occa~ions wh,n hP underhand lay1n. last mght. managed to pull down a UCSD could manage only a The- ddeat broke the UCSD rebound, the ball often was bat- free throw by John May and ictory ~tnng at a school \ed away frol'{l 1m and turned Gie Simp on's basket at the ecord eight games while the into l SD ba k~ . oreros won theu seve 1 nth con- , We khew WP. had to stop halftime butzrr II It fell _ha•·~ .ecutive conte for a_ ,0-3 sea- Trarner • explained Toreros by the 13 pomt~ at the intPl• son record The Tntons a1e coa~h 8'rniP. Bicke1,taff "He ml mn now 8-4. JS not to strong physically, but Thf> Trlfons could manage It is gPn,rally accepted that when b gets hot he 1s hard to onl) three baske in the the J'orert's play a more de- top. e Just didn't want him to games final 10 minutPs wJth anding chedule and last gPl tarter!. USD mshing to its gre~test n gbt's result 3trongly backed • we played v.t>ll tonight, but lead of 23 pomts (69-48) on a HP the contention I think we 11 ,ert> not up enough llp-in b · Pmky Smith with a U D was e~s1lv the ITlllre emotionall}. Maybe, we were a httle over six mmutes to hY ical club a 1t rushPd to a 1ttle nl'erconfident. Against play. 28 halftim" edge an had , ·orthern Arizona mmut s left in the u:~~.\i> 1. '! uc•~•~"> 2 0 7 rom the fre throw hne a he first half but Jon l,e!A'vier·s ~" ' \ r,.~:~ l l: b 0,11 only four of 10 shots from basket of 1 a m rd frPe w, 11 ~•~•.,o,• / 1~ld. and a chan y o b ~. l l;,."t.,, • 2, andini 6-7 but weighing cut 11 to 31-25. fg,gl, t ,t M0''''" e only 17 pounds, Trainer took a Here the TorProS p " ..,, 1• 1 physical 1n the low post with Joe Smith hitting fr 1!"~" 1'uc '/1 last nlllht as the Torero used a t c C ema. a.,;JJ.W,... connectm11 the way in rollrng to a con- Thompson


)73 Bickerstaff Has USD five On Winning Path University of San ·ego has reached the halfway mark of ils 26-game basketball schedule. And all of a sucld('n Hl'rni<' Bickrrstaff has emerged as the fir ·t winning coach in the school'/> baskelball history which began wllh the 1955-56 season. The Toreros have compiled an impressive t0-3 rccorcl through their first 13 contcsls, lhe latest a 77-61 c·nnqu t of crosstown rival UC San !)iego Saturday night. And Bickerstaff, in the middle of his fourth season, has now coached the Toreros lo a 4!:i-43 career mark. And, al- though he no doubt looks for- ward to many more seasons at thP USD helm, Bicker taff now stands m good posllion lo im- prove upon his present won-lost figure. His starting five four juniors and a r an, providing good mater al tor al least another season With one minor ex< C'ption Bob McCutcheon · s 1 m his one campaign rn 7-5 , USD coaches have 1111 to have winning career . Phil Woolpcrt, whom Bic t,aff succeeded, finished a . ven- year span at an CVl'll 90-90. Four others all ended t h los- ing terms. So Bickerstaff, who played two years at USD before serving three years as Wool- pert's assistant, has a promis- ing future to consider as his club begins the secQ(ld half of its season in a game at Bak- ersfield State tonight. The Toreros return home to meet Cal Poly of San Luis Obispo Friday evening, then travel to Costa Mesa Saturda, for a return engagement wit Southern California College. Guard Stan Washington has closed m on leader Pinky Smith in the U, D coring statistics af- ter 13 games. In the last two ames, Washington has in- creased his average from 16.7 to 17.6 while Smith has dropped 20. 7 to 19.8.


sy ;1rc 7-6 after falling to Po- l mona College, 59-~6 Wedncs• I day m;;ht. The Jos~ to Pomona broke a 11 c-gam \limning treak for Occ1dcntal. US!lI took care of Cal LU· thcran, 80-64 last Saturday. • We plJyed our best basket- ba:, of the season m the sec ond half of that one," en• thu es co,1ch Bob Kloppen- burg. "We out cored them, ~1-35, in that time and hit on bet er than 50 per cent of our shots " Jim Sullivan, Junior from Van •'uy led the sec- I ond half ('[fort with 17 of h1 g.1me total 25. Su1hvan oow has 152 points for a 13.8 aver. I age as the top USIU scorer and also leads In · ·s1 ts with 62.

tote Sets 3 0 d Town Pr · ects son Dieto union s1a11 DisPatch • j ·as used for stage line horses. ,be us d as a pipe and tobacco S_ACRAMENTO -:- Three his- Hazard is donating $50,000 to shop y Geoffrey A. Mogilner toncal rec?nstruchon and re- the project and his collection of who is paying for the reconst- search pro;ects have been set historic wagons, coaches and ruction. The Rodriquez Adobe fo~ Old Town San Diego State other artifacts worth about $1 was once used .for a pipe and litstonc Park, the D~part1:1ent million. tobacco shop. of Parks and Recreation said. The arch I · I work will Archeological study will be The A. L. Seeley Stable I conducte y Dr. Paul Ezell conducted at the Maria Antonio cated behind the Bandini ham of Caluornia State University, Machado de Silvas home on 111 the park will be rebuilt and San Diego. San Diego Avenue by Dr. Wll- made into a museum through Another reconstruction proj- liam Wallace, formerly of the the support of contractor R. E. ect is underway at the Rodri• University of Southern Cali• Hazard. quez Adobe on San Diego Ave- fornia. The stable was built in 1850 nue under direction of Dr. Ray- Work on the Machado Adobe, when the old Bandini home was mond Brandes of the University thought to have been Uilt · c-om·erted into the Cosmopoli- of San Diego. the late 1830s, will be finanCl!d tan Hotel by Seeley. The stable The 130-year-old adobe will with state money.

gways 5~--.v done everything to improve They are m the process of e tabli hing a new consecutive wm mark, needing five more to tie the 1957-58 record of 12. Stan Washington, a 6-4 Jun10, all-American candidate, 6-1 guard Joe • m1th, 6 6 center Ben Thompson. and the brothers, Pmky and Kenny Smith are pacmg the Torercs to perhaps their best season ever. With the 11 wins itnder their belts, and 12 g!)mes left on the slate, the Toreros have an excellent shot at erasing the 1965-66 recr,rd (17) win total. To do ii, however, Bickerstaff foe his team will have to i>erform better in one phase. "We have to reach an emotional medium," Bickerstaff explained ''One game we're up too high and then the next night we're not up enough~-• ___ Smee that meeting the Toreros have


71'.J_ov>IV 1/171i1; s, Toreros set to try again 'The l niversity of San Diego ba~ketball team will get a chance to start a new win streak Friday night when it meets Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, in the USD gymna- ium. The Toreros saw their sev- en-game string of victories end last night in Bakersfield where they lost to Bakersfield State, 73-56. The loss left the l' D team with a record of 10-4 Soould th~ To1'eros take the game from Gal Poly they'll ha\e a chan-:e for a second traight win Saturday when they travel \o Costa Mesa to meet Southern California Col- lege Summary; USO (5') llol

1 7 / 7J

Bernie might love Brid


once a we

on televis1

but there's more of al relation hip with Berni Bicker tafl, that is and his l'nivers1ty of Sa,r Diego Toreros. Bernie began the 1972-73 basketball sea ·on with the cone-Pp\ of having a winner Alter all, everyone loves a winner. ow 14 game into the schedul , with ju t three defeats in the J1ab1lity column, Bernie is beginning to cheri h the engagement The Toreros ( 11-3) will .test their obligation this weekend when they JO\IJ'0 y to South rn Californta Col- lege m Costa Mesa on Saturday evenmg after hosting Cal Poly San Luis Obi po at 8 the night before The contest ag In. t Southern California will be a return match for · the Toreros, who cru hcd coach Lynn Taylor's five earltcr m th eason, 93-56 tm

TNORTH ARIX. US) G F T 2:.i ":hr,mpoqnt' 1 12 Povne 4 2 ' 10 6 Madison 1 , .2 S 'l Flemons 6 1-2 13 3 Jeffrey 4 3B 11 -5 HendersonJ l •l 7

P. T Avg. 35 258 19,8 27 229 17 6 3711999 i, 124


9.5 8.6

I. 2. 7

3.1 2 3


PRINCIPALS MEET - Father William Shipley of the University of San Diego addresses Catholic school princ ipals on sex education. The principals recently held a two-day meeting at the USD De Sales Hall, Alcala Park. - SC photo

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