News Scrapbook 1989
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F.11 IIU ;Em roiled in scandal, Garvey quits as USD trustee SA E~ ( Pl - Former no reason for his departure. ignat10n last weekend after talk- league career. works for the Cable News Net- Garvey has said if either child ha hall ta1 tev G rvey, m- r c ptiom t t G rvcy' o(- ing with the bishop during the He was thrust mto the national work. proves to he his that he would broiled in a paternity c ndul ficfl m 1,a ,Jolla said he was out of board's annual retreat at La spotlight again last week, but as Garvey recently broke his accept financial responsibility , mvolving two former lover who town Thur day and unavailable Quinta resort near Palm Springs. the possible father of two il- engagement with Mendenhall for their support. His new bride ay h ot tht•m pre •11anl, ha for comment, and no one involved Maher citing his "pastoral legitmate children allegedly and began a whirlwind courtship also has said that if either r i 11 •d a. Uril it n in th r signation would ay if role," declined to elaborate on conceived during Garvey's ad- of Candace Thomas, 30, whom he woman was unwilling to raise the I;ucgo _J.rl.t te , , hool offlri11ls Gurvey wa a. ked to re ign or Garvey's resignation after fo'!-r milted involvement with several married in Deer Valley, Utah, in childre11:, she wou~d take them. a~ · why he did so. years on the USO board, Petrie women simultaneously. mid-February. Also mvolved m the tangled A hort t tcment n•lca d Dan Petn , a poke ·man for said. One baby was born Feb. 15 in Mendenhall contends she in- affair is Judith Ross, a longtime Thur d y lJy th priv t Roman Catholic Bishop Leo Garvey, 40, a 10-time All Star. San Diego to an unidentified formed Garvey of her pregnancy girlfriend of Garvey's who has 'athohc univ r 1ty, which con- fah r, who i chairman of the played fir t base for the Los woman. Also claiming to be Jan. 23, the same day he called said she was seeing him while he hrm d Garv •y' re I n tion univer ity' board of tru tees, Angeles Dodgers and San Diego pregnant by Garvey is Rebecka her to break their three-week was mvolved in the other rela- from h board of tru tc • av aid Garvt•y ubnutted his res- Padre during a 17-year major Mendenhall of Atlanta. who engagement. tionships. _,-_,r
Escondido, CA (San Diego Co.) Times Advocate (Cir. 0. 45 ,900) (Cir. s. 47,000)
Salina , CA (Monter Y Co.) c lifornl n (Cir. 6xW. 23,602) R
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He oes-----------_...;. Continued from D-1 zcr s---< him go out with your daughter." . , . . ~! . 1 Despite the scandal, Snyder said,, self. You ll fmd those pl m _al Garvey's plans to seek political of- areas of life, in the local com_~umty. fice may still be possible. But instead we loo~ ~o celebrities~ "If what happens to Garvey cause our commun_1~1es are_ breakmg d' ualifies him for public office, down our faID1hes fallmg apa~~ t;:: John Tower isn't qualified to be Celebrities have become th e subSb ta of defense" Snyder said. ·t f " secre ry , tutes for commu_n~ Y 1~~s- "We can expect a person to live up Some cel~bnhes, fmd_mg them- to what they represent themselves elv_es the obJect of worship, atten:ipt as. And in that case, Garvey has fall- to hve up to the role. Others - like en short. But to build up people to be Wade Boggs, the_Boston Red Sox star perfect incarnations of all that's whose rmstress IS now telhng all to great and wonderful is unfair.'' Penthouse - never present them- But Americans traditionally have selves as mora! paragons. wanted pure heroes, said Hanson, a But Garvey s fall see~ed more Stanford University business profes- dramatic, since he had cult1v~ted the sor on leave at Claremont. image of the Dudley Doright of ,, .d "h .ports a gentlemen, the clean-cut "In mythol?gy,flHansobnt~tl d''dn~t- ' t d roes bad maJor aws, u 1 1 gut.Ine~ll :~ it's admirable that diminish their heroic acts. Tb~ hero Garv:y tried to live up to the role he is not ~s impo~nt as the heroic act. was in" said William S. Snyder, a Even if a hero 1s found t~ be_ engag- h'loso' by professor at San Diego ing in questionable behavior m_ other ~~te Dniversity. "Give me Steve parts of their life, their heroic act Garvey over Wade Boggs any day. ~till _can stand .~s a useful example to Garvey is still admirable in some msp1re others. areas He isn't a cheat, a bad busi- But recent polls su~ges~ mo st ness~an, or ruthless. The recent inci- adult Americans are_ los~ng mter~t dent just means that you wouldn't let in the faults of public figures, said Patrick Jackson, president of a New Hampshire-based applied behavioral psychology public relalions_ firm. "We went through a period where everyone was looking for perfection, but that bas passed. After the Gary Hart incident, research indicated that people were angrier at the Miami Herald than Hart. Hart's mis- take was how he handled the situa- tion. That's what bothered people " If the hero's future seems shaky, said UCSD's Dennis Rohatyn, that may be a good thing. "The term 'hero' stems from a Greek word meaning to protect.' By definition heroes are people who pro- tect us from ruin," said Robatyn, a philosophy professor. "In the last analysis, heroes can't prevent de- struction. We must save ourselves and urge others to do likewise." But until that time arrives, Hanson s31d a society without heroes puts its ethi~al foundation at risk. "It is through myths and heroes that societies communicate their val- ues from generation to generation. Without heroes, we could lose that ability."
so. R Dan Petrie, a spokesman 1or O- man c tholic Bishop Le~ Ma):le;, who is chairman of t~e unJVers1ty s board of trustees, sa1d Garvey sub- mitted his resignation last ~eek- end after talking with the bishop during the board's annual retreat al La Quinta resort near Palm Springs. Please see Garvey, age A 2 News Network. Garvey recently broke his en- gagement with Mendenhall and began a whirlwind courtship of Candace Thomas, 30, whom he married in Deer Valley, Utah, in mid-February. Mendenhall contends she in- formed Garvey of her pregnancy Jan. 23, the same day he called her to break their three-week engage• ment. Garvey has said if either child proves to be his that he would ac- cept financial responsibility for their support. His new bride also has said that if either woman was unwilling to raise the children, sh would take them.
~~u~!~?J21~ Maher citing his "pastoral role," declined to elaborate on Garvey's resignation after four years on the USD board, Petrie said. Garvey, 40, a 10-time All Star, played first base for the Los An- geles Dodgers and San Diego Pa- dres during a 17-year major league career. He was thrust into the national spotlight again last week, but as the possible father of two illegiti- mate children allegedly conceived during Garvey's admitted involve- ment with several women simulta- neously. One baby was born Feb. 15 in San Diego to an unidentified wom- an. Also claiming to be pregnant by Garvey is Rebecka Mendenhall of Atlanta. who works for the Cable
Also involved in the tangled af- fair is Judith Ross, a longtime girl- friend of Garvey's who has said she was seemg him while he was in- volved in the other relationships. ,___----------~------------- '/'
San Diego CA (San (?1egci Co,) San Diego Union (Cir . D. 21 7,089) (Cir. S. 341 ,840) I
Anaheim CA (Orange Co.) Anaheim Bulletin (Cir. D. 14,405) MAR
San Jose, CA (Santa Clara Co.) Mercury-New (AM Ed.) (Cir. 0 , 268,700) MAR 4- 9
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• The Institute for Christian Ministries at the University of San D~begin offering a master of arts in pastoral care and counseling next fall. According to institute di- rector, the Rev. Ron Pachence, the 36-unit degree will be earned through an inter-disciplinary program to meet the needs of part-time and full- time students who will take courses in thr~ areas: practical theology, counselmg and pastoral counseling. The program is open to people of all religious traditions. For information contact the Office of Graduate Ad- missions at 260-4524. • Richard C. Atkinson, chancellor of UCSD, will speak at 4 p.m. tomor- row at St. James by-the-Sea Episco- pal Church in La Jolla. Requested donation is $5. • Mission Hills First Congrega- tional Church will present an organ concert by John Pagett of First Con- gregational Church in Berkeley at 4 p.m. tomorrow. This is the first con- cert in a music series planned by the congi:egation.
1/ • Steve Garvey SA~~- Former baseball star Steve Garvey, embroiled in a paternity scandal involving two former lovers who say he got them pregnant, has resigned as a Universjtl,! ct aaA 9iego trustee. school officials said.
ignation would say if Garvey was asked to resign or why he did so. Dan Petrie, a spokesman for Roman Catholic Bishop Leo Maher, who is chairman of the university's board of trustees, said Garvey submit- ted his resignation last week- end.
Thursday by the private Gath- olic university, which con- firmed Garvey's resignation from the board of trustees, gave no reason for his depar- ture. A receptionist at Garvey's office in La Jolla said he was out of town Thursday and un- available for comment, and no one involved in the res-
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A short statement released
Associated Press
face Gonz,1ga (14 IJ 5-9) at 6 pm il'ld host l SF' 06-11, 8-6) r et Santa Clara (Ill 9, 7-7) at 8 pm Loyola Marymount I av<'ragmg an CAA record 114 7 points and r led h W AC player of the year Hank Gathers, \\ho L~ Jveraging 33 5 poml and 13 7 rebound to lead lh<' eountry 111 both d<'part- ment. Thl I.1 n al o have ht aid d by th 1·eturn of JUmor f r- w rd Bo Kimble (15 R points 3 2 rebound~). who 011 ed 13 games ,1ftcr und rgomg rthro eop1C.· kn( urgl'r\ m D rnbr.r , noth<'r learn br111gmg m mentum mt th tuurn.1ment Th Dons led by All-WC C cl c• t1on Mark kCathr1on (16.3 pomts. 7 4 r bound ), hav won three lra1ght gam 111C'<' an embar ra mg 88-50 I to Santa Clara nd have beaten <'Very m lh<' conf renee at lea t once S nta Clara. led by all-confer enC<' •lec:tlon J 'n Gordon (16 7 poml , 8.3 r bound ). has lost thnre of 11..! I 1 t five gam , but 1 ,·om mg oft a 92-79 vrrlur. over P(•p p rdm
S nt Clara (18 9 7-7) 11S 8 6) at USF 8 pm R d10 KSCU FM (103 3). KSFO 1560> Other gamH: St M rv s (24-3 12-2) 1/S Portland (2 25 2 12) 'loon, Pep- P rdm (18-11, 10-4) vs 5 n Diogo (8-19 2·12), 2 pm, Loyola M rymoun1 (17-10 10-4) 1/S Gonzsg (14-13 5-9!. 6 p m No radio or TV USF (16-11
Santa Maria, CA (Santa Barbara Co.) Santa Maria Times (Cir. D. 18,683)
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• .._ • -'• • vr 1 •• a~Vsf#Y resigns as unive sity trustee_ SAN DIEGO (AP) - Former baseball star weekend and turned in his resignation after a with ~endenhall and began a wh1rlwmd Steve rvey has resigned as a University of talk with the bishop. court~h1~ of Candace Thomas, 3?, whom he San Diego trustee in the aftermattrof-pttblici- The bishop, citing his "pastoral role," married m Deer Valley, Utah durmg the Feb. ty about a paternity scandal involving two won't discuss the motivation behind the 18-19 weekend. . . former lovers. resignation, Petrie said. Mendenhall claims she mformed Garvey . . . . of her pregnancy on Jan. 23, the same day he Officials at the private Catholic umve~sity Garvey, 40, a 10-time All Star who played called her to break their three-week engage- released a short statement Thursday confirm- first base for the Los Angeles Dodgers and ment ing Garvey's resignation from the board of San Diego Padres during a 17-year career, G · h 'd 'f 'th M d h II' f h' d arvey as sa1 1 e1 er en en a s or trustees. They gave no reason or is epar- was thrust into the national spotlight again the other woman's baby proves to be his, he ture. . . , . last week as the possible father of two would accept financial responsibility for their A receptiomst at Gar~ey s La Jolla office illegitmate children. support. His new bride also has said that if said Garvey was unavailable for comment One baby was born in San Diego to an either woman was unwilling to raise the Thursday. unidentified woman on Feb. 15. Also claiming children. she would take them. Dan Petrie, a spokesman for Bishop Leo a pregnancy by Garvey is Rebeck'a Menden- Also involved in the tangled affair is Maher, who is chairman of the university's hall of Atlanta, who works for the Cable News Judith Ross, a longtime girlfriend of Garvey board of trustees, said Garvey attended the Network. who said she had been seeing him while he board's annual r etreat at La Quinta last Garvey recently broke his engagement was involved in the other relationships. ~~--~---~----,-----L': _______ _J
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