News Scrapbook 1989

San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union {Cir. D. 217,0891 (Cir. S. 341,840) DEC 2 8 1 V

Vislll, CA (San Diego Co .) Vista Press \Cir . o. 7,e76l (Cir . S. 7,967) DEC 2 6 1989


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Vi~]a's Enger helping USD reach new heights o1iner Panther tar help USO to a te t art

/ COLLEGE BA~ET_B_A_LL_:_U....c.S_D_____ S -~!/:; 5 d h . tncl\.lan gets t e point: Throw ball to teammates It bas taken the first third of a 19 of 60 attempts this season - 32 rugged season, but US_ll .saphomore percent - and averages 5.2 points. Wayman Stnckran'd is inching In short, his jpb description has toward an uneasy peace with the po- been substantially rewritten. Strick- sition of point guard. land, the former San Francisco City Whether the struggling Toreros, Player of the Year because of his beset by Inconsistency, can achieve a shooting prowess, now is valued for larger such truce remains to be seen. bis dribble, his pass. USO brings a 3-7 record, and not a "It's basically just seeing the few concerns, into tonight's game whole court from a different per- against Western Kentucky (7:30, USD spective," he said. "I don't look at Sports Center). ...,;.----- where I can score from or what In losing six of their last seven move I can make, but where my games, the Toreros have proved teammates are gomg to be commg themselves not overwhelmin I off screens so I ran et them the ball. qui , not dom nan un er , l:ias- " eve go to ge at m o ket, not terrifying from three-point chemistry gomg where the guys range - not encouraging. know that if they come off a screen To win, they must control the pace m a certain way, the ball will be of a game, determine its deliberate corning to them, and they'll be ready rhythm. And, increasingly, that bur- for il. Little, small thmgs like that den has fallen primarily to a player, are what I have to keep working on. Strickland, who is in his first season I'm getting better at them, but as a full-time starter - and his first there's always room to improve." at the poinl So go the Toreros. After playing "It's a little different look, and I'm UCLA close and routing Stephen F. still adjusting somewhat," Strickland Austin, USD was blown out in succes- said. "I wasn't a true point guard sive nome games against Eastern coming out of high school. I'm still Washington and Nevada-Reno just working on my game and developing before Christmas. m it, and I'm starting to play a little Tonight's meeting with the Hill· bit better." toppers represents the midpoint of Peace, of course, comes at a price, an eight-game home stand that con- and a glance at Strickland's statistics eludes with USD's first three West will reveal it. A 50-percent field-goal Coast Conference outings. Western shooter who averaged 22 points a Kentucky is 3-6, but three of its loss- game for San Francisco's Riordan es were to Alabama, Louisville and a High two years ago, he has converted solid St. Louis club. /


Stall photo by DAVID BARAK co ege r ght where she feij off 1n high school.

DeMana ' Enger said "All four :i,ear at\ 1sta hr encouraged me to go to basketball camp m the off- eason and get bettrr 'The last ye-ar at\ 1sta v.e play d a man to man defense and that re allv helped Plu. 11 reallj helped to play v.1th teammate a good a Kelh Schott . Dana I Chr1Stoffer on and Renee 1R1chardsonl I played with such a good high school team That helped me more than an)'thmg else to prepare for college ba ketball " Enger said the support from DeMaria and her former Vi ta teammates has follov. ed her to USD 'Mr D DeMana took the v.hole team to the San Diego State game, Enger w1d ' They had a game earher m the Pomt Loma tourna ment and came tO' our game after- Y.ard instead of going straight balk to \: ista I couldn t belen e t my High School team and my parents v. ere at the game It was neat ' However the trans1t1on to life in college hasn't been without it's trials. Enger earned a 3 9 grade pomt average on a scale of 4 O at Plea e see Enger/ Pa A7

San Luis Obispo, CA (San Luis Obispo Co.) Telegram-Tribune (Cir. 6xW. 26,163)

Enger'• numbers • i



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DEC 2 7 1989


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Prosecutor named new Mun· judge By Dave WIicox Telegram-Tribune

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Cot Ms , Calif , D Pilot

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DEC 2 71989

It anived a day late, but the black robe Michael L. Duffy got for Christ mas was worth the wail. Duffy, a deputy district attorney, was appointed Tuesday by Gov. George Deukmejian as the county's newest municipal rourtjudge. He fills the spot left vacant about six months ago when Judge Christopher G. Money was elevated to Superior Court Duffy, 42, is a Republican. He's been with the District Attorney's Office since 1981. He was understandably elated Tuesday. "You always hope and pray that something like this will happen," he said He said he regretted having to leave the District Attorney's Office, but said, "Opportunities to become a judge probably come along once in a lifetime." The prosecutor said he received word of the appointment to the $82,054 post at noon Tuesdav and promptly called his wife. The couple has seven children - including three foster children. Duffy has been a Pl'O:Seclltor for 14 years. Before corning to San Lws Obispo in 1981, he was a deputy ~bict attorney in Orange County for six years. Mer completing his bachelor's degree at the University of Nevada in 1971, Duffy became a deputy sherllI in Clark County, Nev. "Who would've thought that o years after testifying in court (as a deputy), I'd be sitting as a judge," he srud "It's really astounding." Duffy earned his law degree in 1974 from the Universi~of San Diego. Duffy's appom cnt met with a positive reaction. In the District Attorney's Offir.e, thinned out Tuesday by the holidays

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'e Capizzi as D A 1 1 necess11y to give some political hack a leg_ up in . the election, they can cenamly waa and let the chief trial deputy fill the position for now." But s_µeervisors Stanton, Riley and Hatfiett Wieder said they all plan to vote m favor of Capizzi because he is well-qualified. Super- visors Don Roth and Gaddi Vas- quez could not i>e reache~ ment, but Riley said he believed the board vote would be unanimous. "I've already endorsed Mike pick a well-qualified person lo calT) out the duties, "so we don't have any caretaker government." - In related news, Deukmejian's of. lice announced Tuesday that the gove_rnor had appointed Roben H. Galhvan of Newpon Beach as a mumcipal coun judge in the West Orang<: County judicial district. Galhvan, 55, replaces Judge Marvin G. Weeks, who was elevated to the Orange County Superior Coun.

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By IRIS YOKOI Of lht!' Dally ~l#Ot 1t•N . r ht• Orange Sur •n 1son 111 11 expect d to appoint

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DcukmeJ1an. The timing o~ his appointment has been ques11on~d b} Avdeef. who said he believes the governor's ac- tion was a ploy for Hicks to step down before his term ellpires in June and have Capmi - Hicks' sup- po ed heir apparent - appointed as successor, g1vmg him the elecuon advantage of incumbency in next ar campaign. Avdel(f. a former anta Ana police offi~er !'-nd district anorney m- ves11ga19r:, contended voters' ap- proval of Proposition 59 in 1987 indicated the district attorney should be elected. not appointed. A vdeef further s.11d government code mandates a vacancy should be filled by the chief tnal. deputy, cur- rently Ass1s1ant D1stnct Attorney James Enright, who has not an- nounced his candidacy. , But County Counsel Adnan Kuyper said state law provides the board of supcn-1sors appoint a suc- cessor in the case of a vacancy. The apJ101ntee must then sen'e until the nc~t general election. Kuyper said. Kuyper said the const1tut1onal amendment that provides for elec- llon of district attorneys doesn't preclude the board from filling a

vacanc} "There's s1mpl) no lime to call a special election." he said. Kuyper said statutes do not speci- fy_ the chief trial depuly should fill a d1stnct attorne} vacancy. But Avdeef said Tuesday that . Kuyper is "reading the wrong sec- llon." Avdeef said he specifically directed supervisors to Sect10n 26542 of the government code. which provides for the chief tnal dep_uty to temporarily carry out the duties of d1stnct attorney in the event of a vacancy. Avdeef said the sect10n lists the assistant district attorney and depu- ty d1stnct attorney. respectively. after 1he chief trial . deputy. "It pr!)vides for a succession," Avdeef said. Avdeef said Kuyper 1s simply re- assuring supervisors that under gen- eral }aw. they have the nght to appoint a successor. But with a specific section providing for the filling of vacancies. the board need not exercise lhat authority, Avdeef said. "The office 1s not going to fall apart m the next five months " Avdeef said. '"Since there 1s ~o ----~--

ount} Board of Jan 2 meeting is

ss1s1an t D1s- tnc1 Attomc} M1chat'I Cap1zz1 to fill th pos1t1on of d1stnc1 aa •r~ } as a result of CcCJI Hicks' appointment 10 a Superior oun bench. A straw poll of supen 1sors Tues- day ind1ca1ed at least three and J?OS 1bly all li\c, feel C o1p1a1 should 1111 Hick ' shoes and 1nat the board h·•s the duty and authnntv to make ,ne appointment. Supen1sor Roger Stanton said he ma} even make the mo11on to .ippoint Cap11,1. J homa" A ,,.<1,•,•f ,_,...,. ,,.r three

Michael L. Duffy

... county's newest judge. and the flu, Duffy said those al work "are delighted" with the news. Judge Donald G. Umhofer, the presiding municipal court judge, said Duffy's appointment will allow the court to continue functioning smooth- ly. ' The court is very happy that th governor has filled the vacancy" he said ' Umhofer said operating without a fifth judge has forced the municipal court to rely on the state Judicial ~ouncil to routinely assign visiting Judges to hear cases. The court has also had to rely on the assistance of Municipal Court Judge Edward Chidlaw, assigned to th_e ~aso Robles ~ranch, to help out With its caseload m San Luis Obispo he said. ' One of Duffy's greatest strengths as a prosecutor, said Umhofer, was that he did his homework. Please see Judge, B~ge

Capizzi when he announced his in- tent to run," Wieder said. "Mike Cfipizzi is the chief deputy to the d1stnct attorney, and he certainly has helped the Orange County's dis- trict attomey's office gain a great reputation." "I think Mr. Avdeef ought to understand Mr. Capizzi is head and shoulders lhe most qualified for the POSllion," -- ~

Galli van has served as an Orange County Municipal Court Com- missioner since 1986. Prior to that he was a panner with the Costa Mesa law firm of Gallivan Schmies- ing and Blied from 1976 'to I986. He had his own law practice in Santa Ana from 1969 to 1976 and in Newport Beach from 1966 to J 969. He was a deputy district attorney in San Diego from 1965 to 1966. A member of the state bar and the 0range County Bar Association an received his bachelor'~ from vola University in and his Juns octorate rom niversilY ofSan Die.,&

~rney' rnten- 1June, ent to board ~id visors 1auon I will inty's was · So- Gov.

San Di ego, Calif. ( an Diego Co) SA DIEGO TRIBUNE

County p a man w) the posit He ac Avdeef underst

San Diego (San Di , C4. Sano· ego Co.) (Cir. ct~~ Union (Cir . S 34 l,089 J

O£C 2 8 989




E 2 8 1989 J/1/:::--:-:.---

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f.11. 1888

7JSD women win 7thstraight USD extended its winning streak to~t night by defeating Ore- gon St.ate, 58-51, at the USD Sports Ce/Jter USO (8-1) scored the game's last seven points. Candida Echeverria hit a 19-foot basket with 1:02 remaining 10 give the Toreras a 53-51 lead. Five free throws in the final minute pro- vided the final margin. Echeverria led the Toreras with 23 points to improve her career total to 992. The senior guard needs 18 to tie the school's all-time mark set by cur- rent assistant coach Debra Theroux (!983-86). Margo Evasbevski led Ore- gon State (4-7) with 16 points.

USD Toreras 8-1 after win Arizona State in a non-conference game at 5 p.m Saturday at the USD Sports Center • • • The USD men' basketball team begins to wind do n the non-con- ferenc portion of its sch dule with a game at 7;30 tonight against We tern Kentucky at the USD Sports Center. The Tor ros (3-7J, who play Col• umb1a at home Saturday before opening West Coast Conference play Jan. 6 aga t Santa Clara, are struggling to come together

this season. The Toreros have lost six of their last seven games, in- cluding last week's games against Eastern Washington and Nevada- Reno. USD senior center John Jerome is the only Toreros player who has started every game this season. Jerome leads the team with 19.8 points and 7.0 rebounds a game. Sophomore guard Gylan Dottin is second on the team In scoring with . This is USD's second meetmg with Western Kentucky (3-6), which defeated the Toreros 64-59 last sea- son The Hilltoppers are led by M senior guard Roland Shelton, who is averaging 19.l points a game. Western Kentucky iumor forward Jerry Anderson, the 1987-88 Cali- fornia Community College Player of the Year, is averaging 11.9 points. 9.7 points a game.


to include a number of Individuals," In May Clark saidmany m e eg f community suspected two attorneys - Deputy District Attorney Karen Gray and Leland Ramsey - were the only ones being evaluated for the said Clark. . th I al Both are spouses of local s 1e1~1a::•:n:,s·Money was still in Municipal Court but was expected to be elevated to the higher court. d tate

from Curtis L. Clark, fonner. P!~- dent of the county ~ar AssoCiation 5 criminal defense section. "I think that Mike capable o doing a good job and will do a good

Continued fromA-1

"I have always regarded him as a very well-prepared attol'!1~Y- he brings a case into court, it s rea ha In recent years, those cases I t involved drug-re a e Thee ~es often involved multiple defendants, said Umhofer, an~ Dnf\ held his own while squanng o primarily charg s

job " Clark said.

Clark also referred to a con~ve: 1·udge's posl earlier this year surrounding ending appointment when he said it· ~ppeared the governor's _office was

11 oteonsidering all the applicants, r' 'I'm pleased that (the govemo s __ :ag~a:inst~th~ree:o:r~fo~u~!=a~~:m~~=Y 5 ~·::ks:_~":fli:ce:)~exp=an=d=ed= th~e~s~el-e~cti_·o~n- p~ro- c_cs~s~----~-~-- At.,L...."'-- - Duffy rec ived similar high mar


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