News Scrapbook 1989

Jlll~" I P. C.

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Vi~Ja' s Enger helping USO reach new heights om r Panth r tar help U D

/20LLEGEBA¥ETBALL_:_U_SD_____ S -"?,!1~sd h . tncl\ gets t e point: Throw ball to teammates It has tak n the first third of a 19 of 60 attempts this season - 32 rugged eason, but U!il) ..sophomore percent - and averages 5.2 points. Wayman Stricktand ls inching In short, his jpb description has toward an uneasy peace with the po- been substantially rewritten. Strick- s1tlon of pornt guard. land, the former San Francisco City Whether the struggling Toreros, Player of the Year because of his beset by mconsJStency, can c11:hieve a shooting prowess, now is valued for larger such truce remains to be seen. his dribble, bis pass. USD brings a 3.7 record, and not a "It's basically just . eeing the few concerns, mto tonight's game whole court from a different per- again t Western Kentucky (7:30, USD spective," be aid. "I don't look at Sports Center). .,;----- where I can core from or what In losing six of their last seven move I can make, but where my games, the Toreros have proved teammates are gomg to be coming themselves not overwhelmin I of screens o can et them the ball. q ic , not domm nt un er e ba - • e've ot to get a m o ket, not terrifying from three-point chemistry gomg where the guys range - not encouraging. know that if they come off a screen To wm, they must control the pace in a certain way, the ball will be of a game, determine its deliberate coming to them, and they'll be ready rhythm. And, increasingly, that bur• for it. Little, small things like that den has fall n primarily to a player, are what I have to keep working on. Stnckland, who 1s in his first season I'm getting better at them, but as a full-time starter - and his first there's always room to improve." at the point. So go the Toreros. After playing "It's a little different look, and I'm UCLA close and routing Stephen F. till adjusting somewhat." Strickland Austin. USD was blown out in succes• said "I wasn't a true point guard ive liome games against Eastern commg out of high school. I'm still Washington and Nevada-Reno just working on my game and developing before Christmas. in 1t and I'm starting to play a little Tomght's meetmg with the Hill- bit better." toppers represents the midpoint of Peace, of course, comes at a price, an eight-game home stand that con- and a glance at Stnckland's statistics eludes with USO's first three West· will reveal it. A 50-percent field-goal Coast Conference outings. Western shooter who averaged 22 points a Kentucky is 3-6, but three of its loss- game for San FranC1Sco's Riordan es were to Alabama, Louisville and a High two years ago, he has converted solid St Louis club. /

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San Luis Obispo, CA (San Luis Obispo Co.) Telegram-Tribune (Cir. 6xW. 26,163)

DEC 2 7 1989


physical inside." Despite her impact <;>n the Torreras, Enger is still 1ust an upstart freshman to most of h~r teammates. That means she s had to take on some of ~he more humble duties of a first-year player ''The freshmen have to carry all of the balls and training stuff \\hen we go on the road," Enger said . "It's tough. Some o~ that stuf1 gets heavy, b~t thats the duh of a freshman . . Enger said that o fa_r _she is pleased with her dec1s1on to remain in an Diego Count) and attend USD Afterall. she was a highly recruited athlete with a long list of college choices. , d • I hke the team, Enger sa1 . "It's just great. Everbody 1s so supportive. ·obody on our team is out just for themselves . Plus Ts nice to so close to home I ~11 I have to do is call my parents and they come down to get me." , ' o wond e r e ver bod,Y associated with t;Sp womens basketball is smihng these days .

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Prosecutor named new Mun· judge By Dave Wilcox Telegram-Tribune

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C ta M D 1l y Pilot

DEC 2 71989

It arrived a day late, but the black robe Michael L. Duffy got for Christ- mas was worth the wait. Duff), a deputy district attorney, was· appointed Tuesday by Gov. George Deukmejian as the county's newest municipal l'Ourt judge. He fills the spot left vacant about six months ago when Judge Christopher G. Money was elevated to Superior Court. Duffy, 42, is a Republican. He's been with the District Attorney's Office since 1981. He was understandably elated Tuesday. "You always hope and pray that something like this will happen " he ' He said he regretted having to leave the District Attorney's Office, but said, "Opportunities to become a judge probably come along once in a lifetime." The prosecutor said he received word of the appointment to the $82,054 post at noon Tuesday and promptly called his wife. The couple has seven children - including three foster children. Duffy has been a """'"'.,,tor for 14 years. Before coming to San Luis Obispo in 1981, he was a deputy district attorney in Orange County for six years. After completing his bachelor's degree at the University of Nevada in 1971, Duffy became a deputy sheriff in Clark County, Nev. "Who would've thought that 20 years after testifying in court (as a deputy), I'd be sitting as a judge," he said. "It's really astounding." Duffy earned his law degree 10 1974 from the Universigr San Diego. Duffy's appom ent met "°ith a positive reaction. In the District Attorney's Office thinned out Tuesday by the holi~ said.

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By IRIS YOKO! Of ttw- O,1 ty ~ROI St•N'



necessity to give some political hack a leg_up m . the elecuon, they can certamly wan and let the chief trial deputy fil1 the position for now." But s_µpervisors Stanton, Riley and Hatfie11 W1eaer said they all plan to vote in favor of Capizzi ~cause he 1s well-qualified. Super- visors Don Roth and Gaddi Vas- g_uez could not i>e reache~ mem, but Riley said he believed the board vote would be unanimous. ''I've already endorsed Mike Capizzi when he announced bis in- tent to run," Wieder said. "Mike Capi_zzi is the chief deputy to the d1stnct attorney, and he cenainly h~s helped the Orange County's dis- tnct attorney's office gain a great reputation." "I think Mr. Avdeef ought to understand Mr. Capizzi is head and shoulders the most qualified for the position," Stanton said. "I credit Mr. Capizzi with cleaning up Orange County politics in the 1970s. This 1s a man who is qualified and deserves the position." He added that "critics like Mr. AYdeef ought to face reality" and understand the supervisors wam to

1 he ummg of his appointment has been qu s1ion~d b} Avdeef, who satd he believes the governor's ac- uon was a plo) for Hicks to step down before his term expires in June and have Capr.£21 - Hicks· sup- posed heir apparent - appointed as successor, g1vrng him the elecllon advantage of incumbency in next campaign. Avd~f, a form r anta Ana pohcc officer llnd d1s1nct attorney m- vest1gat9'r. contended voters' ap- proval of Propos111on 59 in 1987 tnd1cated the d1stnct attorney should be elected, not appointed. Avdecf further :ud government code mandates a vacanC) should be filled b) the chief tnal deputy, cur- rently Assman1 D1stnct Attorney James Ennght. who has not an- nounced his candidaC) . . But Count\ Counsel Adrian Kuyper said state law provides the board of supen isors appomt a suc- cessor m the case of a vacancy. The appomtee must then serve until the ncx_t general elec110n. Kuyper said. Kuyper said the cons111u11onal amendment that provides for elec- tion of distnct attorneys doesn't preclude the board from filling a ar

pick a well-qualified person to carry out the duues, "so we don't have an) caretaker government." · In related news, Deukmejian's of- fice announced Tuesday that the governor had appointed Robert H. Gallivan of Newport Beach as a municipal coun judge in the West Orange County judicial district. Judge Marvin G. Weeks, who was elevated to the Orange County Superior Court. Gallivan has served as an Orange County Municipal Court Com- missioner since 1986. Prior to that he was a partner with the Cosu; Mesa Jaw firm ofGaUivan, Schmies- ing and Blied from 1976 to 1986. He had bis own law practice in Santa Ana from I 969 to 1976 and in ewpon Beach from I 966 to J 969. He was a deputy district attornev in San Diego from J 965 to 1966. · A member of the state bar and the Orange County Bar Association Galhvan received his bachelor'~ degree from ola University in 1957 and his Juns octorate rom the Universilll of San Die~ in 1964 He w1U:-6e paid $82.0:,4'"J)l!r yea~ as a municipal court judge. Gallivan, 55, replaces

" There's stmpl\ no time to call a special election." he said. Kuyper said statutes do not speci- f) the chief trial deputy should fill a district auorne} vacancy. But A, decf said Tuesday that. Kuy~er 1s "readmg the wrong sec- tion. A vdeef said he specificallv directed supenisors to ectJon 26542 of the government code. which provides for the chief trial deputy to temporaril) carry out the duues of distnct auorney m the event of a vacancy. Avdeef said the section lists the assistant d1stnct attorney and depu- ty d1stnct aHorney, respectively, af1er_ the chief trial . deputy. "It pr~v1des for a succession," Avdeef said. Avdeef said Kuyper is simply re- assunng supervisors that under gen- eral _laY., 1he1 have the right to appoint a successor. Bu1 with a specific section prov1dmg for the fillmg of vacancies, the board need not exercise that authorit), Avdeef satd. "Th~ office is not going to fall apan tn the next five months," Avdeef said. "Smee there is no

I h~· Oran e ount) Board of Supen I or at ,ts Jan. 2 meeting 1s C1( ted 10 appoint ISlllnt D1s- tnct Attornl') M1ehat"I ap1a1 to fill th J)O\llwn of d1 tn t .t r!lC) as a re ult of C cell Hick · appointment nch stray, poll of sup rYtsors I ues- thn: . and po 1hly 1ill fi,e. fc I Capw1 hould fill 1!1 k~' hoes and tnat th board h •s th duty and uuthorit) to make ,ht· appointment ·upcr,1 or Roger tanton id he ma, even make the motr n to appoint C1p1zz1. Thoma Avd f, one of three memb r of the dr tnct attorney's ofr1c-c who havr anno,mced mten- tmns to run for Hick · po t in June, repeated on 1 ucs ht, intent to pursue legal actron 1f the board ppoints CaptLLI. Supcni,or Thomas Rrle,~d f ncks \Cut a lener to uperVIsors Tue da telltng them his resignation from the d1 tnct attorney post will be ell Clive at noon Jan. 2. Hick~. who ha been the county's d1 tr1c1 attorney since J 966, was appoint d an Orang County Su- perior oun Judge Friday by Gov. to u Superior oun day ind1ca1cd at least

Michael L. Duffy

... county's newest judge. and the Ou, Duffy said those at work 'are delighted" with the news. Judge Donald G. Umhofcr, the presiding municipal court judge, said Duffy's appointment will allow the court to continue functioning smooth- ly. •The court is very happy that th governor has filled the vacancy " he said. I Umhofer said operating without a fifth judge has forced the municipal court to rely on the state Judicial Council to routinely assign VISiting judges to hear cases. The court has also had to rely on the assistance of Municipal Court Judge Edward Chidlaw, assigned to the Paso Robles branch, to help out with its caseload in San Luis Obispo he said. ' One of Duffy's greatest strengths as a prosecutor, said Umhofer, was that he did his homework Please see Judge, B~ge

USD Toreras 8-1 after win Arizona State in a non-conference gam at 5 p.m. Saturday at the USO Sports Center • • • Th USD men' ba etball team begins to wmd down the non-con- f ren portion of its schedule with a game at 7-30 tonight agamst W t rn Kentucky at the USD ports Cent r. Th Toreros (3•7), who play Col- umb1 t born Saturday before opemng W t Co t Conference play J n 6 gairu t Santa Clara, ar truggling to come together

this season. The Toreros have lost six of their last seven games, in- cluding last week's games against Eastern Washington and Nevada- Reno. USO senior center John Jerome is the only Toreros player who bas started every game this season. Jerome leads the team with 19.8 points and 7.0 rebounds a game. Sophomore guard Gylan Dottin is second on the team in scoring with 9.7 points a game. This is USO's second meeting with Western Kentucky (3-6), which defeated the Toreros 64-59 last sea- son. The Hilltoppers are led by 6-4 senior guard Roland Shelton, who is averaging 19.l points a game. Western Kentucky junior forward Jerry Anderson, the 1987-88 Cali- fornia Community College Player of the Year, is averaging 11.9 points.

gon I Cent~

VSD (8-1) scored the game's last seven points. Candida Echeverria hit a 19-foot basket with 1:02 remain10g to give the Toreras a 53-51 lead. Five f~ee throws in the final minute pro- vided the final margin. Echeverria led the Toreras with 23 points to improve ber career total to 992 , The senior guard needs 18 to tie th e school's all-time mark set by cur- rent assistant coach Debra Theroux (1983-86). Margo Evashevski led Ore- gon State (4-7) with 16 points.

to include a number of Individuals,'' t community suspected two attorneys - Deputy District Attorney Karen G and Leland Ramsey - were the o-:l/ ones being evaluated for the judge's post. te Both are spouses of local sta legislators' aides. till in At the time, Money was s Municipal Court but was expected to be elevated to the higher court. said Clark. . th l al e eg In May Clark said many ID

from Curtis L. Clark, former. P~!- dent of the county ~ar AssoCiation s criminal defense section. "I think that Mike capable o~ doing a good job and will do a goo ·ob" Clark said. l Clark also referred to a con~oversy earlier this year surrounding .th~ ending appointment when he said it• ared the governor's office was ilconsidering all the applicants. r' 'I'm leased that (the governo s ffice) Ji,anded the selection process

Continued from A-1

"I have always regarded him asha very well-prepared attof!1?Y· ~;t1! e brings a case into court, its rea y. In recent years, those cases have primarily involved drug-related ch~e~es often involved multiple defendants, said U~ofer, an~ D~ held his own while squanng against three or fouy a~rn~ys. ks Duffy received similar high mar

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