News Scrapbook 1989

Los Ang I s,CA (Lo5 A11geles Co.) Tunes (San D10 o Ell) (Cir. D. "O 010) (Cir. S. "5,5731

OCT 1 8 198

'- 4U... ', , C. 8





• Area community college football teams have not fared well this season, but last week was particu- larly bad. San Otego Mesa (2-3) was rout- ed by Orange Coast, 34-7. Gross- mont (1-4) was beaten by Fuller- ton, 30-17. Southwestern (1-4) lost lO El Camino, 52-20. Palomar (1-4) was defeated by Orange Coast, 24-14. And San Diego City (0-6) lost lO Mt. San Antonio, 35-14. • Former Torrey Pines quarter- back John Lynch played in Stan- ford's 31-13 loss lO Washington State. Lynch, a freshman, complet-

D Two USD men's tennis players were presented this week with 1989 Volvo awards as voted on by the Intercollegiate Tennis Coachea Assn. Jose Luis Noriega was named the rookie of the year After a battle with the NCAA over his eligibility, Noriega, a native of Peru, posted a 13-2 regular season singles record and advanced lO the quarterfinals of the NCAA tournament In Gainesv1lle, Fla. Dan Mattera, 31-8 as USD's No. 2 singles player, was named one of 21 scholar-athletes of the year.

competitive. "I think I have only a few years lefl," &he said. "Biologically, thal clock is going lO run out sometime." • The Point Loma Nazarene women's volleyball team IS enjoy- ing its firsl winning season since 1984. The Crusaders are 12-5 overall and 5-3 in the Golden State Athlet• ic Conference, and listed as honor- able mention in the NAIA Top 20. PLNC was 12-20 in 1988, 11-15 in '87 and 10-17 In '86, the year the

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OCT 1 8 1989

Jlllm'• P. C. 8


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/"Colleges :;-15'~ MiraCosta College,


many courses may be used to earn certificates in different areas. The cour1-1<':S nrc held primarily in the evenings or on Lhe weekends . Free 1<,cture series and sPminars arr also offered throughout the year Lhrough extended studies. For more information, call 534-3400. Univ"~ Diego, Alca"liiPark, San Die~ a private, independent univer- sity offering undergraduate and graduate studies. Call 260-4600 for more detailR. For informa• tion about USD's continuing education courses call 260-4585. United States International University, 10455 Pornerado Road, San Diego. There are seven colleges at the main USIU campus. Call 271-4300 for more information.

umversity oflcrs a full under• graduate und graduate program wilh all levels of degree• including doctoral and rn!'dical deb'l'ees, through the School of Medicine. Five undergraduau.• and two graduate colleges (a third graduate college may soon be added I compose this, the fi~h mosl heavily fund!'d research facihtv in the Umted States. Call 534-2230 for more informa- tion. Extension courAes are also available at UCSD. Mosl of the classes are geared toward adult interested in career advancement or career changes, but there are wme of general interest and a few for children. To attend, you need not be enrolled at the university or have any kind of degree. No degrees are available through extended studies, although

78 and T" in Oaks Valley Road. A ",de variety of upper d1v1sion and graduate study courses are C11rrently offered, however no lower-div1i:;ion ti asses are avail• able at this time. Call 471-3500 for informatwn about cours available. At San Diego State's College of Extended Studies, personal enrichment and career advancement clasres are avail- able. High school graduates and adu Its can enroll in open universlty through extended studies and take regular college classe• without actually being a San Diego State student A number of certificate programs are offered through extended e;tudies and seminars are hosted regularly throughout the year University of California, San Diego, Gilman and La Jolla Village Drive, La Jolla. This

Barnard Drive, Oceanside Besides the Oceanside-based campus, MiraCo•ta College has a San Elijo campus at 3333 Manchester Ave . in Cardiff Both offer a full educational program . Students at both campuses may complete an as.,;ociate degree, transfer their commumty college coursework to a four-year university, take vocational training, and take classes for personal enrichment. Both credit courses and non- credit, fee-based Community Services classes are available. Call 722-2121 or 755-5155 for information on the Oceanside campus and 942-1352 for San Elijo campus infonnatlon. National University, 2022 University Drive, Vista. With its main North Counly campus located in Vista, National University offers associate'& and bachelor's degrees and master's degrees in several areas of study. Non-credit continuing education seminars are also offered, some featuring certification programs. For more information, call 945-6100. Palomar College, 1140 W. Mission Road , San Marcos. Students attending the main campus 1n San 'Marcos can complete coursework to earn an associate's degree. There are also several satellite campuses in the North County region, which offer an assortment of classes.Call 744-1150 for gener- al information. San Diego State University, College Avenue. San Diego. The mam SDSU campus locatedjust south of Interstate 8 offers students the opportunity ofboth undergraduate and graduate programs in one of the universi- ty's seven colleges: Arts and Letters, Business Admimstra• tion, Education, Engineering, Health and Human Services, Professional Studies and Fine Arts, and Science. Call 594-5200 for more details.

punent from the Big \\ c t Confer ence on the Aztec hedule. B 1 the cl e call agam t Lo Beach, the Azt s were tied by C I tate Fullerton 41 41. Pa Ifie 15 1 6 un the season, los· ng to f'ullerton 35-26 last week end Its only victory of the year was against Long Beach Stat , 26 25 . •our goal this week 1s to beat omebody w 're supposed to beat," said l ugmb11l. Wagner r turns: Aft~r ~e(ng su pended last week for m1ssmg two practice , an Diego tate fre hman running back Darrm Wagner ha been reinstated. After

OCT 1 8 1989

JI.I/at'• P. C. B F.SI. 1888 1/ PLAN!'s Head Confident In Group's_glans By ANDRE, 1cLESKE Su I>it>JO Daily Tr•nscript Staff Writer Peter Navarro, chairman of Pre- vent Los Angelization Now! <1h control group gathered more than 160,000 signatures last year to place two growth control

Carlsbad, CA (San Diego Co.) Carlsbad J ournal ) (Cir. 2 x W. 16,049 OC1 181989

Jl(k,.' 1 P C 8 / Colleges I•• l~H

many courses may be used to earn certificates ,n different areas. The cour~e~ _are held primarily in the evenings or on the weekends Free lecture sertes and seminars are also offered throughout the year through extended studies. For more information, call = Alcala Park, San Otego.SD 18 a private. independent un1ver· sity offering undergraduate and graduate studies. Call ~60-4600 for more details. For mforrna- tion about USD's contmumg education courses call 260-45B5, . l United States 1nternat1ona University, 10455 Pomerado Road, San Diego. There are seven colleges at the roam USIU campus. Call 271-4300 for more information. 534.34()(). . Univi:rsity of San

1 ?,;l?.c~cg , 1 B rnurd Dnv , Ocean ide B id the Ocean ,de-based campus, h raCosta College ha• an F.hJo c mpu at 3333 'M. nche ter v ID Cardiff Both offer a full educ11t1onal program tudent 11t both campuae• m y eomplete an UJ180(10te degree, transfer their community colleg coursework to ur year univ rs1ly, take vocnt1on11l trnmmg and take cl for personal cnnchment and non credit f e baaed Community rvices classes ore available Call n 2 .2121 or 755 5155 for m£ormut1on on the OccanS1de wmµu 11nd 942-1352 for San EhJo c mpu inform tion. Both credit cour

university offc a full under- graduate and grnduate program with all levels of degrees_ - including doctoral and mcd'ica~ d ecs through the Schoo o r,~!';,ci~e. Five undergraduate d two graduate colleges la th1s, the fifth most heavily funded research facility ,n the United State•. Call 534-2230 for more mforma· E~tens1on court;es nre available at UC D. Most of th: classes are geared towar adult- interested in career advancement or career change~\ but there are some of genera t d a few for children interes an b To attend, yo\1 need n_ot e enrolled at the university or have any kind of degree. No degrees are available through extended studies, although an II a~ soon third graduate co ege m J be added I com Po t1on. al.:.o

78 and Twin Oaks 'valley Road A w,devar1cty of upper d1v1s1on and graduate tudy course• are currently offered, however no \o\\er--divis1on clnsse& are avail• able at thlS lime C'11ll 471-3500 for information about course--. 11va1lablo Al San Diego State's College of EJ

San Diego State's North County campus, for now. is at 800 W. Los Vallecitos Blvd. in San Marcos. In 1992, construc- tion on the first phase of a new, permanent North County campus i"F> PX~El'<'ted to be complete southeast of Highway

initiatives on the ballot. But Navarro,~ economics pro- fessor on leave to UC Irvine, con- tends the build- ing industry spent between $2 and $4 million to convince voters to decline sup•

ational Un1v,•r11ty, 2022 llnlvers1ty Drive, V1st With ,ta mnm orth Co11nty campu• located in V1•ta, N1tt1on~I Un1ver ,ty offers a oc1ate • and bachelor' degrees und ma&ter'• deftree• in everal


port of the proposals. He also said he believes the building industry planned another growth control initiative set on the ballot by the city council which resulted, through use of a killer clause written into the initiative, in the citizens' initiative being defeated. "I think it was the building in- dustry's idea but the city council was certainly compliant," he said. But this time things will be dif- ferent, Navarro says. The group has been reborn with a new name, ~ new direction and a ne maturi- PJease turn to Page


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